Supreme Lord

Chapter 60

Time had passed very quickly.

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Gu Qingfeng refined the bronze flame very day and he occasionally teased the little turtle and the woman inside the crystal in his free time.

The bronze flame absorbed from inside the immortal cave had already been completely refined by him. He planned to wait a while for his body to recover a bit before finding a suitable opportunity for doing his Foundation Establishment.

With each day of recovery, his body and spirit were gradually getting stronger.

Moreover, he wasn’t in a hurry and the motto of his cultivation was to go with the flow. That was the true nature of someone that cultivated for freedom.

The only thing that annoyed him was that Huode hadn’t come back since he left last time. He heard from Fei Kui that Huode was outside trying to convince some powerful people and guest elders to side with him so he could reduce the casualties in case a conflict with Shuide and Jinde was unavoidable.

On this day Gu Qingfeng sat leisurely on a chair, basking in the sun and drinking wine. The little turtle was sitting lazily on the ground, sunbathing. Its eyes were half opened and it looked very sleepy.

Gu Qingfeng called the turtle out two times, but it never answered.

Gu Qingfeng thought that since the turtle had opened its spiritual wisdom, it should be able to communicate with him. However, every time he tried talking to it, the turtle ignored him.

Gu Qingfeng performed a spiritual art and tried to communicate with it and the little turtle opened its sleepy eyes and threw him a glance then it shrunk its neck back into the shell.

It was obviously ignoring him!

Gu Qingfeng could tell from the turtle’s expression that it simply did not place him in its eyes and a lowly human like Gu Qingfeng was not qualified to talk to him.

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This was a very arrogant turtle that definitely thought it had a very noble bloodline.

“Fine, ignore me.” Gu Qingfeng gulped his cup of wine in one go and smiled, “I’ll let you see what I’m capable of after I’ll redo my Foundation Establishment.”

Gu Qingfeng poured himself another drink, and before long, a fat man as round as a ball strolled inside the Spiritual Garden.

It was 1.5 meters-high fat man with shiny hair and a small beard and small eyes.

Fei Kui.

Despite Gu Qingfeng’s 500 years of cultivation where he had seen all kinds of oddities, someone with Fei Kui’s appearance was a first for him. Although he looked like a ball of meat, he still emanated a refined air from him as he sat there in his tailored-made black robe.

“Young Master, are you resting?”

Gu Qingfeng casually tilted his head and looked at Fei Kui with a faint smile on his face, “What’s up?”

“Haha, the inner sect’s tournament will start in a few days.”

“Can’t you just make all arrangements for me?”

“Young Master, I’m afraid you need to go and register in person.”

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“Why do I have to register?” Gu Qingfen had only been a janitor in the past and had never advanced into a higher position. He didn’t know much about those old sect rules, “Isn’t that tournament just an opportunity for the sect to test and motivate their disciples?”

“That’s true, however, we have other plans. Participating in the inner sect tournament doesn’t require registration, but fighting for a prime disciple position does.”

“I see.” Gu Qingfeng got up and lazily stretched out, “Okay, let’s go.”

As the days of the inner set tournament drew nearer day by day, the disciples who had been cultivating outside returned swarming and all the disciples who had been cultivating in seclusion had exited.

Every year on this day, the Redcloud Sect was buzzing with all sorts of exciting rumors.

Which prime disciple’s cultivation base had advanced, which prime disciple’s immortal art had been promoted, the probability of the twelve prime disciples being replaced, and so on so forth.

However, unlike the previous years, the prime disciples were no the most popular subject this year.

Ten days ago, Ouyang Ye had succeeded in her Foundation Establishment and took the spotlight for this tournament.

However, what got people crazy was the fact that she had established a Colored Foundation.

Ouyang Ye was a genius acclaimed in the entire Redcloud Sect. At the age of 18, she had established a Colored Foundation, which was an extremely rare thing in the Bluesun Domain.

However, this was not why she was known as a genius,

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While other disciples only cultivated one immortal art, Ouyang Ye cultivated four: martial skills, magic arts, sword arts, and formations. Moreover, she had high attainments in all of them and was the most proficient at formations.

Although Ouyang Ye’s cultivation base was not very high, she was still very strong. With her high proficiency in those four immortal arts, he had ranked 33rd in the last inner sect tournament.

It had to be known that at that time, her cultivation was only at the sixth level of the Connate Realm, while the cultivation base of the person that ranked 34th was at the second level of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

However, this wasn’t all.

The reason why Ouyang Ye became so famous after spending just two years in the Redcloud Sect was not because of her amazing talent or her high comprehension level, but because of her bloodline.

A bloodline was not something that could be obtained by luck or by cultivating. It was something bestowed by one’s ancestors.

No one knew exactly what bloodline Ouyang Ye possessed but many disciples had witnessed how strong it was one year ago.

Many people said that it would be very easy for Ouyang Ye to become a prime disciple just by relying on the power of her bloodline, but she wanted to reach this position due to her own efforts.

Now that Ouyang Ye had established a Colored Foundation, taking all of her other talents into consideration, she was qualified to compete for a prime disciple position even without using her bloodline.

After the news about her Colored Foundation started spreading, the disciples were debating whether or not she would compete for a prime disciple position.

Not only was a prime disciple extremely respected in the sect, but he would also gain a lot of privileges and cultivation resources. This was also a prerequisite for becoming a direct disciple.

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If someone were to become a direct disciple, then he would have countless resources and glory in the entire sect. Most importantly, only direct disciples could compete for becoming the Sect Master’s successor.

That meant becoming the next Sect Master of the Redcloud Sect and everybody wanted to seize that chance.

However, most of the disciples could only think about something like that.

In order to become a prime disciple, one had to defeat one of the current twelve primes disciples who were all extremely powerful disciples that stood at the top of the inner sect.

Even Huang Yao, the weakest prime disciple, was at the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm and had extraordinary martial skills attainments.

Of course, just because the primes disciples were extremely strong didn’t mean that no one dared to challenge them. Many of the people ranked high in the inner sect wanted to fight them and take their places.

The tournament would take place three days later, and those who wanted to register for competing against the prime disciples had to register before that.

Today was the first day of registration and five people had already registered.

All of them had ranked around the top 10 in the last tournament and they had high cultivation bases and high attainments in martial skills.

Quite a few disciples had gathered outside the hall and wanted to see who signed up for fighting against the prime disciples.

Just as everyone was talking, Ouyang Ye had appeared together with her master, Daoist Fei Xue.

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