Supreme Lord

Chapter 61

Just as her name implied, Daoist Fei Xue was as cold and arrogant as snow. Moreover, her arrogance was visible in the way she acted and talked. She did not even look at the disciples surrounding her as she walked through the crowd, as if they had no value in her eyes. (Fei Xue means flying snow.)

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Ouyang Ye on the other hand was smiling and greeting everyone around her. This was also one of the main reasons for her high popularity in the sect. She was not arrogant and was willing to help anyone.

“Disciple.” Daoist Fei Xue faintly said, “Don’t waste your time with them.”

Ouyang Ye nodded and follower her master into the courtyard.

“They have mediocre talent and are destined for mediocre lives. Why would you waste your time with them?”

Ouyang Ye pouted her mouth, “Master, they are my friends.”

“Friends?” Daoist Fei Xue shook her head disdainfully, “They are not qualified to be your friends.”

“Befriending them will only lower your status and even get you involved in unnecessary things. You are a proud daughter of Heaven, you need to befriend people with a status similar to yours because it will be helpful to your cultivation road.”

In Daoist Fei Xue’s mind, benefits towered above anything else.

Ouyang Ye was very disgusted by this mindset, but Fei Xue was after all her master and even though she didn’t agree with her, she could not mention it. Not to mention that Daoist Fei Xue and Ouyang Ye’s family had a good relationship.

“Also, you promised me that you will cut off all ties with that Gu kid, so why did you went to the Spiritual Garden right after you exited seclusion?”

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Ouyang Ye was tempted to say that Gu Qingfeng was not her sweetheart, but she had tried this countless times, however, Fei Xue simply did not believe her and was even more certain that Ouyang Ye only wanted to protect Gu Qingfeng.

Ouyang Ye was worried that her master would try to make things difficult for Gu Qingfeng so she said she had cut off all ties with him.

After leaving her seclusion she heard that Gu Qingfeng had become an inner sect disciple and defeated Li Can and cultivated the Thunderfire Art to the major cycle. This greatly amazed her and she went to the Spiritual Garden, but she could not find Gu Qingfeng.

“Disciple, you’d better give up on this childish love at first sight and stop deluding yourself. Since he failed his Foundation Establishment he is destined to be a trash for his entire life. Defeating Li Can and practicing the Thunderfire Art to the major cycle level won’t change this fact.”

“Moreover, he only defeated him due to his mutant body. He can only bully ordinary disciples, but in front of the prime disciples, he won’t even be able to put up a fight.”

“Master, please stop talking saying that people who had failed the Foundation Establishment are trash. I don’t like hearing this.”

Ouyang Ye did not care whether Gu Qingfeng was a trash or not. She only knew that he had impersonated Young Master Bloodflame in order to help her, and after coming to the Redcloud Sect he had encountered the wrath of Li Sen and Li can because of this, which made her extremely upset and guilty.

“You are still young and inexperienced. After you grow up, you will know that everything I’ve said today was for your well-being. You are a proud daughter of Heaven and have a great future…”

Daoist Fei Xue continued to speak but Ouyang Ye was no longer in the mood to listen to heer so he hurriedly walked into the hall.

There were a number of elders sitting inside the hall, including Elder Rende, who was also the one in charge of the tournament.

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Not only was he in charge of the inner sect examination, but he the main judge of many large and small tournaments. Including the inner sect tournament and the competition of the prime disciples.

Seeing Daoist Fei Xue and Ouyang Ye, Elder Rende played with the small white beard and smiled, “Miss Ouyang, I didn’t expect that you will come here just as we were discussing whether you would participate in the competition this year.”

Ouyang Ye was a genius, not only because she had a five-colored spiritual root, but also because she had a powerful bloodline. Now that she had established a Colored Foundation, her potential was inestimable.

Back when she entered the Redcloud Sect, Daoist Fei Xue proposed the Ouyang Ye should directly become a direct disciple, but Rende was against this, which greatly bothered Fei Xue.

Daoist Fei Xue had always been annoyed by Rende’s extreme righteous and fair attitude and the fact that he was constantly following the rules of the sect. Seeing Rende right now, she had a cold and haughty expression, “My disciple could compete for a prime disciple position a year ago but she didn’t want to use her bloodline.”

“Now she had established a Colored Foundation and all of her immortal arts have improved so even without using her bloodline, becoming a prime disciple is easy.”

None of the elders present had any objection to Fei Xue’s statement.

During last year’s inner sect tournament, they had all witnessed how an Ouyang Ye at the sixth level of the Connate Realm had defeated a disciple at the second level of the Foundation Establishment Realm by relying on her four immortal arts.

At this moment, a sudden commotion happened outside.

The crowd was puzzled and looked over and saw that two people entered the courtyard.

One was a short, fat man while the other one was a tall young man wearing a white robe. He had a faint smile on his face and was eating a Redleaf Demon Fruit.

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Everyone recognized them instantly.

The fat man was a major deacon of the inner sect, Fei Kui.

The white-robbed young man was none other than Gu Qingfeng.

“G-Gu Qingfeng?” Ouyang Ye was surprised after seeing Gu Qingfeng.

She hadn’t seen him for over a month but it looked like he didn’t change at all and he was still the same person he was a month ago.

He didn’t have the temperament that a man of his age should’ve had, and that eerie obscurity was still surrounding his body.

He still had that casual and indifferent appearance as well as a mild smile hanging on his face.

It was as if nothing had changed at all and he even had the clothes that she gave him at the Superb Villa.

“Oh, isn’t this Ouyang? Long time no see.” Gu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes and smiled, rather surprised, “A Colored Foundation, huh? Not bad, you have potential.”

“W-what are you doing here?”

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After eating the Redleaf Demon Fruit, Gu Qingfeng threw the pit into his storage bag, wiped his mouth and smiled, “Isn’t it obvious? I’m registering for competing against the prime disciples.”

Registering for competing against the prime disciples?

Ouyang Ye wondered if she had misheard. This was also the case for Daoist Fei Xue, Elder Rende and basically everyone present here.

“You have the audacity to register for competing against the prime disciples?” Daoist Fei Xue scolded, “Based on what qualifications?”

“What?” Gu Qingfeng glanced at Fei Kui next to him, “Do you need some specific qualifications to register for this stuff?”

Fei Kui shook his head, “All inner sect disciples are eligible to register.”

“Oh, and here I was thinking that you needed to be an immortal to register for this.”

It was obvious to Fei Kui that Gu Qingfeng was mocking Daoist Fei Xue and he laughed, “Well, maybe for some people only and immortal was qualified enough to register for competing against the prime disciples.”

“Fei Kui!” Daoist Fei Xue was enraged and shouted, “I take it that you’re tired of living!”

“Actually, I am a little tired of living.”

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