Supreme Lord

Chapter 63

Three days had passed by in a flash and it was time for the most wonderful battle: the fight among the prime disciples.

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It was a beautiful day, the sky was clear and the sun had just risen. Countless disciples had gathered around the arena where the battle was going to be held.

“Hey! Have you heard that Young Master Bloodflame is also going to participate in this battle?

“Rumors about this started spreading two days ago and now everyone in the sect is aware of this. That guy was just too arrogant and even said that the prime disciples were just some brats that he could easily defeat. Too ignorant!”

“Well, although he failed his Foundation Establishment, he still gained a mutant body out of it. He has a very strong body and practiced the Thunderfire Art to the major cycle. He even defeated Li Can who ranked 23rd in the inner sect.”

“You can’t even compare Li Can to the prime disciples because he’s nowhere close to them. All of them could easily defeat Li Can. It’s too ridiculous to even think that Gu Qingfeng has a chance against the prime disciple just because he beat up Li Can.”

“Many people say that Gu Qingfeng became retarded because of the immense shock of failing his Foundation Establishment. That’s why he’s so ignorant and keeps living inside a fantasy. That’s so unfortunate for a beauty like Ouyang Ye.”

“Yeah, that’s a shame. I heard that Daoist Fei Xue has been trying to break them apart but Ouyang Ye still loves Gu Qingfeng.”

As the crowd was discussing, the place suddenly went into an uproar because a group of people could be seen entering the arena.

They were all extremely famous disciples of the inner sect: Yun Hong, Ye Hui, Li Can and Li Sen.

They were led by a man around 30 years old that was somewhat familiar to Li Can and Li Sen. The only difference was that his demeanor was more majestic. He wore a green robe and his expression was rather gloomy, indicating that he was not someone that should be provoked.

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His name was Li Zheng and he was very popular in the Redcloud Sect.

Windshadow’s Li family had four young men that cultivated in Redcloud Sect, and they were known as the four heroes of the Li family: Li Sen, Li Can, Li Zheng and Li Wang.

Li Wang was a direct disciple and his fame had long ago been spread outside of the sect.

Li Zheng was also a famous character and he was the second strongest prime disciple, after Mu Zibai.

More importantly, he also had a Colored Foundation.

“I heard that Li Zheng had been in seclusion for one year and his cultivation base and martial skills attainments had skyrocketed.”

“I’ve also heard that he has reached the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm and attained the perfection level in five martial skills. He’s prepared to fight against Mu Zibai.”

“Yes, Mu Zibai is at the perfection level in six sword arts while Li Zheng had achieved the perfection level in five martial skills after just one year of seclusion… These people are really monstrous!”

“Last year he lost to Mu Zibai, but I’m really curious to see who is stronger this year.”

“It’s hard to say who is the stronger one. Mu Zibai is also at the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm, both of them have a Colored Foundation and Mu Zibai is proficient in sword arts while Li Zheng is proficient in martial skills.”

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As the crowd was talking three more people walked into the arena.

Those three were also celebrities of the Redcloud Sect and all of them were prime disciples: Huang Yao, Li Qiandong, as well as the elegant Mu Zibai.

As the saying goes, the meeting of enemies always sparked flames, and although Mu Zibai and Li Zheng were not really enemies, they were considered as such.

As the second prime disciple, Li Zheng had been suppressed a lot of time by Mu Zibai over the years so he was naturally very unhappy to see him, “Mu Zibai, I will take your position this year!”

“You will?” Facing Li Zheng’s provocation, Mu Zibai didn’t seem to care and smiled faintly, “We’ll see how that goes.”

“Mu Zibai, don’t be too proud of yourself! My third brother has been in seclusion for a year as has made great progress! He will definitely beat you to death this year!” Li Sen came forward and said in an arrogant tone.

“He just reached the perfection level in five martial skills, nothing more.” It was not Mu Zibai that spoke, but Huang Yao.

He continued in a disdainful tone, “Zibai has practiced six sword arts to the perfection level a long time ago.”

“Huang Yao! Who gave you the right to talk right now? You are the trashiest prime disciple!”

Although Li Sen’s cultivation base was not high, he did not fear Huang Yao who was the weakest of the twelve prime disciples.

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“Hmph, although I am the weakest prime disciple, I am still stronger than you.” Huang Yao laughed coldly, “I heard that not long ago, you were severely injured by some trash in the Redleaf Valley, and afterward Li Can tried to avenge you but ended up like yourself. That’s really hilarious.”

“Huang Yao, you’re courting death!”

What happened at the Redleaf Valley Li Sen’s scar and he immediately became enraged after Huang Yao mentioned it.

However, he did not attack Huang Yao, and he just sneered, “There’s something I know too. You three were beaten half to death in an immortal cave a month ago.”

As soon as Li Sen finished speaking, the faces of Huang Yao, Li Qiandong and even Mu Zibai had changed greatly.

If what happened in Redleaf Valley was Li Sen’s scar, then what happened in the immortal cave was their scar. They had asked Qing Ning to keep what happened inside the immortal cave a secret, and they had also given Huo Yong a lot of benefits so he could keep his mouth shut.

How did Li Sen found out?

Had Huo Yong betrayed them?

“Heh, did you really think that by buying Huo Yong you could hide what happened inside the immortal cave a secret?”

Li Sen deliberately raised his voice and then face the crowd as he said, “Perhaps you don’t know this, but a month ago, the chief of the prime disciple, Mu Zibai, along with Li Qiandong and Huang Yao had been beaten half to death in an immortal cave.”

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“Because they were afraid of losing face, they had spent a month outside the sect recuperating before daring to return to the sect. Haha.”

After Li Sen finished speaking, the entire crowd was thrown into chaos and began talking about this matter.

Huang Yao Qi’s face was ashen and had the urge to kill Li Sen on the spot. Li Qiandong also had an unsightly face, however, Mu Zibai still appeared to be calm and collected.

“That man was Golden Core senior that had cultivated for many years. He entered the immortal cave with us but after we found some treasures, he showed his greedy nature and attacked my junior brothers.”

“I had no choice but to fight him, and because his cultivation base was too high, I sustained some heavy injuries, but I also trapped that disgusting man inside the immortal cave.”

Mu Zibai was a shrewd man and began telling his side of the story with a moderate expression on his face. He portrayed himself as a brave and smart man who dared to fight against a Golden Core expert.

“Mu Zibai, oh, Mu Zibai, you’re really good at inventing stuff. That man was a Golden Core senior that wanted to steal your treasures? Hahaha! He was just a young man and he beat all three of you until you almost died!”

“He was a disgusting man that showed his greedy nature? That’s obviously the opposite! You wanted to steal his treasures but you ended up being beaten like some damn dogs! Mu Zibai, you are really a hypocrite!”

Mu Zibai assumed a calm expression and replied, “That’s just Huo Yong deliberately slandering me.”

“Deliberately slandering you? Then shall I ask Huo Yong to come here right now and have a direct confrontation?”

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