Supreme Lord

Chapter 64

Mu Zibai, Li Qiandong and Huang Yao had been viciously beaten by a mysterious young man?

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The crowd found this statement extremely hard to believe because the three of them were extremely powerful prime disciples with a high cultivation base. Moreover, Mu Zibai had a Colored Foundation and a Colored Spirit Protection.

Mu Zibai and Li Zheng continued to attack each other with words as if they were at war, but their dispute had been settled right after the elders entered the arena.

The arrival of the elders also signaled the beginning of the competition of the prime disciples.

This competition was a major event in the Redcloud Sect, therefore a lot of elders had arrived to watch the fights. All the forty deacons of the inner sect had come, and apart from Elder Rende who was in charge of the competition, some famous seniors and like Elder Mude, Elder Fei Xue, and Guang Yuan were also present.

The rules of the competition were very simple: you registered and picked a stick to find out who would be your opponent. If you won, you took his place.

Although those rules seemed cruel, they were very fair and they were meant to encourage all disciples. The normal disciples had to cultivate diligently if they wanted to become a prime disciple, and the prime disciples also had to work hard if they wanted to maintain their position.

Just like in the past, a lot of disciples registered for this competition. There were more than 30 disciples here and all of them ranked in the top in the last tournament.

All of them were extremely powerful and had high cultivation bases and were proficient in many immortal arts, but unfortunately, they still couldn’t be compared to the prime disciples.

After just two hours, half of the disciples that had registered for the competition had been defeated. Moreover, the people that had picked Mu Zibai or Li Zheng in the lottery simply gave up without even fighting.

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This left Elder Rende greatly disappointed, “Although Mu Zibai and Li Zheng are very powerful, those disciples don’t even have the courage to fight them! They gave up right after they drew the sticks!”

“If they had picked other people would they have chosen to fight? Do they want to become a prime disciple just by relying on their luck? Sigh, they don’t have the tiniest bit of courage… This is disappointing.”

Elder Rende shook his head and sighed, trying to hide his anger, “Those disciples that don’t even have the courage to fight would not be allowed to register again.”

The competition continued and several more people were defeated.

Elder Rende shook his head and sighed again, “All of them are just pointlessly trying their luck… We’ve told them many times that the Foundation Establishment Realm is different than the Connate Realm.”

“Every level in the Foundation Establishment Realm was like a deep hole. The difference between a disciple at the fourth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm and a disciple at the sixth level was not just as simple as the disparity between two levels. The distance between those two levels was like the distance of two mountains.”

Not far away, Tan Siru, who was standing next to Daoist Fei Xue, smiled, “Junior sister, id you hear what Elder Rende said?”

“What do you mean?” Ouyang Ye, who was next to her, asked somewhat puzzled.

“Hehe, nothing in particular. I was just saying that your sweetheart is too arrogant and ignorant. Just because he defeated Li Can he thinks he worthy enough of challenging the prime disciples.”

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“Li Can is at the fourth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm, while Huang Yao is at the sixth level. Your sweetheart shouldn’t think that that disparity between them is just that of two levels, right? Haha.”

Ouyang Ye ignored her and continued to watch the fight on the arena. And as it happened, Huang Yao was fighting a disciple at the fifth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Although they were just one level apart in cultivation bases, the strength of the spiritual force within them was like the difference between Heaven and earth. It was just like Elder Rende had said: the difference between every level in the Foundation Establishment Realm was like a mountain.

That disciple was simply not an opponent for Huang Yao and he was very easily defeated.

Moreover, Huang Yao himself was too powerful. He had practiced three violent martial skills to the pinnacle level. If he didn’t strike with the Thunderous Palm, then he used the Darkbane Palm.

Looking at Huang Yao’s fight, Ouyang Ye began to worry and wondered why had Gu Qingfeng chosen to fight in this competition.

Although he had a powerful body and had practiced the Thunderfire Art to the major cycle, it was still useless.

Everyone knew that magic arts weren’t good for fighting unless you practiced several of them. Knowing only one magic art was useless if you couldn’t defeat your opponent after using it.

Magic arts weren’t as erratic as martial skills, nor as powerful and swift as sword arts, nor as unpredictable as formations.

On the arena, that disciple at the fifth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm was beaten so badly that blood was gushing out of his mouth and nose, however, Huang Yao did not stop.

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He let out a roar and light flashed on his left hand, then thunder began crackling in the center of his left palm. At the same time, black mist began emanating from his right palm.

Thunderous Palm and Darkbane Palm!

These were two skills that Huang Yao had practiced to the pinnacle level and could bring 54 profundities out of them.


That disciple was hit by Huang Yao’s palms and he was sent flying with blood spurting out of his mouth. When he landed on the arena, his body was lacerated and had more than 20 wounds.

Too cruel!

Ouyang Ye couldn’t bear to look at this scene and was worried about Gu Qingfeng.

“How dare you challenge me! You’re just courting death!” Huang Yao stood in the arena with a haughty expression on his face.

Perhaps because he wanted to recover the face he had lost earlier when the matter about the immortal cave was exposed, he glared at Li Zheng, “Is there anyone in the world that can injure me when I use the Thunderous Palm and Darkbane Palm?”

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This statement was a bit too crazy and arrogant, but looking at that disciple who had experienced those two palms, everyone knew that Huang Yao had the qualification of being arrogant.

“Who is the next person that wants to challenge me? Get your ass on the arena right now!”

Above the arena, Elder Rende twisted the beard on his chin and nodded in praise, “I never imagined that someone like Huang Yao could perform the Thunderous Palm and Darkbane Palm at the same time.”

“The power of an attack of two martial skills brought to the pinnacle level was really extraordinary. The disciples of our sect should strive to be as creative as Huang Yao.”

The surrounding elders also nodded and praised, feeling that Huang Yao was indeed a disciple worth cultivating.

Elder Rende asked, “Who’s next?”

“Gu Qingfeng!” A deacon responded.

After hearing this name, Ouyang Ye’s heart suddenly sank, while Tan Siru began laughing.

“Hehe, junior sister, it seems like your sweetheart is going to challenge Huang Yao next. I’m really curious if Gu Qingfeng would beat up Huang Yao, or it would be the opposite.”

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