Supreme Lord

Chapter 65

On the arena, Huang Yao was haughtily roaring for the next opponent to come. Since everything that had happened in the immortal cave was exposed, he desperately needed to show his strength to everyone so he could regain his face.

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However, despite his shouting, Gu Qingfeng still did not appear on the arena, but just as the crowd began talking that he was afraid to fight, a silhouette slowly made his way towards the arena.

“Look, it’s Gu Qingfeng! He is here!”

The crowd looked over and saw two people walking towards the arena,

One of them was a short and fat man, and everyone recognized him as a deacon of the inner sect, Fei Kui.

The other one was a tall young man that looked to be around 20 years old. He wore a white robe and had an obscure serenity around him that no man his age should have.

As he slowly walked towards the arena, his expression was calm but his eyes were a bit squinted, giving the impression that he was somewhat lackadaisical.

He was none other than Gu Qingfeng.

When he appeared, all eyes were focused on him. Some looked at him with interest, some with disdain, some with anger, some with worry, and some with shock.

Most of the people watching were looking with interesting eyes because they were impatiently waiting for the show that was about to happen in the arena.

The disdainful ones were naturally from Daoist Fei Xue and Tan Siru, while the angry ones were from the Li brothers, Yun Hong and Ye Hui. They had all been beaten up by Gu Qingfeng so naturally, the hate they had for him run to their marrow.

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“Third brother, he’s Gu Qingfeng!” Li Sen glared at Gu Qingfeng, the man who stole his love and humiliated him. He had the urge to run to him and tear him to shreds.

“It looks like there’s nothing special about him.” Li Zheng’s face was gloomy, and his eyes were similar to a snake’s as he stared at Gu Qingfeng, “However, since he dared to go against our family, I will make him pay the price.”

Above the arena, Li Ziheng and Guang Yuan were looking at that white-robbed young man with an unsightly expression on their faces. After Li Sen was beaten up, they went to the Spiritual Garden to teach Gu Qingfeng a lesson, but they were ruthlessly reprimanded by Huode. Since then, they started hating Gu Qingfeng.

Elder Mude asked, “If I remember correctly, his body mutated due to him failing his Foundation Establishment, right? How come he is here competing against the prime disciples?”

He still clearly remembered that more than a month ago, he thought that he found a talented disciple with a Fire Spiritual Root after the Blazing Flamingo had inexplicably rushed over to Gu Qingfeng. However, what he found was a man that had failed the Foundation Establishment.

Elder Rende responded, “I don’t know. Although he failed his Foundation Establishment, he still has a very high comprehension level and he even practiced the Thunderfire Art to the major cycle.”

“I see.” Elder Mude lightly shook his head, “What a pity.”

No one in the arena noticed that when Gu Qingfeng appeared, there were three people whose faces became more unsightly as time went by. They were completely shocked, as if they had seen a ghost.

They were Mu Zibai, Li Qiandong, and the man who was currently in the arena, Huang Yao.

They could never forget what happened inside the immortal cave a month ago and they still clearly remembered all the events that took place there. That ruthlessness of that mysterious man had been deeply engraved in their minds and they could never forget it. Apart from the anger they had towards him, there was also a deep fear.

When they had returned to the sect, they planned to enter seclusion and enhance their cultivation bases in order to take revenge against that mysterious man.

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However, they never had expected that the mysterious man from the immortal cave was actually a disciple of the Redcloud Sect. Moreover, he was competing for a prime disciple position!

The three of them started panicking immediately after seeing Gu Qingfeng, and this was especially true for Huang Yao. As Gu Qingfeng got closer and closer to the arena, Huang Yao’s breathing became heavier and it was as if the air had frozen and he could only hear the sound of Gu Qingfeng’s footsteps.

Elder Rende started the fight.

Li Zheng stood up and said faintly, “Huang Yao, don’t go too hard on him, I still have a personal grudge with him that has not been resolved.”

Everyone knew that Li Zheng’s personal grudge was the fact that Gu Qingfeng had injured Li Sen and Li Can. It was obvious that Li Zheng didn’t want Huang Yao to cripple Gu Qingfeng just yet.

“Yo, junior sister, it looks like your sweetheart is very popular.” Tan Siru sneered, “I wonder if he can stay alive after today.”

Ouyang Ye glared at her in anger, but she was extremely nervous inside.

She watched nervously as the crowd cheered and was looking forward to seeing Gu Qingfeng’s power. They all wanted to see what gave him the confidence to say that he could easily defeat the prime disciples.

Everyone waited for a while, but Huang Yao still did not attack.

Not only were the disciples getting a bit restless, but even the elders were starting to become impatient.

Daoist Guang Yuan reminded him, “Huang Yao, what are you waiting for? The fight has already begun .”

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Li Ziheng also shouted, “Huang Yao, attack!”

Although the elders were urging him, Huang Yao still did not attack!

The Huang Yao from moments ago was extremely haughty but at this moment his face was completely pale and he just stood there, as if he was petrified. Beads of sweat had appeared on his forehead as he stared at that white-robbed man in horror.

He was horrified by Gu Qingfeng!

The crowd could understand why the former arrogant Huang Yao was so frightened right now. His legs were trembling uncontrollably and his clothes were drenched in cold sweat.

Seeing this scene, the elders just looked at each other in bewilderment and shock.

“Huang Yao, what are you afraid of?” Daoist Fei Xue frowned, “Why don’t you attack him!”

Attack Gu Qingfeng?

Huang Yao didn’t dare to do such a thing.

How could he dare to attack when a month ago he witnessed how Gu Qingfeng destroyed Mu Zibai’s Colored Spiritual Protection with just one slap. Everything that had happened in the immortal cave was still fresh in his mind.

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Moreover, for some unknown reason, he felt extremely cold as he was looking at the young man in front of him. It was as if he had fallen into an infinite abyss and he couldn’t stop himself from trembling.

Gu Qingfeng, who was just there standing quietly frowned slightly and squinted his eyes as he looked at Huang Yao. He shook his head and said, “Alright, just give up and leave.”

Hearing his words, the crowd was slightly stunned at first, but then they started to think that Gu Qingfeng was simply too crazy.

Just as everyone thought this scene was a bit strange, something unbelievable happened.

Huang Yao looked as if he was making a very difficult decision and he suddenly took a deep breath and opened his mouth but the words just wouldn’t come out. After a brief moment, he said in a trembling voice, “I…I g-give…up…”

The crowd erupted into a frenzy after hearing his words.

No one knew why Huang Yao was so scared and much less why he suddenly gave up on this fight.

Huang Yao, one of the prime disciples of the Redcloud Sect gave up without even fighting! This was too unbelievable.

Although Gu Qingfeng had a strong body and had practiced the Thunderfire Art to the major cycle, and even if he defeated Li Can, he was still nothing when compared to Huang Yao, a prime disciple at the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm with amazing martial skills.

In his earlier fight, Huang Yao had said that no one could injure him while he used the Thunderous Palm and Darkbane Palm, however, the same Huang Yao had now given up.

Elder Render seemed to be extremely shocked by this scene and he asked in an unbelievable tone, “Huang Yao, y-you give up?”

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