Supreme Lord

Chapter 66

“I…give…up…” Huang Yao wanted to leave but his legs just weren’t listening to him.

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“Why did you give up?” Elder Rende asked the question that everyone wanted to know the answer to.

However, Huang Yao did not answer the question.

“Are you sure about this? If you give up he will take your place as a prime disciple.” Daoist Fei Xue was also extremely bewildered, “Why did you give up without fighting?”

Because there was no need for a fight, and I also didn’t dare to fight him.

Huang Yao knew that if he fought Gu Qingfeng, he would lose not only his position as a prime disciple, but his face would also be utterly destroyed. He would rather give up his position than being beaten half to death in front of so many people!

After giving up, Huang Yao walked off the arena.

This was an outcome that no one had expected and understood.

Was it possible that Huang Yao had fought with Gu Qingfeng before and lost?

Even if that was the case, this was after all a battle for the prime disciple position and yet Huang Yao didn’t even dare to fight Gu Qingfeng.

They wondered if Gu Qingfeng was so powerful that Huang Yao thought that fighting would be useless.

Fei Kui didn’t understand what was happening either.

He raised his head and looked at Huang Yao’s departing figure, then he moved his vision towards Gu Qingfeng. Without thinking much, he walked up next to him and said to the elders,” Elder Rende, according to the rules, since Huang Yao had given up, Gu Qingfeng would take his place as a prime disciple.”

That was true.

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According to the rules, if a prime disciple was defeated or he gave up, his challenger would take his position. However, despite the rules, many people hated Gu Qingfeng and didn’t want him to become a prime disciple.

Daoist Guang Yuan came forward and objected, “This matter is too fishy. There’s no reason why Huang Yao would give up.”

Li Ziheng protested too, “That’s true, this is too strange. He shouldn’t be made a primed disciple until we figure out what happened.”

Daoist Fei Xue naturally joined them and spoke in her usual indifferent tone,  “Huang Yao probably gave up because something happened with his spiritual force so he wasn’t able to fight right now.”

“There’s no need to put up so many excuses. At the end of the day, he gave up.” Fei Kui fought back, “If every prime disciple that can’t defeat someone were to say that something happened with his spiritual force wouldn’t that make our rules useless?”

“Huang Yao is a powerful man, why would he give up if there wasn’t something wrong with him?” Guang Yuan, Li Ziheng, and Daoist Fei Xue strongly opposed Gu Qingfeng’s promotion to a prime disciple.

Although Fei Kui tried fighting back, it was useless because there were many more elders that were against Gu Qingfeng’s promotion.

“There is indeed something fishy about this whole thing.” Elder Mude was puzzled, “I’m afraid he won’t be able to convince the masses if he is promoted directly.”

“This….” Elder Rende was also hesitating.

Fei Kui wanted to say something else but he was stopped by Gu Qingfeng.

He looked at Daoist Fei Xue, Guang Yuan, Li Ziheng, and the other elders and a disdainful smile appeared on his face, “You’re trying to find all these retarded excuses when it’s obvious that you just don’t like me so you don’t want to promote me to a prime disciple.”

“Impudent child!” Guang Yuan stood up and shouted.

Daoist Fei Xue also shouted, “You puny disciple, how dare you disrespect us!”

“Gu Qingfeng, we have always been fair and impartial, but this matter is…”

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Gu Qingfeng wasn’t interested in listening so he interrupted him, “Enough! It’s useless to talk about this so just answer my question. Can I become a prime disciple if my opponent gave up?”


“I’m asking you if I can or can’t become a prime disciple!”


Gu Qingfeng interrupted him again, “Yes or no!”

Seeing how Gu Qingfeng kept interrupting Elder Render, some people began shouting,  “How dare you! What’s with this attitude!”

“My attitude is actually very polite.” Gu Qingfeng sneered.

He would not have even bothered to follow the rules if Huode hadn’t told him to do so before leaving.

Elder Rende’s face wasn’t too good as he replied, “For the time being, I don’t know why Huang Yao gave up so you can’t become a prime disciple because the masses won’t be convinced. We’ll make a decision after we investigate this event.”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice sank, “You don’t need to investigate, I will tell you why he gave up. Huang Yao knows he is not a match for me because we have fought before, so he obviously gave up.”

“You’re saying Huang Yao isn’t your opponent? What a big joke!” Daoist Fei Xue lashed out, “He is at the sixth level of the Foundati-”

Gu Qingfeng interrupted her and looked down the arena as he shouted in a stern voice, “Huang Yao, is what I said true?”

Huang Yao was stupefied and became even more panicked.

Gu Qingfeng was not in a good mood at all. He was already not happy that he had to participate in this tournament against the prime disciples, but after seeing how retarded were those elders, his patience was almost gone.

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Seeing that Huang Yao was silent, Gu Qingfeng suddenly shouted, “Speak!”

Instantly, the horrified Huang Yao dropped on the ground and said in a trembling voice, “Y-yes…h-he is telling…the truth…I-I am n-not his opponent…”

Elder Rende, Elder Mude, Guang Yuan, Fei Xue, Li Ziheng as well as the crowd were incomparably stunned after seeing this scene.

“So? Do you all understand now?” Gu Qingfeng looked very different than when he first entered the arena.

In the beginning, he was calm and even had a gentle smile on his face, but now, although his expression was still composed, his smile had already faded away and only impatience could be seen on his face.

“Li Ziheng, is it still fishy that he gave up?”

“Guang Yuan, is there still something strange about him giving up?”

“Fei Xue, did something happen with his spiritual force?”

“Elder Rende, do you now understand why he gave up?”

Gu Qingfeng swept his eyes over all the elders and questioned them, however, they were all speechless and no one knew how to respond.

Daoist Fei Xue sneered disdainfully, “Even though Huang Yao lost to you before, we can’t count it for today’s battle.”

“Alright, if it can’t count for today’s battle, then I will show you something that can count!”

Gu Qingfeng swept his eyes over the crowd, then he pointed at Li Qiandong and Mu Zibai and shouted, “If I remember correctly, you two are also prime disciples. Get on the arena and I’ll give you another chance!”

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Mu Zibai and Li Qiandong’s faces changed dramatically and they became extremely panicked.

Li Qiandong no longer had the coldness he had before, and Mu Zibai had his previous elegance and calmness.

Looking at the frightened Li Qiandong and Mu Zibai, the crowd was baffled.

This scene was extremely strange!

Although they found it bizarre that Huang Yao was so terrified of Gu Qingfeng, that was still acceptable to them. However, why was someone like Li Qiandong afraid too?

Why was Mu Zibai, the chief of the prime disciples, someone at the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm that had a Colored Foundation and had practiced six sword arts to the perfection realm so afraid at this moment?

How could someone like him be afraid?

“Get your asses on the arena!” Gu Qingfeng let out a furious shout.



Li Qiandong and Mu Zibai were so afraid that they collapsed on the ground, “I…give up…”

“I…give up…too…”


Seeing this scene, the crowd was completely shocked and Rende, Mude, Fei Xue and Guang Yuan all stood up with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

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