Supreme Lord

Chapter 67

There was complete silence in the arena!

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Not one person spoke!

Everyone was just staring at the scene in front of them with unbelievable expressions and their mouths open, expressing their utter shock at what happened.

They were already very surprised because Huang Yao had given up, but now even Li Qiandong and Mu Zibai followed into his steps.

Was it possible that they had lost to Gu Qingfeng too, just like Huang Yao did?

That seemed so impossible that they couldn’t even think about it, after all, everyone was well aware of the strength of Mu Zibai and Li Qiandong. Moreover, Gu Qingfeng had just a strong body.

Even if his body was strong enough to defeat Li Qiandong and Huang Yao, no one believed that he could defeat Mu Zibai who had a Colored Spirit Protection that even daoists found hard to injure.

How could someone like that be defeated?

However, looking at those three prime disciples kneeling and trembling on the ground, everyone felt strange and thought that even if they had been defeated by Gu Qingfeng, they shouldn’t have been afraid of him to this extent.

Just one shout from Gu Qingfeng had caused them to kneel on the ground in fear, this was simply unbelievable!

“Well? Gu Qingfeng stood on the arena with his hands by his side, and although his expression was still calm, there was a tinge of anger in his eyes and his gentle tone had changed to a more domineering one.

He stared at Daoist Fei Xue and shouted, “Since Huang Yao doesn’t count, what about those two?”

At this moment, Fei Xue’s usually cold and haughty face was slightly pale and unsightly. Next to her, Ouyang Ye was petrified and her mouth hung open as she stared at Gu Qingfeng in disbelief.

Gu Qingfeng’s fierce eyes swept over all the elders and questioned, “Do you have any more objections?”

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Right now, no one could mention any objections!

Three prime disciples, including the chief, were kneeling on the ground in fear and had voluntarily given up on fighting against Gu Qingfeng.

How could anyone have any objection against that?

“G-Gu Qingfeng…” Elder Rende’s voice was somewhat strange after witnessing this scene.

“Since all three of them had given up, you naturally can be become a prime disciple. It’s just that this whole matter is too strange. Moreover, it’s unclear when you had fought with those three, and we don’t know if you had any external help…”

As soon as Elder Rende’s finished speaking, Daoist Fei Xue immediately continued “Everyone knows that a mutant body is extremely strong, however, that’s just compared to ordinary people. I don’t believe that Mu Zibai was defeated by someone with a puny mutant body!”

Guang Yuan sneered, “I don’t believe it either. He must have used some powerful magical treasure or a formation and trapped Mu Zibai.”

Li Ziheng also chimed in, “There’s no way he could’ve defeated Mu Zibai without any external help. This is too fishy!”

All elders thought that Gu Qingfeng had used some type of external help in order to defeat Mu Zibai.

“Gu Qingfeng, we don’t have anything against you, but there are too many strange things about this matter. I’m afraid that it would be somewhat unfair and the masses won’t be convinced if you become a prime disciple.”

On the arena, Gu Qingfeng suddenly burst out laughing after hearing that statement, “Hahaha!”

“I had external help? I used a powerful magical treasure or I trapped him with a formation? It would be unfair and the masses wouldn’t be convinced?”


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Gu Qingfeng’s laughter was quite unrestrained, maniacal and disdainful.

His laughter stopped and his originally squinted eyes gradually opened and a smile appeared on his face as he swept his vision over the elders.

He didn’t speak anything to them but instead, he turned around and looked at the other nine prime disciples and pointed his finger at one of them, “You’re prime disciple too, right? Come here!”

“You too, come here!”

“You, you, and you! All of you come here!”

Was he planning on fighting against the remaining nine prime disciples?

“What’s up? You don’t dare to come?” Gu Qingfeng had an indifferent expression while he undid his collar.

His gaze fell on Li Zheng and said, “I remember you. You’re from the Li family, right? A few moments ago you told Huang Yao to go easy on me because you had an unresolved grudge against me. Come here, I will give you a chance to settle it right now.”

“You!” Li Zheng stood up but his expression was a little afraid.

Yes, afraid!

Although he wasn’t afraid of Gu Qingfeng, the fact that Mu Zibai, Huang Yao and Li Qiandong had knelt down and were trembling on the ground made him somewhat scared.

Gu Qingfeng rolled up his sleeves and looked at Li Zheng, ”What’s wrong? You don’t dare?”

Li Zheng took a deep breath and assumed a composed appearance, but he was actually struggling inside, “You think I’m afraid of you?”

‘Should I fight him or not? Even Mu Zibai didn’t dare to fight him and he just knelt in front of him… But if I don’t do it, my face will be sweeping the floor…However, he definitely used some external help, there’s no way he defeated them by himself.’

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Thinking up to here, Li Zheng clenched his teeth and shouted, “Let’s see what you’re capable of!”

Having said that, Li Zheng leaped up in the arena and immediately activated his Colored Spirit Protection and operated the spiritual force within his body. He knew that there was something strange about Gu Qingfeng so he instantly used his full power.

A multi-colored light was surrounding his body and his hands suddenly brandished his hands at Gu Qingfeng, which caused multiple ferocious waves of light to head towards him.

That was Wrathful Stormy Waves, a martial skill that Li Zheng had practiced to the perfection realm, and was capable of bringing out 63 profundities from this move.

This was his full-power strike!

Gu Qingfeng had no plans to wait for Li Zheng’s attack to hit him so he took one step forward and kicked out towards Li Zheng.


With one simple kick, Li Zheng’s Wrathful Stormy Waves and Colored Spirit Protection had been instantly destroyed while he was sent flying. After landing on the ground, he lay there in an unconscious state like a dead dog, with blood gushing out of his seven orifices.

A simple kick that had no spiritual force behind it was all it took for Li Zheng’s full-power strike to be utterly defeated and for him to end up in that state.

Once again, the arena fell into a dead silence.

Everything that had happened was too fast, too crazy and too unbelievable.

No one would have thought that Li Zheng, the second most powerful prime disciple that was at the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm and had a Colored Spirit Protection would faint after one kick from Gu Qingfeng.

He didn’t even have the power to struggle!

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Looking at how Li Zheng was sitting on the ground like a dead dog, the crowd moved their eyes towards the kneeling trio of Mu Zibai, Huang Yao and Li Qiandong and finally understood why they were so scared of Gu Qingfeng and had chosen to give up.

That young man was too cruel and brutal!

All of them were horrified after witnessing how Gu Qingfeng had shattered Li Zheng’s Colored Spirit Protection and martial skill with a simple kick.

Gu Qingfeng turned around and glared at the elders above the arena, “So? Did I have any external help? Did I use any powerful magical treasures? Did I use a formation to trap him?”

The elders couldn’t say anything at this moment because they had clearly seen that not only did Gu Qingfeng not use any external help, but he didn’t even use spiritual force.

Gu Qingfeng questioned them again, “Are the masses convinced now?”

The expressions of all elders were unsightly right now and they were simply at a loss for words.

With a fierce and domineering expression, Gu Qingfeng looked at the elders and shouted, “All of you motherfuckers act like respectable elders when in fact you are just a bunch obstinate and ignorant bastards that have no real ability and all you can do is fight for puny advantages.”

“You impudent child!”


“What did you just say, you heretic disciple?!”

Above the arena, all elders were greatly enraged, and even Rende was trembling with anger.

“I’m impudent? If it wasn’t for Huode constantly telling me to not act up, I would have already killed every single one of you, motherfuckers!”

Unknowingly, Gu Qingfeng’s serene and gloomy eyes had become as dangerous as the waves of a raging tsunami. He pointed at the elders above the arena, “There’s no need to hold back. If anyone of you is not convinced, then get the fuck down on the arena!”

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