Supreme Lord

Chapter 68

That statement was too maniacal and arrogant!

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Although the people present here had seen many audacious and crazy disciples over the years, someone as arrogant as Gu Qingfeng was a first for them too.

Looking at how he pointed his finger at the elders and told them to enter the arena if they aren’t convinced, the crowd was utterly stunned by his madness and courage.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Ye was terrified and felt her scalp going numb.

Fei Kui was also shocked to the point of trembling. Although he knew that Gu Qingfeng had to be extraordinary since Elder Huode chose him to fight for becoming the Sect Master’s successor, Fei Kui didn’t imagine that he would dare to publicly curse the elders of the Redcloud Sect.

Not too far away, Li Ziheng put down the heavily injured Li Zheng then let out an angry roar and rushed over to Gu Qingfeng, “Little bastard, give me your life!”

Three of the Li family’s young masters that cultivated in the Redcloud Sect had been severely injured by Gu Qingfeng.

When Li Sen was beaten up, Li Ziheng had no choice but to retreat since Huode intervened.

When Li Can was beaten up, Li Ziheng couldn’t do anything because it happened at the inner sect examination and Elder Rende was present.

Now, after Li Zheng had been beaten up, as a senior of the Li family, Li Ziheng could no longer suppress his anger and charged at Gu Qingfeng.

He crazily operated his spiritual force and he brandished out his hands that were similar to tiger claws and he grabbed towards Gu Qingfeng.

As an outer sect elder, Li Ziheng had cultivated for several dozens of years and had established his true body, deeming him worthy of the title ‘Daoist’. Although his talent wasn’t particularly high, as a member of the Li family, he benefited from tons of resources which allowed him to bring his spiritual force and martial skills to an exquisite level, making him extremely powerful.

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Before long, Li Ziheng’s tiger-like claws that contained unbelievable power were about to reach Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng’s expression was extremely cold and he spoke in a domineering tone, “An ant like you wants to take my life?”

When Li Ziheng attacked, Gu Qingfeng suddenly punched out!

This punch was similar to a dragon emerging from the sea, it was as fast as lightning and its power enveloped the entire arena. With this punch, Li Ziheng’s martial skill was instantly shattered!

“Aaah!’ Li Ziheng cried out and blood spurted out of his mouth and nose and his chest caved in, then a fist mark appeared on his back!

Li Ziheng’s martial skill and spiritual force protection had been destroyed by a simple punch that had no spiritual force behind it! Moreover, even his true body had been injured!

Everything had happened in a flash, but things were far from over.

Just as Li Ziheng was sent flying by Gu Qingfeng’s punch, Gu Qingfeng took a big step and arrived in front of him and grabbed him by the neck. Along with a bang, he slapped Li Ziheng straight on the top of his head, causing him to bleed out of all of his orifices!

Gu Qingfeng slapped him one more time, “Kneel down!”


Li Ziheng fell on his knees, with his entire body was covered in blood, moreover, he could no longer breathe.

Too fast and too crazy!

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No one knew what happened because the crowd still had the image of Li Ziheng attacking Gu Qingfeng in their heads, but all of a sudden he was kneeling on the ground in front of Gu Qingfeng.

Everything that had happened was simply too sudden and too cruel!

Everything was over with just a simple punch.

Li Ziheng, someone that had cultivated for a few dozens of years and had established his true body, someone with immeasurable spiritual force and high martial attainments was currently kneeling in front of Gu Qingfeng.

No one knew if he was dead or alive, but no one cared about this matter at this moment.

Everyone was utterly stupefied as they looked at the scene in front of them. Their minds seemed to have frozen and all that was left was a blank space.

Although they knew that Gu Qingfeng had a mutant body that granted him an unbelievable amount of power, they never would’ve thought that his power would be as high as this!

Not only did he destroy Mu Zibai’s and Li Zheng’s Colored Spirit Protection, but he also defeated Li Ziheng, someone who had established his true body and had a profound reserve of spiritual force. And he did it with one punch!

It wasn’t that the elders present here were not experienced, but the truth was that this scene was too shocking. Gu Qingfeng’s power was already far beyond their comprehension! It was as if they had witnessed an ant lifting an elephant, which was truly unimaginable!

Yes, it was unimaginable!

They had all seen many mutant bodies and they have read many pieces of information about this type of body from various ancient books, but Gu Qingfeng’s power defied every knowledge they had about mutant bodies.

“Aaah-” Li Ziheng, who was kneeling on the ground, let out a deranged howl and his internal spiritual force erupted like a storm and he wanted to get up, but his spiritual force was dispersed by another slap from Gu Qingfeng.

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“You heretic disciple! Stop!”

Daoist Fei Xue and Daoist Guang Yuan prepared to stop Gu Qingfeng, but just as they were about to move, a silhouette had inexplicably appeared in the air. That silhouette waved its hand and light flickered towards Fei Xue and Guang Yuan, blocking their path.

The person who came was an old man dressed in a grey robe. His appearance was somewhat messy and his hair was disheveled.

It was none other than Elder Huode.

Guang Yuan didn’t think that Huode would suddenly appear here, so he was at a loss for words, “Elder Huode, you….”

Huode didn’t pay any attention to them and his gaze landed on Gu Qingfeng and Li Ziheng.

The corner of his mouth was involuntarily twitching as he looked at Li Ziheng who was kneeling while his whole body was covered in blood.

‘Fuck, that was close! Good thing I got here very fast, otherwise, something bad would have happened!’

Gu Qingfeng took out a handkerchief from his storage bag and wiped the blood from his hand. He was not surprised at the appearance of Huode and he spoke in an indifferent tone, “Oh, how come you remembered to come back?”

Huode had an ill-humored expression on his face and wanted to say something, but in the end, he just shook his head and sighed, “Brat…I mean Ancestor Gu, please…don’t do it…Let’s just go back and talk.”

Go back and talk?

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Huode’s words left everyone in the arena a little confused.

Gu Qingfeng had almost killed Li Ziheng, an outer sect elder, how could this matter be over like this?

As soon as the elders heard that Huode planned to take Gu Qingfeng away, they immediately became restless. Li Ziheng was an outer sect elder, and most importantly, he was a member of the Li family. How could this matter end just like this?

The elders began to get angry and Elder Mude came forward and said, “Huode, that young man doesn’t have any respect for his seniors and is extremely unbridled, you can’t just take-”

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Huode, “You blind man, believe me, his attitude towards you was already very polite, and yet you still say he was disrespectful? If he really was disrespectful, something very bad would’ve happened!”

Elder Rende also stepped forward and said, “Junior brother, Li Ziheng is after all an outer sect elder, Gu-”

Just like Elder Mude, Rende was also interrupted by Huode, “Although he is an outer sect elder, he attacked first and wanted to kill Gu Qingfeng. It’s entirely his fault that he ended up in this state.”

Huode said faintly, ”Senior brother, don’t say anything else because you are at fault too. None of you even thought about stopping Li Ziheng when he attacked, but now you actually want to put the blame on Gu Qingfeng because he defended himself and mauled Li Ziheng?”

“Would you have said anything if Li Ziheng killed Gu Qingfeng?”

Huode’s questions left Rende at a loss for words.

On the other hand, Mude was extremely furious and shouted, “Elder Huode, Li Ziheng is a member of the Li family!”

“So what?” Huode waved his sleeve and said in a disdainful tone before leaving, “Tell the Li family to look for me if they get itchy.”

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