Supreme Lord

Chapter 69

Gu Qingfeng left with Huode as if everything that had happened here had nothing to do with him.

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From the beginning, Ouyang Ye stood petrified in her seat and even after Gu Qingfeng had left she still couldn’t regain her composure. She just kept looking at the arena with a dumbfounded look on her face.

She looked at Mu Zibai, Huang Yao, Li Qiandong, Li Sen, and Li Can who were so terrified that they didn’t even dare to breathe too loudly.

She also gazed at Li Zheng who lay paralyzed in a pool of blood. He had fainted a long time ago.

All of them were extremely powerful prime disciples of the Redcloud Sect who were very domineering in usual times, but in front of Gu Qingfeng, they were not capable of doing anything. Li Zheng couldn’t even resist a simple kick from Gu Qingfeng.

Ouyang Ye still remembered what Gu Qingfeng had said when he registered for this fight. He mentioned that all primes disciple were just a bunch of brats that he could easily defeat.

At the time, Ouyang Ye thought he was joking and boasting, but at this moment she finally realized that she was completely wrong.

He wasn’t joking, and he was absolutely not boasting!

He really had the power to back up that statement!

In front of him, even Li Ziheng, a daoist that had cultivated for dozens of years and had established his true body was not worth mentioning so the prime disciple didn’t amount to anything. He even dared to publicly curse the elders of the Redcloud Sect!

My God, just who was he?

Ever since she had met Gu Qingfeng, Ouyang Ye wanted to know the answer to this question. However, after knowing him for quite some time, not only was this question not answered, but she became more bewildered and curious than she was at the beginning.

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However, what confused her the most was that cold and domineering aura that Gu Qingfeng was unconsciously emanating. For some unknown reason, it gave her a very special feeling.

This question Ouyang Ye never understood from the beginning when she met Gu Qingfeng, nowadays, instead of understanding it, she is even more puzzled and curious, and what makes her most puzzled is that, for some reason, the cold and domineering aura that Gu Qingfeng inadvertently exudes when he strikes, gives her a special feeling.

It was a very vague and ethereal feeling, similar to deja-vu. It was something familiar and at the same time unfamiliar, which greatly puzzled Ouyang Ye.

She just felt that she had experienced this at some point in time.

On the arena, Guang Yuan, Fei Xue and other elders were angrily berating Huode’s behavior. They said that he took advantage of his seniority and his status as the Grand Elder to bully people and protect his own people from the rules of the sect.

Elder Rende ignored them and went to check out Li Ziheng’s injuries, however, the more he was checking his body, the uglier his expression got.

Elder Mude came and asked, “Senior brother, how is Li Ziheng’s injury?”

“His meridians had been broken, his dantian had collapsed, his bones had been shattered and his spiritual force is currently dissipating from his body.”

After Elder Rende finished speaking, the originally noisy arena instantly fell into a dead silence.

Broken meridians, collapsed dantian, shattered bones, and dissipating spiritual force?

The meridians are broken, the sinews are shattered, the dantian withers, the spiritual force is dissipating?

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He was crippled!

Li Ziheng, someone who had established his true body had been crippled by several slaps from Gu Qingfeng?

It had to be known that those who were successful in establishing their true bodies experienced something similar to a rebirth, and their bones, skin, and even organs became extremely powerful. How was it possible that Gu Qingfeng crippled Li Ziheng with a few slaps?

“That Gu Qingfeng is too cruel and vicious. He is a devil and he must be killed!”

“How can we explain this to the Li family?”

Elder Rende frowned deeply and fell into contemplation.

Honestly speaking, Elder Rende had always disliked Li Ziheng due to his shady behavior in the sect, but he could only turn a blind eye to this because Li Ziheng was from Jinde’s faction. Therefore, he didn’t really care that a wastrel that only relied on his relationship got crippled.

He wasn’t thinking about the Li family either. Although the Li family was a major family in the Bluesun Domain and the Redcloud Sect no longer had the power that it once had, it still wasn’t enough for the sect to fear a single family. Therefore, there was no need to explain anything to the Li family.

What he wondered about was how was it possible for Gu Qingfeng’s body to be so strong, as well as the relationship that he had with Huode.

Suddenly, he seemed to have realized something and called Ouyange Ye over, then he left with her.

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In the Spiritual Garden, at the back of the mountain.

After he returned Gu Qingfeng leaned back on his chair while drinking wile. Huode, on the other hand, was in no mood to drink wine and all he did since returning was to complain.

“Brat, how should I say this…”

“I was busy outside but today I suddenly felt my right eyelid jumping crazily. At first, I paid no attention to it, but I suddenly remembered that today is the competition against the prime disciples.”

“Knowing your temperament, I was sure that something bad would happen so I returned as fast as possible because I was terrified of what you would do.”

Huode sighed, ”It’s a good thing that I came back fast, otherwise the Redcloud Sect would have been wiped out by you!”

“Come on, aren’t you exaggerating a bit?” Gu Qingfeng threw him a disdainful look then took a sip of wine, “Do you think I’m bored enough to wipe out your damned Redcloud Sect?”

“Stop acting, do you think I don’t know what kind of person you really are?” Huode glared at him.

“You’ve always been rampant and lawless, and you never know how to restrain yourself! As long as someone provoked you, you would kill so many people that you’d create rivers of blood!”

“As long as someone went against you, you lose any reason and start killing everything until nothing was left. You even the ones close to you if they ever betrayed you!”

“Fuck off! Judging by your description, I’m just a devil king that only knows how to kill.” Gu Qingfeng ate a few more Redleaf Demon Fruits and continued, “Besides, I’ve put down my blade and changed my character a long time ago. I’m no longer as impulsive as I was back then.”

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As soon as he finished his words, Huode burst out into thunderous laughter, as if he had heard the best joke in the world.

“Brat, how can you even say that with a straight face? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Oh, I’m embarrassed for yourself! Even if the Devil Ancestor Chi You had said what you just said, I would’ve still believed him, but you? There’s no way that’s true!”

“How could you say that you’ve changed when you mauled Li Ziheng and the other prime disciples? If I hadn’t returned in time, you would’ve killed every fucking elder that was there!”

Huode did not exaggerate at all and everything was just as he mentioned. He understood Gu Qingfeng too well because he witnessed how he grew up. Although Gu Qingfeng would not take the initiative to kill someone, as long as a person provoked him, he would raise hell and kill until there was no one left. He would even dare the kill the King of Heaven.

He rushed back to the Redcloud Sect using his fastest speed because he knew what kind of person Gu Qingfeng was.

“Huode, I offered to help you and yet you are complaining so much about everything. If you don’t like how I do things maybe you should find someone else.”

Huode’s attitude instantly disappeared after hearing these words, “D-don’t…Ancestor, I didn’t insinuate anything, I was just pointlessly complaining about some things. However, killing won’t solve the problem. How should I deal with the aftermath after you leave?”

“Though, if you will stay in the Redcloud Sect you can kill whoever you want, but I’m sure that you will leave once this matter is done. Everything would be fine as long as you stay here, but as soon as you leave, the Redcloud Sect would be finished.”

Seeing that Huode didn’t seem like he was going to stop talking any time soon, Gu Qingfeng waved his hand, “Alright, alright, I know where this is going. You’re going to do everything you can to please me, right?”

“Ancestor, that’s not what I meant…”

“Just go to the side and cool off!”

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