Chapter 1

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The sky filled with endless black clouds and howling of thunder as if the arrival of a great apocalypse. Hearing this thunder howls, Every existence in heaven started to shiver; including god and god-kings. [god king: as the name represents is a powerful existence. The king of gods]

Deathly aura was looming around in the heavens, and no one could understand, what was happening except for few supreme existences.

A Supreme existence looked in the direction of 'Samsara river'.

This 'River of Samsara' was a grey coloured river. Yes, the water was not colourless, but grey. And at the end of this river, which seems to be so far and nearly limitless but still; at a close, was a white coloured bridge.

One needs to step on this river and travel; to reach the bridge at the end of samsara river. And only souls could walk on this samsara river, no living being could step on this river alive. and After entering the void, which was on the other end of this samsara bridge. The soul gets reborn into a new life.

And sitting at the peak of some vast and large mountain in heaven, the Supreme Existence [existence above the god-kings in Heaven] who looked at this river, murmured: "terrible monster is going to be born."

Another Supreme Existence, in a large palace, spoke: "still calling him a terrible monster is an understatement."

"I agree with you. Even I can't perform a prophecy about this monster!" In a small hut, another Supreme Existence adept in Divination spoke. A streak line of blood was flowing from the corner of his lips; This was the black lash he received for failing his Divination.

Hearing these three supreme existence comments, other Supreme Existences at different places shuddered.



A colossal thunder, which even was dreaded by supreme existence fell on a soul. And the prestige of this thunder was as if it could destroy Heavens itself, but this thunder didn't touch anything else other than its target; which was this monstrous soul.

More and more thunder fell, each one greater than the other.



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This situation continued for several years.

No soul could be seen, on Samsara river, except for a lone soul. Other souls escaped this region as soon as the black clouds appeared in the sky.

This lone monstrous soul was undergoing heavenly tribulation [heavenly tribulation: punishment from the Heavens, in the form of thunder stroke or downfall of a large fire pillar from the black clouded sky].

The monstrous soul started to become weak. Though it does not have consciousness, still due to its instincts it knew that it couldn't bear next three thunder strokes. So, it fragmented into one large and ten small fragments. These fragments were identical to each other, which were human shaped and were blurry to see. Then these fragments ran towards Samsara bridge.

The thunder stroke also fragmented into one large and ten small fragments and went after the soul.


These soul fragments withstood the thunder stroke successfully and ran into the void, at the other end of the Samsara bridge.

After a while, the black cloud in the heavens slowly dispersed and the sky came back to its norms. Every existence in Heavens sighed in relief, even including supreme existences!

But no one knows, These soul fragments dispersed to different plains via Samsara Bridge, escaping the heavenly tribulation with a hair-breath time.

To say accurately, the monstrous soul didn't cross heavenly tribulation, It delayed Heavenly tribulation, and when the soul fragments of this 'monstrous' soul get recombined, then the Thunder tribulation may fall ones again.

Though heaven is ruthless, it still doesn't close every path!


In a mortal world, far away from heavens. In the Hellsing clan, one of the great families that stood among the peak.

It was still noon, and the sky was clean. But at this time, a massive thunder stroke out of nowhere from the pure blue sky struck a pregnant woman in this clan. The peculiarity of this situation was, no one detected this, and even the pregnant lady herself didn't detect!

One day after…

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The lady gave birth to a son; This was the same lady who got struck by lightning.

This mother looked young, and it was quite difficult to say, that she was the lady who gave birth to a child a few hours ago!

Black long hair, thin lovely eyebrows, oval face, brown pupil and a small at mature body were the features of this lady. She was, dressed in white clothes.

She looked at the child in her arms, and her eyes were full of maternal love for him. Though this lady just gave birth and had a pale complexion, still she looked energetic. To her eyes, her sleeping child was the most beautiful thing to her in the world.

"let me hold him." Said the kid's father who stood beside her. He looked handsome, an adult in his twenties, black-haired, straight nose, clean face and a well-built body. He took his son in his hands and played with the cute little fingers. Then he looked at the kid's face deeply.

He passed the child to an old man; with facial features similar to his. This old man's hair, beard, the moustache was completely white. Besides looking old, his building was muscular.

The kid's father helped his wife get up. Soon the happiness from the parent's face was gone and was replaced by sadness.

Looking at them, the old man couldn't help but ask: "can't you delay for few more days?"

"No dad, the situation's getting out of hands. Further delay would result in many casualties. Lia and I have to leave." Then both, he and his wife Lia looked at the sleeping child: "son father and mother are unfair to you. But still, father hopes you will understand our helplessness and forgive us when you grow up. Father and mother will always love you." After saying he tied a ring around the child's neck with a smooth string.

Lia kissed the child cheek one last time and flew with her husband. Still, tears were streaming down from her eyes. How would they not? She just gave birth to her son, and now she was leaving him alone. Without any parent's care, how would he grow properly? If her child misses them in future.... Just thinking of this, in her heart she felt dejected.

Which mother wouldn't be like this? The situation for any mother would be same as Lia's if they have part away from her child.

Soon they vanished from the sky. The old man watched them till they disappeared from the sky. This old man was the child's grandfather and was also the old ancestor in Hellsing family. This old man's name was Ben.

Seeing the sleeping child in his arms, Ben couldn't help but let out a sigh: "little guy though your parents left, don't go feeling down. You still have two elder brothers, two elder sisters and me. and I promise you will not feel short of parents with us."


Hellsing family was one of the ten great families present in this world. These ten great families control half of the mortal world, and they have their territory respectively.

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Four great sects controlled the other half of the world. The power balance of this world was such that, only when the ten great families combined could rival against these four dominant sects regarding strength.

The child parents 'Blaze and Lia' were famous cultivators, renowned not only in this mortal world but the whole mortal plane. This mortal plane has ten worlds; the 'mortal' world was one of these ten worlds.

Blaze and Lia were the fastest cultivators to break through the cultivation Limit of this mortal plane.

The limit of this plane was Monarch stage cultivator [ cultivators: a person who broke the mortal body limit; just like Superman, at still different from him. as various procedures, different ways form cultivators]

They surpassed the Monarch stage in less than a five hundred years!; And went to a higher plane although this was shocking enough but was not enough for them to be renowned throughout the mortal plane as few other people did the same in the mortal plane.

The main reason was, they become an existence that could travel back and forth from the higher plane to mortal plane! And this never happened before! It's tough to imagine how great existence they became!

To travel back and forth from a higher plane to mortal plane, made it enough for Blaze and Lia to be distinguished throughout the mortal plane.

And now this power couple gave birth to their fifth child, a son. The news about the child's birth spread like a fire throughout the mortal plane.


Next day after the child's parents left.

The child started to cry non-stop, he was in pain. The pain was not in body but was in the child's soul.

The maids tried everything they could do to stop the child from crying. They made dumb faces, tried to feed him, sang a lullaby to him; still, the child didn't stop crying.

Soon this was reported to Ben. Ben came, probed for an anomaly present in the child, but he couldn't find a defect in the child body. How could he find an anomaly? He just examined the child's body, not the soul.

Famous Doctors, renowned alchemist, inspected the child. Still couldn't find the reason behind the child's suffering.

Knowledge of this mortal plan was quite lacking. This mortal plane didn't have much experience regarding souls.

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The child's misery continued for two days. Still, the child didn't show any signs for stopping his cry. Instead, the child's crying sound was becoming low and low, which showed the child was getting weak.

If this goes on the child would eventually die. Knowing this, the only thing the renowned alchemist and famous doctors could do was to make the child go into a long slumber. With this solution, they could avoid the present crises. But the drawback of this solution was, that any outside stimulus couldn't awaken this child. He could only be awakened by himself.

The child would become a sleeping princess. Thou he wouldn't be awakened by a kiss.

Understanding this solution's cons and pros, the child's grandfather Ben accepted it. And the child was made to go into a deep slumber.

Days went by, and months went on, still, at the end of every month, the child would start crying in his slumber for a whole day.

The renowned alchemist, famous doctors, were again called back. Not understanding the child's conditions; they gave up, they couldn't come up with a solution.

years went on, and the child started to grow, and the child's cry turned into painful agonised screams.

And the renowned alchemist and famous doctors still were searching for a solution. The child's condition continued as it is, no one in the mortal plane could cure his situation.

Two maids; were allotted to this child, they provided nourishment to him via mana [mana: an imaginary mystical thing like air or sometimes like low-density liquid present in the body of a cultivator.] by gently pressing the palm against the child's chest as they couldn't feed this child orally in his slumber.

News about this child adverse condition was known by many, and Because of this 'misery' and curse like situation, The child came to known as 'cursed child'.


Knowledge far beyond the worlds, sensibility of great warriors, cultivators, Alchemist, various other professions, History of worlds and great moments, these were the things popping up in the child mind and was the genuine reason for the child's misery, This was the reason for Heavens itself, for trying to destroying this Anomaly!

An Anomaly like this shouldn't exist! Never has this happened! A person being born with knowledge. A far greater knowledge! Terrifyingly enough to cause heavenly tribulation!; Forcing the heavens to destroy this child's soul!

Yes, this child's soul was the one, that escaped from Samsara river in heavens and was the large fragment.

If heaven were not forced to destroy this child Soul, the child would still be born to Lia, but with a complete soul. As for the other ten soul fragments, it was quite difficult to tell where they went.

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