Chapter 2

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At the end of the first month, after the child's birth....the day of suffering.

If one could enter others dream, you could see an immense and utterly white space, and In this space and at its centre, the child was immersed vertically in a towering pillar which was made up of golden light.

In this, golden light pillar. If one observed, one could see 'Ancient Human language' and symbols, along with some mysterious strength floating within this pillar.

These ancient languages, their symbols and the mysterious strength slowly entered the child's forehead in the form of several micro, wavy river stream.

This process caused the child to cry in pain; not only in his dream but also outside of his dream.


Outside of his dream, In the child's room, the maids were startled because of child's crying. They tried to calm the child, and during this, they observed a peculiar thing, The child's eyes were still closed!

And the child didn't show any movement's, other than his mouth. i.e. the child was still unconscious! And at the child cries!

Soon the day passed, and at the end of the day the child stopped crying, the maids sighed in relief. It was as if the nothing has happened during the day.


The dream state slowly ended.

The gained knowledge took one month to assimilate with the child.

The same situation continued, the child gained new languages.



At the end of 2nd month…...

Ancient Beast language (A language to communicate with Beasts)

due to pain, the child cried for a whole day.



At the end of 3rd month…..

Ancient Tree language (language to communicate with Dryads)

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due to pain, the child cried for a whole day.



At the end of 4th month…..

Ancient sea creature language (language to understand sea creatures)

due to pain, The child cried for a whole day.



At the end of 5th month, a variation occurred, A new knowledge and sensibility of fire tried to enter the child, but it couldn't.

At present, the child's brain cannot board this new knowledge. This knowledge regarding fire was quite complex and the child's mind, at today didn't have much capacity to digest this new knowledge.

Still, the fire knowledge didn't give up, It tried to invade the child again and again, but the resulting remained the same. It ended up with a rejection.

Thou this process caused pain to the child, On the other hand, this process was stimulating the child's brain development. This process continued for a whole day and caused the child to cry in pain.

The next day, as usual, the dream ended and the child continued his slumber.



At the end of the 6th month, a similar situation took place, same as the end of 5th month, The child was not ready at.

Like this, months and years went by...

The child came to an age of 8.

Due to the stimulation, The child's brain development progressed to an unimaginable extent; finally, now did the new knowledge started to enter the child developed brain effortlessly and without any resistance.

Still, the process caused pain.

The new knowledge and sensibility that entered the child gained were about 'origin fire' [origin fire: world's hottest and mysterious fire].

The knowledge about this fire was quite complicated. Even for a genius adult, in his prime; to understanding, this knowledge within a few decades of time will be impossible.

Then the knowledge took one month to assimilate with the child's brain.

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At the end of Next month,

In the dream, a new situation took place. The child now was grown up kid, and he was now an eight years old kid.

The figure of the child, in this dream, was blurry and it was difficult to distinguish his facial features. Still, his black hair could be recognised.

The child was now in a large hall, wholly filled with herbs and different type of plants. And in front of the child was a green cauldron, carved with sun and moon frame on it.

Knowledge of alchemy started to enter his brain, the child yelled outside of his dream due to pain, But not in his dream.

Next day in the dream, he slowly opened his closed eyes, This was the first time he opened his eyes, and his eyes were deep black.

Curiosity filled his eyes; he surveyed his surroundings.

Because of the knowledge he gained, he knew every herb and plant present in this hall. He identified various use and unique features of these plant and herbs.

He picked them up and started to play with them.

In his enjoyment, he forgot the passage time though he didn't know what 'time' means. After all, he is just a newborn child with high intelligence.

His pure and straightforward nature was normal. This carefree, oblivious nature, sometimes it makes others envy.

After a long time, he got distracted by a sweet voice echoed suddenly throughout the hall. This voice was saying something, But he couldn't understand what it meant. After all, he didn't gain any present human language, all the 'languages' he inherited were ancient ones.

After getting distracted, he was now bored to play again with plants.

He just ignored the voice and started to chant the merit law in his mind, which he inherited from 'knowledge of Origin fire'. Soon a red fireball appeared and floated above his hand.

The child again started to play with it.

He accidentally burned some herbs in the hall and after a while the consumed herbs re-spawned, This was quite attractive for a kid's mind, and he gave in. He started to burn more and more plants and herbs, and finally, everything in the hall was charred black by him!

Though he was playing, The thing to observe was, that he was getting hang on this fireball.

Soon he got bored. He surveyed his surroundings for anything new. Then he found the green coloured cauldron. He looked at it for a while..... Then he took the 'green cauldron', place the fireball below it.

Now he started to do alchemy because this was the only remaining thing left for him to do now. He picked the herbs selectively, from the surrounding and put them in the cauldron in stepwise manner.

He burned the herbs and separated the waste and collected the semi-liquid substance in the cauldron; which was a useful thing.

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He boiled these semi-liquid substances which were obtained from different herbs, at varying temperature by changing the intensity of the fireball till the semi-liquid material get liquefied.

The different liquids present in the cauldron started to fuse and formed several glistening Dan [Dan or pill: you could think it as a round marble shaped magical medicine]. Thus, the first Dan was produced by him.

Many ancient recipes to build magical portions [ portions: a liquefied version of a dan] and Dans, were stored in his mind. He then started to make the new type of Dans.

From his memories he knew, the Dans; were divided into ten grades.

lowest, being grade 1, highest being grade 10, This, further can be divided into four groups

1-3 -> initial group

4-6 -> middle group

7-9 -> high group

and ten belongs to perfection group.

For building a pill, of a certain rank, respective ranked, herbs were required. So, the herbs; were also divided into ten grades: 1 being the lowest and ten being the highest.

Time flew on, and he was immersed doing alchemy, making Dans.

Still, from time to time, voices echoed in the hall. Frequently It was a sweet voice, and other time it was a rough voice. He just ignored them.

When he successfully builds a Dan, the herbs related to this dan vanish. When he failed to produce the pill; the used up herbs would respawn.

Till grade 4, he produced Dans in one try; Which were thanks to his knowledge and sensibility he gained.

Taking his brain development into consideration, Utilizing the stored knowledge in his brain was quite easy for him.

And from grade 5 onward, he started to make mistakes. He failed several times in producing a Dan.

When reaching grade 6, this several times turned into several hundred times of blunders! At this point, he was quite frustrated.

Sometimes unknowingly he dozes off. This dozing was a condition, where he was gaining sensibility regarding alchemy, This also added a few blunders to his alchemy failure.

Grade seven onward, heavenly tribulation, which was a thunder type started to appear in the sky. And it sends thunder strokes to destroy the dan.

If a Dan is of high grade, then the occurrence of this heavenly tribulation which was trying to destroying the dan was common.

Quality of a Dan; can also be divided into four grades



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->and perfection.

And for a Dan to pass the tribulation, it should be least high-grade quality or above. Then only the dan could survive the 'heavenly tribulation' by itself; without any external help.

Initial and middle grades were no good, And because of this, his blunders increased to several thousand! He could only look up towards the black clouds angrily. Because of his pure nature, he didn't know how to curse!

Thus, he can do only this much, Just giving an angry stare to the heavenly tribulation.

If one could detect time in this dream world, one would be shocked enough knowing, a 1000 year passed by from the start of alchemy dream!; This was only in his 'dream', as outside only one year has passed. The change in time was because of his brains processing capacity. From this, one could say how monstrous his brain developed!

During the time of his alchemy, many voices in the room echoed and these voices repeated itself as a tape recorder, replaying again and again. Maybe it was due to the difference in the timeline, between the dream world and outside world. This repetition of voices caused him to memorised them unconsciously.

Each time, it was a different voice with a different topic. Though the kid couldn't understand what this topic was, still, unknowingly these topics were memorised by him.

Today, he was building the last pill from his memories, as he already formed remaining pills successfully from his memories, This was a 10th-grade pill he was building up, and luckily enough this was his 1053rd turn building it!

Means he 'just only' failed 1052 times building this pill!

He started to put the herbs one by one in the cauldron, and at each step, he changes the temperature of the Origin fire.

Now in these past 1000 years, because of alchemy, his origin fire grade changed from red to orange.

orange to yellow

yellow to green

green to blue

blue to indigo

and lastly to the highest-grade 'violet' from indigo.

The different liquids in the cauldron started to merge forming a Dan. Now a dan was finally built. Black clouds formed in the sky. Thunder stroke struck the dan twice.

Luckily the quality of the Dan was higher grade one. And finally, the Dan crossed the tribulation safely!

He picked up the Dan from the cauldron, Looking at this pill in his hand he felt quite accomplished. And he also felt some other emotions, which he couldn't describe.

Soon he closed his eyes, as drowsiness filled his eyes. It was time for rest. Mainly to the brain, which worked non-stop for a thousand years.

This alchemy Dream slowly dispersed.

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