Chapter 10

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From Zella, sam new that he wasn't the first one birthed in the tree of life. Before him, there were two hundred elves birthed in the tree of life! These 200 elves were the first batch, and Sam belongs to the second batch of elves, which are being formed in the tree of life now.

He then knew Lian was the youngest member of the first batch, so it was Lian's duty to intro everything to Sam who next birthed to him and in the future, it will be Sam's duty to intro everything to the next birthed elf; who will bear hundred years after!; And the soo on.

Elves live a very long life and the very first elf from the tree of life, was already a ten-thousand-years old guy! And he just looked like a middle-aged guy!

[ Author: elf! Just give me a little bit of your life * begging emoji* *pretty please emoji*]

And the forest they live in is called Elvin forest, this forest is very vast, and till now the first batch of elves couldn't find this forest's end!

Besides elves, this Elvin forest has other life forms, animals and monsters and some of them are violent and harmful towards elves.

Sam; was only briefed this much. After hearing he felt, Zella sucks at briefing! There were many vital things she didn't explain such as, how the elves manage them self? Was there any defence team? Who was the head of elves?

After finishing her briefing, Zella said goodbye to Sam and simply left Lian's house. Sam was now left alone with unconscious Lian.

Sam just waited for Lian to wake up now, He had no other choice but to wait. He still has many doubts which he wanted to clarify! And he doesn't know what he should do now.

Soon Lian regained conscious, rubbing his head he mumbled: "why did she wallop me? I…i…was was going to tell her age. So, what's with her?" Lian still didn't know, the reason he; was struck hard.

Sam passed him a glass of water. Lian drank it and thanked Sam. After drinking, he continued: "listen, Zella though she looks very young, in reality, she is a nine-thousand eight-hundred-years old hag, and she is the 3rd elf of the first batch."

Listening this Sam was shocked, he thought Zella might be several centuries old, but he didn't know she would be a 9800 years old hag!

Then he knew, even though it wasn't her duty; every time Zella would be present at the tree of life to welcome a new-born. But her real motive was to look at the newborn's reaction when he/she observed tree-of-life! It was a type of amusement to her, as elves live a long life and to relieve boredom it was a good thing for her.

Sam also knew, there will be a welcome party for sam in the evening, and after that tomorrow, Lian will also show him a place to reside.


There were nearly 150 elves present at the welcoming party, which was in the housing ground just outside of elves houses and other remaining members were patrolling surrounding areas for any monsters to be present.

"welcome to our family, newborn."

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"welcome newborn."

"handsome fellow welcome."

"isn't it obvious he will be handsome, he is an elf after all!"

"Mister we are glad to have you with us!"

When Sam just entered the party along with Lian, almost all the elves rushed to him and excitedly welcomed. Sam felt very flattered, and he felt like, he was a VIP!

"uncle welcome to our family!"

"yes, uncle welcome and please play with us!"

"yes, yes please play with us!"

Few kids now welcomed Sam and Sam was kind-a-feeling warm in his heart. An adult could falsify there expressing, but a child couldn't.

"oi…little brats! You shouldn't call him uncle. He was just born yesterday, and he is much younger than you! So, call him little brother not uncle!" Zella who just came shouted.

Hearing Zella's word sam nearly fell! And some blood vessels on his forehead tightened!

Seeing Sam's reaction, Zella was having fun! So pointing towards kids, Zella said to Sam: "you should call them, uncles and aunts! Because... They are already several hundred years older than you! G...o…t... it!" Zella mischievously said. Now Sam's lip corner was twitching; he didn't think these 3-4 years old looking kids were several hundred years older than him!

"but he looks like other uncles, and he is much big than us!"

"yes, yes and if we call him little brother it feels super weird!"

"yes, yes and if we call him a little brother, then wouldn't he call you a grandma?"

"but you don't look like a granny."

The small kids argued. Even though they are several hundred years old, they were similar to 3 to 4 years-old human children!

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Hearing the kid's argument; Zella's lips were twitching, and it was now Sam's turn to look at her smilingly. And the lookers, the elves, who were observing the situation just laughed happily.

"now, now, the star of the party is here let's begin the feast!" a middle-aged elf said, and he was the first elf, named Jun.

The feast began, the food was very elf-like, there were many fruits and leafy dishes which tasted superb to Sam! And for entertainment, there was a danced performed by some elves.

And seeing the adults dance, the small kids also joined them. Unknowingly due to these kid's join up, the attraction of dance increased!

Now thinking about the kids, until now Sam only found seven kids! And when he asked about it, he got an answer, the elves have a little fertility rate, and so it's hard to impregnate a female elf!

The feast continued. Every elf was very kind towards Sam! Suddenly, a dancing kid fell, she started to cry. Soon a lady elf came a cheered her up. This lady elf beauty caused Sam to take a cold breath in! Even among female elves, she was on a whole different level!

This lady's expression was kind, and warmth toward the little girl and this caused Sam to be mesmerised.

"her name is Noel, and she is single. want me to be a matchmaker?" Zella said when she saw Sam was looking toward Noel and she had a wide grin on her face.

This grin caused Sam's mesmerised mood to vanish. He then replied: "Nah… I just felt she is very kind and I was impressed by her kindness. that's it and nothing else."

Zella still grinned: "ah.....she is kind…..."

Still hearing Zella grinning, Sam felt something was amiss, and he did know what it was.


Next day, the morning after the welcome party, Lian brought Sam to a spacy place near the elf's housing, This was a green place and some plants grown here and there.

Sam asked: "so you are saying I have to build my own house without others help? And I have to build it using mana?

Lian nodded.

Sam continued: "and this whole thing will help me improve my mana control?

Lian continued nodding, and this was his way of teaching Sam, how to control mana!

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Sam again didn't rubbish with Lian. He closed his eyes and starting to feel his surroundings with mana.

Slowly he could feel mana flow within the grass around him, and this was like a whole new world opened to him! He started to increase the range, and 10 kilometres were his limit.

Within these ten kilometres, it was like seeing things with a new type of vision. And not only could Sam see mana flow within the plants, but he could also manipulate this mana at his will.

This ability to manipulate mana within plants was a unique ability of elves!

Sam started to manipulate mana within a plant, this plant began to grow and very soon it grew into a new adult tree!

Seeing this, Lian opened his mouth in astonishment! This astonishment wasn't due to plants grow into a tree, but it was due to the distance between Sam and the grown tree! Which were 200 meters! This 200-meters of mana manipulation had already surpassed Lian's limit, which was 150 meters!

Don't know how Lian would react if he knew Sam limit, which was 10 kilometres? But sure, his reaction will be a funny one.

Sam stopped flowing his mana into the tree, but soon the plant wittered very rapidly! Sam was surprised; he didn't know why the tree withered suddenly.

Lian controlled his mood and said: "your mana artificially caused the tree's growth. Thus your mana became a vital factor to it, and when you removed this vital factor, it couldn't live any longer." Sam now understood the cause.

Sam began to think, so it needs a continues supply of mana…. Then how should I do it?

After a while, a bulb lightened, TREE ROOTS! Wouldn't it be best to store the mana within the tree roots? Sam than just applied his thoughts directly.

Sam manipulated a new plant.

This manipulated plant didn't grow into a tree, but Its stem divided directly into several million branches!

These million branches spread over the ground forming a floor. after occupying 4000 square feet ground, the spreading stooped on the ground and then the spreading started; vertically upward building walls. Soon the spread stopped at two-floor height.

Then branches spread nearly horizontal, forming a roof. Just reaching this step sam felt quite strenuous! Even for sam, it was tough to control millions of tree branches.

Now he was going to design the house interior. Designing the rooms; Sam felt, it was quite complex, and he suddenly failed! The branches crisscrossed each other! The whole structure just collapsed!

Sam didn't give up, he again tried, but the house structure collapsed again! Still, he continued trying, and he vowed he wouldn't rest till the house was complete.

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One month passed, and it was Sam's 12th try now.

Lian was looking dumbly at Sam the whole time, and he doesn't know how he should describe his feelings. Just looking over Sam for an entire month, his mood was in shock, sometimes it was dumb, and sometimes he felt some shame and joy.

This whole month sam improved a lot over his mana control.

In this 12th try, only one room was left to design, and it was the bathroom. Forming water passage was hard, and sam failed over three time just building water passages!

Soon, he successfully built it! A traditional, double floored, 4000 square feet house was built! Finally, the house was complete!

Lian couldn't help but sigh over this house beauty! This house was indeed a masterpiece in his eyes! And till now, no elves have built a double floor house and even the first elf Jun couldn't make it!

Initially, Lian wanted to inform Sam that he could build the house in parts separately, which every elf did when building their own homes. But seeing Sam concentration he didn't want to disturb, so he didn't inform Sam about it. If Sam knew this, he would, surely cursed Lian for not telling him, because it could have saved much time if Lian did!

Now as his house was complete, Sam asked Lian: "want to check in?"

Lian rapidly accepted; Lian was more curious about this house inside than Sam!

Sam and Lian both walked towards the house entrance.




Suddenly a hand-held bell sound rang 3 TIMES and hearing this sound Lian's expressions changed.

Lian knew what It meant…...the elves were under attack!! and the bell rang three times, and it means, they were; attacked by werewolves!!

And these werewolves were no weaker than them! These werewolves caused a great tragedy to them in past which elves couldn't forget till now!


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