Chapter 11

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Author note: sorry for the little delay.


Soon Lian and Sam reached elf's housing, and from Lian, Sam knew werewolves were attacking!

Three werewolves already reached elf's housing! And the one who was fighting against them was Zella. Zella had a severe expression on her face, and she was fighting against three werewolves all by herself!

Lian suddenly said to sam: "group with the other elves at the centre!" after saying he joined Zella and started to fight Werewolves.

Due to the sudden attack of werewolves, the elves were in panic and disorder. Many elves were rushing towards the centre to organise themselves!

Sam also reached the centre. Soon a group was formed and elves who can fight formed a defence around this group, in a circle manner.

From inside the group, Sam looked toward Zella, Lian and one more young female elf named Jina who were fighting. Jina was first elf Jun's wife.

Sam felt the fighting style of this trio was immature. Zella and Lian were shooting arrows with their wooden bows, but the arrows couldn't hit the fast werewolves! and Jina was rapidly forming a plant shield whenever the werewolf attack reach them.

In the centre, most of the elves came, but Sam couldn't find elf kids at all! Then Sam activated his other vision which he named mana vision. Soon at 15 kilometres distance from him, in the dense forest, which was outside the elf housing place, he found kids, and four greys coloured werewolves surrounded them!

Sam rapidly ran towards kids' direction, and with his mana vision he could see, they were harmfully teased! And some kids even have bruises! Sam anger flared, and he smiled evilly.


In the dense forest, where the kids were….

clutching the long-pointed ear of a female elf kid; a werewolf lifted her. The lifted kid was in pain; she started crying. Then pressing his right-hand nails little more tightly, the werewolf cruelly said: "if you cry anymore, I will tear off your lovely ear!" the kid was terrified, and she made her cry very low to hear.

Another little boy still being terrified, lowly voiced: "don't hurt Mia…"


The little boy was punched in the stomach by another werewolf. After hitting the little boy, the werewolf pointed towards Mia and said: "so you want to get hurt in her place kid?" The little boy was clutching his stomach which was painfully hit, in a crawling posture.


Seeing the little kid's painful expressions; the werewolves laughed, they were enjoying the play with these elven kids.

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The grey werewolf who was still holding up Mia said: "I said, stop crying. But you didn't listen. Now I am going to tear your lovely ear!" hearing it Mia was more terrified. She started calling; mum dad saves me! Within her heart.

"Bad Wolfe. You shouldn't scare kids you know." Sam finally came and took Mia from grey werewolf's hand and kindly hold her in his arms. Seeing the sharp nail marks on Mia's ear, Sam's anger flared to another level!

Now Sam want to kill these werewolves cruelly! But kids were present, so he didn't, and he also needs these werewolves for a while. Now the important thing was to remove these kids' trauma.

Mia was still trembling in Sam's arms. Sam slowly patted Mia's back and walked toward the little kid who got punched.

Sam also patted this kid's back and said: "little hero, now your safe and don't be afraid. These big bad wolfeis will not touch you anymore."

Then Sam said kindly towards other kids: "come to me, little kids." The remaining kids runningly came and hugged Sam. Then all the kids started crying. Sam let the kids cry.

Till from the start of Sam's arrival, the four werewolves couldn't move. Tree roots blocked Their whole body, so they couldn't move an inch or open their mouth. These werewolves were feeling terrified and restless now.

After some time, the kids stopped crying. Sam touched the ground, Seven small plants rapidly are grown, and each plant has a green cup filled with water. Sam made the kids drink this water. Slowly the bruises and wound marks on the kids healed. Mia's wounded ear came back to its lovely state.

Sam slowly opened his mouth: "listen, carefully kids, being afraid is not a bad thing because It makes you know, your still weak."

"let me tell you a secret, in my childhood, I wetted my pants just seeing these big bad wolfies. Because I feared them more than you."

[Author: oi!...weren't you born just a month ago?! Then when did you have your childhood?!]

Kids were calmly listings to Sam, and two kids even laughed when they heard Sam wetted his pants. Sam continued to deceive the kids, Then pointing; towards Werewolves, he said: " see, I made these big bad wolves stand there quietly. If I want, I can also swing these big bad wolfies in the air." The tree roots elongated and swung the werewolf in the air.

Sam asked: "saw?..... aren't I powerful?" the kids lovely nodded their little heads.

Sam continued: "you will also be as strong as this uncle when you grow up, so you don't need to fear this big bad wolfies."

"""""""really?!""""""" the kids asked with shining eyes.

Sam nodded: "yes, really!" Then sam continued: "and till you grow up; this uncle promises to protect you! So whenever you are afraid just come to this uncle. Got it."

The kids nodded adorably.

Sam took the kids and went back to elf's housing. When he reached near housing, the four grey werewolves which hurt the kids were crushed by tree roots!


Sam brought the kids to the housing centre, and the kids ran to their parents, only Mia didn't. Mia's parents were Jun and Jina. And they were still fighting.

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Sam looked towards Jina. She, Lian and Zella were; still fighting werewolves. And looking at this trio he thought, they are still fighting the same three werewolves till know?! I should intervene in their battle to finish it early!

Manipulating tree roots. Sam immobilised the three werewolves. And as he did, the arrows from Zella and Lian pierced the werewolves. The tree werewolves died.

Lian thankfully looked at Sam and Sam slightly nodded.

In housing place, Sam couldn't see any defence team member. He used his mana vision and searched for them. At present his mana vision's limit was 30 kilometres! Which increased during last month!

Sam soon found them. Thirty defence team members were in a battle with hundred werewolves! Their situation seems to sternness,

Sam rapidly ran in their direction.


Sam reached the battle place. The 30 elves somehow seem to hold themselves against 100 werewolves.

Then he saw Noel; he was dumbfounded!

Noel was swinging a large wooden mace, which was double of her size towards werewolves freely. Few werewolves were hit and blown by her mace, and many also dodged it, toward the dodging ones Noel violently shouted: "oi you *******! Aren't you strong! Then why are you dodging my mace haa? Fight me straight you ******! If you drank your ******* milk!"

Just seeing and hearing Noel's actions and words...her kind image In Sam's mind subverted, and he felt little dizzy now.

The werewolf's leader couldn't tolerate Noel any more. This leader was double sized of a regular werewolf. He silently came near Noel!

"Noel! Back!" Jun Shouted. Noel turned back fastly and guarded with her mace.


Werewolf's leader slash landed on Noel's wooden Mace, and mace slashed into two pieces!

Noel barely managed to block werewolf's leader, but she was pushed back deep into the werewolves' group!

Many werewolves and the werewolf's leader launch an attack on her. In the panic; elves shouted her name! Noel was really in a dire situation now!

Suddenly and very rapidly, tree roots bound around Noel's waist and pulled her from the dangerous spot! Sam smoothly caught her in a princess carry posture. The elves sighed in relief; Gods know what may have happened to Noel if she wasn't; saved!

Under Sam's foot, rapidly a tree stem grown. Sam was, lifted 100 feet's high. Noel who was in Sam's arms was looking at his face. She thought, she was going to die, but this man pulled her from the gate of death!

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Now that he could take a breath, Sam asked noel: "are you ok?"

Noel dint reply, she looked down and said to Sam: "if you didn't save me, I would be the only one who would have died. But now, we both will die."

Sam smilingly said: "if I kill these werewolves, will we still die?" Noel suddenly looked at Sam, as If he was an Idiot. Then she thought, is this fellow joking in this situation?!

Sam just smilingly said to Noel: "look down."

Noel looked down; she was astonished and dumbfounded. Millions of small tree branches were rapidly revolving around them like a typhoon! And werewolves were ruthlessly killed in this tree-typhoon, even the werewolf's leader died mercilessly!

Jun and the other elves looked at the scene dumbly! They couldn't believe what was happening; the 100 werewolves were, just slain like that?!

These were the strong werewolves that killed 20 of their brethren in the last war which was a tragic event for elves! Now, these powerful werewolves were simply killed just by a single elf, like weaklings!

Slowly tree-typhoon vanished. No remains of werewolves could be seen. Sam came down still carrying Noel in princess carry posture. He put her down.

Suddenly, Sam felt weak and dizzy, and he couldn't stand properly. Noel helped Sam to hold still and said: "it happens when you overuse your mana."

Then she carried Sam to his house.


Inside; Sam's two floors traditional house and within the bedroom. Noel laid Sam down on the wooden bed.

She then enthusiastically said: "you built a perfect house! And our house will look even better after it gets furnished!"

Sam just stared at her and asked: "what do you mean by 'our house'?"

"during last tragedy…. four of my very best friends died in werewolves' hand who you killed today. And when you killed them, you became a hero to me! when you saved me, you became a prince to me!" Noel seriously said.

Noel confessed: "Today, I fell in love with you! please marry me?!"

Sam was dumbfounded, and after a while, he rejected: "I don't want to marry you."

Hearing Sam's heartless rejection, Noel was shaken, Her face expressions became pitiful one and then she asked in a piteous tone: "aren't I beautiful?"

"you are" Sam replied.

Then seducingly showing her figure, she asked: "Isn't my figure good?"

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Observing her curves, Sam gulped his saliva and said: "it's good!"

Then Noel brought her face close to Sam and with a pitiful expression on her face, she asked: "aren't I good enough for you?"

Sam wanted to say, yes you are good enough for me! But remembering her violent nature sweats started to appear on his forehead!

Seeing Sam not replying, Noel smilingly Said: "it seems I am not good enough…."

Suddenly her kind nature vanished, and violent nature appeared: "brat, to this old lady it doesn't matter whether you accept it or not."

Violent-Noel tightly held Sam's green shirt and said: "if this old lady 'cook rice' with you, would you still dare not to marry this old lady?"

Sam felt his innocence was in a huge danger! He wanted to run away from this Violent-Noel, but he couldn't move! So, he shouted: " Noooo!!~~."

Violent-Noel didn't give a ***** to Sam's cry; she tore his shirt! Touching Sam's raw chest her breath increased. Then she violently kissed Sam's chest!

Sam still shouted: "please stop!!"

Noel sat on Sam's waist and started violently kissing Sam's chest! After getting dissatisfied with her kisses, she started licking!

Sam was in the same rhythm: "don't! Don't! Don't! don't!"

After getting satisfied, by licking Sam's chest, Noel looked at Sam's Lips. She touched this lips lightly and chuckled: " hehehehehe."

Now Sam knew, his first kiss was in danger! He started to shake his head left to right. Violent-Noel caught his head with her two hands tightly and then she violently kissed him!


She kissed his lips many times!

Suddenly Violent-Noel felt something pricking her bouncy hips! She looked, what it was. Soon she found a small tent on Sam's pants!

Looking at the small tent; violent-Noel said to sam: "you aren't honest with me, but your little brother is!". Sam wanted to curse, aren't you the cause!

Violent-Noel then tightly gripped Sam's pants and said: let's cook the rice!" she then tore the pants it!

Sam just shouted: "NOOOO!!!!"


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