Chapter 12

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When his innocence was forcefully taken by Noel, Sam little bit understood how Aria must have felt when he forcibly took her innocence in Dragon King's dream.

After taking his innocence away, with a thick face Noel started to leave in Sam's house as his wife!


A 100 years passed…...

This whole century Noel courted Sam, and finally, she successfully managed to persuade Sam!

Noel genuinely became Sam's wife!


Two hundred years passed….

Monsters attacked elves! But they were easily repealed by Sam.

Slowly, the frequency of monsters' attacks was increasing, and Sam's efforts in repealing them also increased, This caused Sam's image in elves heart to increase.

Slowly Sam became a hero to elves!


400 years passed...

Slowly Sam entirely occupied the elves hearts. He gained their respect.

Soon he became a king, in the elves heart! Some elves even voiced out to make Sam, the king of Elves!

But Sam rejected.

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Six hundred years passed…

Elves frequently pestered Sam and finally made him the Elf king!


One thousand years passed….

A bad situation aroused, the tree of life was dying! There were still 190 oval sacs within the tree of life!

The situation became dire; Time was less. The only thing Sam could do was to pass his vitality and life, to the tree of life which he did.

As an elf king, he passed his vitality and life using forbidden arts to the tree of life.

Tree of life; was saved, but Sam died!

At the point of his death; Sam learned many elves secrets and arts from the tree of life!

This Elf king dream slowly dispersed…


Doesn't know how many years passed, but outside of Sam's dream, in real life, Sam was now 16 years old kid!

In these past several thousand years in the dream world, Sam experienced four lives.

One, he lived as Human king Sam Stuart in saint plane. This life helped him to mature and develop wisdom. And the sensibility he gained from this life was enough for him to form a legendary weapon's Dao replicas [1) Dao: law or rules of the world; written in a form of rune language. 2) Dao replica: replica formed by compressing billions of micro Dao and the formed replica is very difficult to distinguish with the real one.]

Two was the life of Death king; who was a ruthless and a mass murderer. And from this life, Sam developed a terrifying killing intent and improved his fighting techniques. He also learned death arts; which could manipulate the dead and lastly death physique art [ physique art: an art which helps the body to improve in a particular field, such as strength, speed, toughness, etc.].

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three was the life of the Dragon King. And from this life, he gained dragons arrogance and Dragons aura. He also learned dragon physique art and also dragon transformation art; which could transform him into a dragon.

four was the life of Elf king. In this life, Sam learned; how to control plants and many elf race secrets from the tree of life. From being an elf, he developed kind nature and he learned to keep patients. He was mesmerized by the beauty of female elves! So, his taste in women was quite high now.


At present in the dream…...

Sam was standing in a dark space and in front of him, there were 10 large golden doors arranged in side by side manner and there was some gap between each door. These doors were majestic and giving off a lofty feeling. The previous four golden doors were nothing compared to these 10 doors!

These doors were carved with black runes. 9 doors were closed and only one 1 door was open. The opened door was the first door from the left and this opened door's inside was completely screened white.

"10 doors and only one opened." At this point, he contemplated for a while and he made some wild speculations about this door. To confirm his conjecture, he passed through the opened door.

As soon as he entered the door, the scenery appeared in front of him was a battlefield. This battlefield was vast, as far as one can see, there were no trees. The land was dry and contains few hillocks here and there.

In this battlefield; in front of Sam stood four figures. One was human King Sam Stuart!

The man next to Sam Stuart, who has long pointed ears and dressed in green was Elf king!

And next to this elf king, stood a man holding a large sickle in his hand and wearing a black clothed, half mask which covered his mouth was Death King! also know as Demonic king for his deeds! Death king held an aura of death around him.

Next to the Death King, was a muscular man wearing a gold armor; with a red cape behind him. He is the Dragon King! His aura was imposing and arrogance was all over his face

These were the four people, whose life Sam experienced. As Sam was observing them, they also checked him out. At present Sam looked like 16 years old child, dressed in white, black hairs, black eyes and straight nose were his present features. Unlike the blurry feature he had at the starting in the dreams, now his features were completely visible.

"what are you?" looking at them Sam asked.

Human king opened his mouth: "remnant soul with no free will." Hearing this Sam was slightly Startled, as he was not expecting this answer.

Then looking at them, Sam asked with a surprised expression; on his face: "were you guys dead?" after saying, he suddenly smacked his head, didn't I die in every dream!

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"yes, unfortunately, we all died." Human King continued: "I was killed in the god plane by Aster sect." at this point remembering his own death Sam Stuart was feeling vexation.

"I died in sect ruins. I was hoping to find a cure for the tree of life in these sect ruins." Elf king said.

Sam was startled, it seems his death in Elf king's dream deviated from the original pattern!

Death king hesitated for a while and then said: "someone manipulated my daughter and made her poison me."

Sam was surprised, in death king's dream Sam was, killed by his own daughter with a sword piercing his heart! This story also seems to have deviated from the original pattern!

"my brother Zarph plotted against me with an unknown lady." Dragon King said with resentment.

Sam was shocked, did I deviate from the whole story?! In Dragon kings dream, Zarph was also a half-brother to Sam. But the thing is Sam wasn't killed by Zarph, he was killed by Ethan!

Sam was both surprised and shocked knowing how they died. He didn't feel sadness for them; but instead, he felt, that it was quite interesting. Still, he felt pity for them.

And know to listen of their deaths. Sam asked out his speculations: "so you all want me to do something for you guys?"

"yes!" the four Kings Said in unison.

Hearing their answer Sam was not surprised. He actually owned them, because of their life experience. So, it was natural that he returns the favor back. But thinking about something, he curiously asked: "how can you all be sure, that I will be able to complete your wishes? which you guys are going to wish me? And how did you guys get in my dream world?"

"we four observed you in these past several thousand years. From this observation, we know how monstrously talent you are. And we also know your moral behavior. You also lived our four king's lives better than we did and it was really app-laudable." Human King continued: "this was enough for us to be assured; that you will be able to complete our wishes."

"as for the second question, we didn't know ourselves. After our death, the next thing happened was; we were already in this place." Sam Stuart continued: "and know in this battlefield when you just came in through the door, we felt our will and strength returned; which we didn't have till now." He continued: "it's as If some force is directing us to fight you."

Now Sam opened his mouth: "yes, you seemed to guess right, I also got the same conclusion as you. Just as I entered through the door, I felt intense urges to fight you guys." Sam continued: "before we fight please do tell me your wishes. But keep in mind, I will only full fill one wish and whatever the wish might be, it should be within my limits. Then only I will give my commitment to fulfilling it."

Elf king said his wish first: "please cure the tree of life." Sam nodded in agreement.

Dragon King: "kill Zarph and kill the unknown lady. Listening to this, Sam thought for a while. He also experienced Dragon King's life and he knew, this Zarph was a fellow who could be manipulated easily. So Sam asked: "Dragon king, just in case let me ask you. If your brother Zarph was not behind the plot but was used, then?"

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Dragon King was startled. He never thought of this possibility, because whenever he thought about his own death, anger filled his mind and he cannot think straight. Dragon king opened his mouth: "if he really isn't behind my death, then beat the crap out of him; but don't go too far. And find the one behind the plot and kill everyone behind the plot."

"OK." Sam agreed his wish and then he curiously asked: "how were you killed?"

The other three kings were also curious, how dragon King was killed. But the dragon king said casually: "no comments, you can ask Zarph about it."

Sam and other kings were little disappointed. Then Sam didn't care much and asked Death king about his wish. Death king wished: "take care of my daughter. I closed her in Nel's Iceberg zone."

Sam was surprised hearing Death kings wish. He thought the Death king would also ask him to take revenge for him. Now it seems the death king was same as him he cared about his daughter! Sam assured him: "I will, I also lived your life and I also feel her as my half daughter."

Hearing this, Death King was completely relieved.

Finally, Human King opened his mouth: "take care of my parents, especially mom."

Sam didn't readily agree. He thought for a while and then looked Human King profoundly. He knew Human King's wish contain has many meanings and obligations; after all his title as wisdom, king was not just for show.

If he agreed, not only he should have to take care of mother Eve, he will be also oblique to take revenge for him indirectly. How? you ask? If Eve already knows or come to know; sam Stuart was killed in god plane by some sect. Then there's no doubt she will take revenge and under the obligation of taking care of her, Sam would have to protect her during her revenge and he will be also dragged into the revenge mess; Which will Result in him to take revenge for Sam Stuart.

Sam said he will accept only one wish. But Human Kings' wish itself contains two or more wishes its self. You may be thinking, then doesn't Death king wish also contain two wishes? The answer is a no. Death kings daughter is young and has the potential to grow and if trained properly she could take revenge herself.

But Mother Eve is not young anymore and the enemy is from god plane; a plane much higher than saint plane where mother eve leaves. With her strength, she wouldn't be qualified to take revenge. But even knowing this she will still try to take revenge. Then Sam would be forced to butt in this revenge mess.

While Sam was in contemplation, Human King was looking at him with a smile.

Sam took a deep breath. He knows he couldn't ask Sam Stuart to change his wish. He then agreed: "ok."

Then Sam asked doubtfully: "do you guys knew how much time has passed by after you guys death? Though you guys wished, what if when I go to your native planes and find out that, the enemies you want me to take revenge and the people you want me to take care of, were already dead?"

Listening to Sam's doubt Elf king answered: "you don't have to worry about time. You will have enough time."

"then I am reassured." Sam sighed.


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