Chapter 14

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Author note: it's not possible to use large spacing between words. So, I used "[-------------------------]" this as large spacing replacement.

Thanks for understanding.

Enjoy the chap.


In the dream, after the battlefield dispersed. Sam came to a new space. This whole space was filled, with a transparent golden liquid. It was like; Sam was within the centre of the golden ocean!

Being immersed in this golden ocean, Sam didn't feel suffocated, but he felt comfortable. Moreover, around him, within this golden ocean; there were billions of dark runes floating. These dark runes contain historical data and deeply concealed secrets of mortal planes, earth planes and saint planes!

Not only just data was within these runes, but the rune itself was also a type of energy!

These runes were giving off some 'dangerous' feeling.

Within the golden ocean, Sam's sight was not hindered; he could look at the dark runes very clearly and looking at the runes; Sam felt familiarity, unconsciously he knew what was going to happen. Sam braced himself and shouted: "Come!"

As if hearing Sam's shout; the runes rapidly streamed towards Sam. Unlike regular times when he inherited knowledge, the dark runes not only entered Sam's head but also opened every pore of his body; This caused him to feel immense unbearable pain; never like before.


Time went on…...

When finally; Sam couldn't bear pain, his body blasted! It busted into fragments. This body was not a flesh body. It was Soul body. So, when it broke into pieces, 'blood' didn't come, 'bones 'were not crushed, organ didn't splatter.

The busted Soul fragments disappeared. Soon within the golden ocean; new soul fragments formed. These soul fragments combined and built a new qualitatively strong Soul body!

The painful fragmenting process continued Several times, Sam's soul body busted several times, and New body formed several times! The golden ocean provided the pain, the soul matter, the regeneration ability all.

This busting and regeneration went on. Sam shrieked due to unbearable pain; during breaking. At some point, he really; wanted to die, to escape this inhumane torture.

The black runes; which entered Sam's body, circulated through, every part of Sam's soul, and caused Sam more pain, Soon 900 years crossed by and at this point Sam shrieked lowered down; he was becoming numb to the pain.

One hundred years later he was completely numb. At this point, he slowly closed his eyes and ignored the pain!


1. Having too much knowledge wasn't a good thing, and it wasn't a bad thing either. However, the human brain tends to forget knowledge which was not in use.

2. Also, if one wants to find a single particular sentence or word from a xeroxed understanding; which is, already stored within one's brain, he/she must go through all the knowledge he/she has, and this is a time-consuming process.

For example, think, your mobile as a part of your brain]: to find a particular random song you just remembered, in your mobile. When you open a folder filled with several thousand songs; wouldn't it be a time-consuming process?

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To others, these two problems wouldn't be a significant matter, but to Sam; at present these two matters are very problematic!

To solve these two problems, a part of Sam soul developed into a female-voiced A.I (Artificial. Intelligence)


In reality, now Sam was already 18 years old guy!

In reality, In the Hellsing family.

The crying misery of child continued till he reaches 16 years. Surprisingly the child's crying suffering stopped after this age. Next two years, Sam just calmly laid in bed; This surprised everyone, and slightly people felt Sam was going to wake up soon.

Passing of years made; Sam a grownup and now he was 18 years old. His structure was lean and with his well-maintained black hair, naturally curved square face, thick eyebrows, straight nose and a clean face, all this made him looked handsome. Though he was in slumber, his dressing and needs were well-taken care by the two maids; allotted to him.

Sam slowly opened his dark black eyes. Just as he opened his eyes, Soon he heard a robotic female voice in his mind and information started to appear in front of his eyes




Analysing, Host's body…...


Analysing complete!

Host info:


Name: Sam Dazer [-------------------------]Age: 18

Height: 5.6 [---------------------------------]weight: 40

Race: Human [-------------------------------]Sex: Male



->Abnormalities: Thin Body (Not dangerous).

->Bloodline: Hellsing blood line.

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->Bloodline talent: 3rd grade.

->Cultivation: none. [--------------------------] Mana: none

->Soul Cultivation: error!



->Strength: 4

->vitality: 3

->Life: 100

->Life span: 80 years



Skills: None

Titles: [Heaven's Anomaly lvl 1], [Human King lvl 1], [Demonic King lvl 1], [Dragon King lvl 1], [Elf king lvl 1].


Dizzy comment: host should start eating nutritious food to recover.




Shaking his head, Sam tried to get up. Seeing their young master woke up, the two maids were pleasantly astonished. Both the maids reached Sam and helped him to sit.

The two maid's eyes became watery; they were genuinely feeling happy. These past eighteen years, they were the ones who took care of him more than his family. Moreover, because they took care of him these 18 years and watched him grow these 18 years, they felt quite attached to him.

Sam stabilised himself with maids help. An intense feeling of hunger and thirst came over, so sam weakly said: "water, food!"

A maid soon brought food, water and started to feed Sam. The other maid was still supporting Sam. After eating, Sam felt energised. He then slowly closed his eyes and began to think.

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Within his mind, Sam thought, whose dizzy?

Suddenly he herds the same, mechanical; female voice: Me, Artificial intelligence and a part of host Soul.

Sam stared, what this all about? A part of my Soul became an A.I? Why?

Dizzy replied Sam's doubt: "1) Dizzy was created by ten golden doors, within the host dream world, to support host. 2) To store, access and interpret the vast knowledge efficiently, which host inherited from first Golden door. Dizzy was created from a part of Host soul and still is a part of host soul.

Sam thought: the transparent window with my details, which appeared in my eyes. Was it you Dizzy?

Dizzy replied: yes host.

Sam thought: why is my soul cultivation error?

Dizzy replied: due to host's lacking mana and cultivation, Dizzy is unable to determine; hosts soul cultivation.

Sam thought: I can understand king titles, but what's with 'Heaven's Anomaly' tile?

Dizzy replied: information is locked; till host obtain 'Phaedra Laminae'.

Sam thought: Phaedra Laminae, overlord of blades! Quite an arrogant name. Dizzy, is it a blade's name?

Dizzy replied: yes Host, precisely it is; strongest sword name.

Sam thought: tell me about this sword.

A double edge, simple and plain sword appeared in Sam's eyes; This was Phaedra Laminae. Looking at this sword appearance; Sam was slightly surprised.

Dizzy replied: Phaedra Laminae, a Billion-year-old Legendary forgotten sword. Lying dormant within a separate space in Doom's forest. Phaedra Laminae, A sword sharp enough to cut the 'space' itself! A sword 'bloody enough' to terrify the cruellest Devil! A sword 'sharp enough' to overpower gods!

Hearing Phaedra Laminae's description; Sam was shocked! He didn't think, this sword's story would be this domineering!

Sam started to recall about this mortal plane,

This plane cultivation was limited to seven stages, From down to top: Pulse, Transformation, Warrior, Noble, King, Emperor and the Monarch; And this Monarch was the limit of mortal plain.

Pulse, transformation and warrior stage; each stage contain ten sub stages. Then onwards, from Nobles to Monarch stage there were only four sub-stages.

For a clan to stand among ten great families, it requires them to least have one monarch Stage cultivator; generally, which would be an old Ancestor. Without a monarch level cultivator, no clan could be qualified to stand among ten great families.

Ben, Sam's grandpa; was an emperor level Ancestor in Hellsing family and was a direct line member of 'main' family. At present, Ben's nephew was the patriarch of Hellsing Family.

After briefing himself, Sam opened his eyes. He then looked toward the two maids. These maids were looking young, and their appearance was as If, they are in their twenties.

One maid had a golden hair; which was styled, in a wavy side ponytail with side bang manner. Her pupils were blue. She had a small straight nose and had an oval face; her little mouth was lovely, and her mature body has a flavour off youthfulness. Her breasts were large and hips curved slightly upward.

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The other maid's black hair was long; which reached till her large and juicy hips. Her black eyebrows were thin, her pupils were black and her red cherry lips; roused an impulse to kiss them, her face was oval, and her body was mature; her breasts were large.

These two maids looked alike and If we compare these two maids with each other, on could mistake them for sisters.

These maids were the 1st stage; warrior level cultivators and their actual age were nearly 43 years! Age and appearance indirectly tell us about a person's talent; From their age, one could say how talented they were. In their childhood; Sam's grandpa Ben saved these two maids and then, they became Ben's Honorary disciples. So to repay Ben; in their 'own' way, they became Sam's maids for 100 years!

The more the cultivation level, the more the lifespan will be. An average person; has a lifespan of nearly 100 years and when he enters into cultivation, which represents, him entering pulse stage; then his lifespan increase to 200 years! When he 'enters' transformation stage, then his lifespan increase to 300 years! When he enters the warrior stage, then his lifespan extends to 400 years!

So, if we consider the two maids lifespan, then we could say they were young women. looking at the two maids, Sam said: "please help me walk."

Suddenly maids remembered, Sam asked, food and water to them before and now he even asked, their assistance to walk!; This caused them, a shock!

How were they shocked?

A person who was in a long slumber; who never learned to speak, but suddenly starts to speaks! Wouldn't it be surprising? The maid's reaction was typical and Seeing their response and unresponsiveness; Sam spoke: "Molly, Rose, don't just stand there. Even though I was in slumber and couldn't open my eyes, I could still hear and feel."

Molly, Rose, came back to their senses and helped him walk. Molly was the black haired one. Rose was the golden-haired one.


Ben was playing chess in his room alone while talking to himself and moving the chess pieces; he said: "don't know, what I should do? The child's suffering ended, but still, he didn't wake up from his slumber." Here, Ben stooped talking himself and then sighed: " 18 years….ah… 18….years…."

"if my son was still here, he could have solved this problem…." He sighed and continued: "the child's faith is cruel. If Lia found it out, Don't know what will happen then and it should take a few hundred years for them to come back."

As he was murmuring to himself, a servant came in and informed him about his grandson's situation. As soon as he finished hearing, he rapidly went directly to his grandson's room.


Reaching his grandson's room, Ben saw, the maids helping his grandson to walk. Ben was both surprised and joyous. Ben's eyes turned slightly red; Finally, the child's suffering ended.

Seeing a muscular white-haired, old man; who was, dressed in white and blue clothes, walk into the room, both Molly and Rose bowed and said: "Master Ben." Hearing this, Sam also bowed slightly and said: "Grandfather Ben."

Ben went forward, Embraced Sam and said: "good child…good child."

Maya also came in as soon as she received the news, of her brothers awakening. Maya's eyes also turned red, and she was also happy; seeing her little brother coming out his suffering.

Sam looked toward Maya. She had a black hair; styled in a thick bang; with curls and her youthful body was so slim that, it was perfect and devoid of excess fat. If one wants to describe her, then she was a 'perfect young woman'. Maya was, dressed in a long pink dress; which made her look like a ferry.

Sam then walked toward Maya and thanked: "Sis, thank you." After saying, he embraced her.

Besides his maids, the next most talkative person to him was Maya. She was the one, who sang lullabies and told fairy tale stories to him, regardless of not knowing; whether he could listen or not.

Looking at this family scene, Molly and Rose's eyes also turned red, and they felt happy, for things to turn in fortunate direction. The granddaughter, grandfather duo Started to talk with Sam.

Soon the news of Sam's awakening spread in Hellsing family. Many relatives started to visit and congratulate Sam on restoring to health.


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