Chapter 15

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Ben and Maya were talking to Sam.Molly and Rose; were serving tea and also listening to this trio. Ben remembered something and suddenly said: "child you still don't have a name; initially grandfather thought to name you; after your conditions improved. But due to your ongoing condition, I didn't organise a 'naming ceremony' to you."

"Now that you back to health, I would like to conduct a 'naming ceremony' to you, and Also, we will conduct bloodline inheritance on the same day."

"grandpa there's no need for the naming ceremony. Please forgive me for this, but call me 'Sam Dazer'." Every one herd, and especially the maids. The maids became depressed, as Dazer was the name, they gave to Sam during his slumber. And at the same time, they were happy; that Sam wants to keep the name, provided by them.

"No! Little brother, you should have a naming ceremony and get a new name. And what's with this name 'Sam Dazer'; I will not accept it. It doesn't even have our family name." Maya argued against Sam's decision. Sam calmly listened to his sister.

Only after she finished saying, Sam opened his mouth and explained: "Sis, first listen to me. When I was in my slumber, I could hear you guys talking to me, and I heard your names. And then I pondered, I should also have one; so, when I heard, Molly, Rose, call me 'young master Dazer'; which means, in future when I get out of my misery, then I would become a man; who Dazes every one with my talent. So, I thought, It was a good name and took this name for myself."

Maya suddenly looked towards the maids grudgingly. On the other hand, the maids laughed bitterly, and they also tried to pursue Sam to change his name. Still, Sam didn't change his stand. Seeing, Sam being persistent, the grandfather and granddaughter's duo gave up and left. Although it just a name, but Ben still has to talk about it; with the patriarch.

In a few days, Sam's conditions improved a lot. With the help of Molly and Rose's mana; he digested the food rapidly and increased his metabolism, which resulted, improving his thin muscles. Now, he doesn't look thin anymore and least he could be said to have the normal 18-years-old physique.


Many people were present in the ancestral hall, which was a large hall, enough to accommodate ten thousand people. A giant statue, which was the statue of; Hellsing family's founder, was present at the opposite end to the entrance. The founder's statue was of an old man, and this statue has a majestic atmosphere around it.

In the ten great families of the mortal world, when a child reaches eight years of age, he or she will have to accept bloodline inheritance of their respective families. Only after receiving it, would they be allowed to cultivate and their cultivation speed would be breakneck. Even the four great sect's many-core disciples wouldn't have such cultivation speed.

A hot topic was going on; among the gathered people in the hall.

Some old man: "herd? the cursed child is also going to participate in blood inheritance?"

"yes, the child woke and is in good health now. You know his name is Sam Dazer now? Even Ancestor Ben and patriarch also agreed on this." another person.

"how can that be! He is a person of our Hellsing family, and he should be surnamed Hellsing, rather than Dazer."

"I heard this was the first request of the child himself, so patriarch and Ancestor Ben agreed." a woman said.

"so that's how it is, no wonder, no wonder. If it's the child's first request; then it couldn't be helped."

"old man, how many days do you think Sam would take accepting inheritance?" woman said.

"4 days at most." The old man said.

Another person intervened in conversation: "how can that be! Even if he is the child of Blaze and Lia, he shouldn't be able to accept the inheritance; in just four days. Ever his siblings took six days least."

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The old man laughed and said: "how about we bet; If Sam could accept inheritance less than four days, I win. But if Sam couldn't, then you win." The old man continued: "If I win, I'll be taking yours one-year's cultivation resource. If you win, you take mine. How's this?"

The person thought for a while and accepted the bet: "Ok old man, but don't cry after losing the bet."

"Hey, why did you bet with him? You should know, you will lose." The woman said.

The old man said to her, in a low voice: "do you think I am an idiot; who is wasting his one-year's cultivation resource?". The old man stooped and continued: " Do you know Blaze left his ring to Sam? Do You know what that ring is?" at this point, the old man smiled colourfully.

Hearing all this, the woman came to a realisation: "don't tell me…it…". The old man interrupted: "yes it's that Kun Peng ring! Which increase the cultivation speed and it can also help him, accepting the inheritance fast. So, I thought he could accept the inheritance in less than four days."

Kung Peng ring was a legendary artefact. This ring helped Blaze, increasing his cultivation speed to a terrorist level. It helped Blaze reach to his present cultivation level, and this ring was still useful for him.

If not the fact that, Blaze and Lia were being unfair to Sam, Blaze wouldn't part away with this Kun Peng ring. This ring attraction was enough to make many powerful cultivators drool saliva!

"Patriarch is here! Ancestor Ben is here!" someone shouted; the people's attention was picked.

Patriarch was a middle-aged man, with scholar looks, he had a well-built physique. And a dignified manner was being released by him. Patriarch was bringing his cute little eight-year-old granddaughter, and this granddaughter was dressed in red and black long frock, and she had a pony hairstyle.

Along with the patriarch, Ancestor Ben was bringing Sam, flowed by his Sister Maya and his maids Molly and Rose. The girls were here to cheer up Sam.

Today, two kids and Sam were going to participate in blood inheritance. Among the two kids, one was Patriarch Granddaughter and other was some supreme elder's son.

Sam and the kids walked to founder's statue.

Unable to see Kun-Peng ring on Sam, the old man who just bet, cursed: "shit! He didn't brink it!" At this point, the old man's knees powerlessly gave up, he went into crawling posture and grieved: "my one year's cultivation resource… whole one year…"

Seeing him like this, The woman who just favoured him, took pleasure in his misfortune. Women do change really quickly.

In front of the founders Statue, a portal opened.

The two kids and Sam entered the portal.

Hellsing family's blood inheritance was dived into four Stages, four being highest and one the lowest. When a person comes out after receiving the inheritance, the 'ancestral statue' shines; in response to the stage of inheritance the person obtained.

If the Ancestral statue shines red, it means, the person obtained first stage inheritance — likewise, orange for the second stage, yellow for the third stage and green for the fourth stage.

Till now, in Hellsing family, only two members have succeeded in obtaining fourth stage inheritance. First was, Ancestor Neb Hellsing and the second was, Sam's father Blaze Hellsing. These two took just four days in receiving the inheritance!

Sam's four siblings, everyone reached the third stage and took six days in obtaining inheritance! And they were talents which stood at the peak of the mortal world.

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This one to four stages of inheritance; determine the purity of Hellsing bloodline awakened in a person, and the time took accepting the inheritance; determines the total talent of a person. Less the time of acceptance then, more the talented the person is.


After entering the portal, Sam arrived in front of a large white staircase. Other than the stairs nothing else could be seen, and this staircase has a total of 100 large steps.

Sam looked around and searched for the two kids and said: "seems, the kids were teleported to the other place similar to this one."

Sam then started to climb the staircase. As he stepped on the first step, a pressure poured on his body and just then, Dizzy voiced in his mind: *Ding* pressure environment detected. Pressure environment not harmful to the Host. Does Host want to know about this environment?

Sam wanted to know what Dizzy could tell, so he asked in his mind: yes, just brief the vital things I need to know.

Dizzy said: environmental pressure increases from the first step to hundred step. At 25th step, the gate to first level inheritance is present. At 50th step, the gate to second level inheritance is present. At 75th step, the gate to the third level of inheritance is present. At 100th step, the gate to the fourth level of inheritance is present.

Dizzy continued: environment pressure decrease is directly related with the awakened grade of Hellsing bloodline. But, 'Host' is an exception to this rule.

Slowly sam started to climb, with each step he took, the pressure he felt doubled. This pressure wasn't a physical one; it was more like mental pressure. When he reached 25th step, he saw a black revolving portal. This must be the gate to the first inheritance wich Dizzy mentioned; Sam thought.

Sam continued to climb, he reached the 50th step and saw the second level inheritance gate. Sam kept walking, and pressure continued increasing. He bypassed 75th step where he saw third level inheritance portal.

In the dream world, Sam was a sage level cultivator, and his cultivation was already above mortal plane's cultivation limit. So, this mental pressure to Sam was child's play.

Soon, Sam reached the 100th step and entered the fourth inheritance portal. Through the portal, he came into a room which was made up of grey stones. In the centre of the room, there was a blood pond.

Dizzy suddenly voiced in Sam's mind: Non-hostile, Artificial Life detected.

Sam was startled, he couldn't find anything other than this blood pond in this room. But he didn't doubt Dizzy; he asked: where is the Artificial life?

Dizzy said in Sam's mind: This whole room is an Artificial life form. Formed from a set of laws, by a powerful cultivator. This surprised Sam, how much powerful cultivator should be, to create this Life form?! Even in his dreams, Sam wouldn't say, he could build an artificial life form!

Sam shook his head, then took off his clothes and entered the blood pond. After being immersed in the blood pond, he started to feel itching all over the body. Because of this itching, he said: " why I am getting an itch?"

Dizzy voiced in his mind: "because 'host' is already numb to pain in soul state and not numb in flesh state, the pain sensation turned to itch feeling.

Hearing Dizzy's reply, Sam cursed: " what the ****!!" this itching sensation doesn't feel pleasant. If it were just over the body, he wouldn't complain much. But the thing is, this itching didn't even leave his private parts!

The clean red blood within the pond stimulated Sam's Hellsing bloodline and also strengthened Sam's body muscles! After some time dirt was released from Sam's body, it was cleaned within the blood pond. This process was called body wash, in this process, many impurities from Sam's body were removed.

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The 'body wash' only took a few hours. Actually, it should have taken a minimum of 4 days. The artificial life observed Sam's nonchalant reaction in blood pond, so it fastened the washing process which could have caused unbearable pain! Instead But to Sam it caused itch. If Sam knew all this, how he would react? But sure it would be a funny reaction.


Four hours after, In the Ancestral hall.

"Uncle Ben, how many days do you think Sam would take?" Hellsing Patriarch asked.

"maybe six days," Ben answered. He was not quite sure about this grandson's talent.

Listening to Ben replay, the patriarch also agreed: "yes, it might take six days."

"what do you think about Zoe?" Hellsing patriarch Max asked again. Zoe was the name of his Granddaughter who entered the inheritance portal along with Sam.

Ben thought for a while and replied: "Zoe might take eight days."

Listening to this, Patriarch said with a laugh: "uncle ben, this time you are wrong. With her talent, she will take only six days."

Ben was surprised before he didn't think the little girl would be this talented. Then he praised Hellsing patriarch: "good Max, now our family have one more great talent."

As Ben and patriarch max was talking to them self, Molly, Rose and Maya were talking themselves on another topic.

"lady Maya, are you confident in entering the top 5 in the upcoming juniors selection battle this time?" Rose asked.

Below 100 years of age, one would still be called junior in the mortal plane. This juniors selection battle was held every five years in Hellsing family and only 1-year time was left for the competition to start. Entering the top 10 in this competition would be challenging; as several monstrous talented juniors would be participating in this competition.

Just the name of this competition, make the Hellsing family juniors excited. And the excitement was because of the ranking. The juniors ranking decides the extra amount of cultivation resource they will be receiving for the next five years, till the next junior selection competition starts.

In the past, ongoing juniors selection competition, the top 100 ranks were obtained by warrior level cultivators. The top 20 were captured by warrior lest having 5th stage warrior cultivation level. And to enter top 10 one must have above 7th stage warrior cultivation.

"this time it's difficult to say, I may not even enter top 10," Maya said depressingly.

Hearing this both Molly and Rose shockingly said: "No way!"

Molly continued: "how can that be? You already took 8th position during last junior selection competition!; Then how can you be not sure entering of even entering top 10 this time?"

Maya bitterly said: "Xiao Fei, Xiao Min and Meng broke through to the warrior 8th stage. Whereas I am still 7th stage warrior."

Xiao Fei and Xiao Min were both women, and Meng was a man. At the last junior's selection competition their ranks were just below Maya, and their cultivation was same as her at that time. But due to some fortunes encounter, their cultivation now surpassed Maya. So, Maya didn't have the confidence to defeat them.

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"don't feel down lady Maya, you are still young and more talented than them. I am sure; even if you get defeated this time, you will still have a chance to defeat them in the next junior selection competition." Rose consoled Maya, and this consoling didn't lift Maya's mood instead it even depressed her mood.

Soon a portal appeared in front of the Ancestral statue, suddenly the hall was pin-drop silenced. Everybody's attention directed toward it. Everyone in the hall had an expression, 'they couldn't believe' all over their faces!

From the portal, Sam came out, and the Ancestral statue glowed in green colour. People looked at Sam with an with unbelievable expressions, and they stood completely dumbstruck on the scene. Even Ben, Hellsing patriarch, Maya and Sam's maids Molly and Rose were astonished and were looking at Sam dumbly.

"Hey, how much time have crossed? maybe I slept unknowingly, so I don't know the exact time passed." Someone in the hall spoke out.

The silence was broken, and everyone started to gain their lost composure. Then everyone started to cheer.

"really now, who would have thought this child talent would be this monstrous?" someone spoke.

Some other person spoke: "yes, who would have thought he would just receive the inheritance in less than 4 hours!! I f*****g hell!; Still cannot believe it."

"this child's talent even surpassed Blaze and Lia!!" some other person spoked.

The old man who betted, rubbed his eyes while looking towards Sam. This old man still couldn't believe what was happening in front of his eyes, it was like he stepped in heavens now. After getting composure, he started to shout: "I won! I won! Ha…hahahaha..."

And the man who lost the bet fell down on his knees and started to sob: "one year… whole one years…cultivation…." The women, who initially took pleasure for old man's misfortune; started to take pleasure in this man's misfortune now.

Sam walked towards Ben's group, ignoring the people's shock gazes.

"little brother congratulations." While giving her regards, Maya patted both shoulders of Sam happily and said: "you really surprised this big sister. Not only your talent exceeded this big sister, but you also obtained fourth Stage inheritance. And now you became the third person in the history of our clan, who obtained fourth stage inheritance! You really made this sister feel proud."

Everyone seems to forget about the fourth stage inheritance that Sam received. Because of Sam, just taking shocking 4 hours!; in accepting the inheritance, overshadowed this fourth stage inheritance.

And now being reminded by Maya everyone thought in their mind, yes, he fricking!; received fourth stage inheritance!; And he became the 3rd person receiving it!

Ben opened his mouth and praised Sam: "little brat, you really did great work, you have given a pleasant surprise to this old bone."

"yes, nephew Sam you really surprise us. With a talent such as you're, within a few several hundred years you will become a powerhouse of our Hellsing family." Patriarch Max was saying with a smile on his face. He was genuinely feeling excited; Having a talent such as Sam's would boost their family prestige and soon within few hundred years Sam would become a supporting pillar to Hellsing family, and overall strength of Hellsing family would be increased.

As everyone seems to misunderstand about his talent, Sam didn't care about it. He still was feeling little itch down there, and soon wanted to go to the bathroom!

Sam asked his leave and left the Ancestral Hall with the girls. Ben and patriarch Max remained there; waiting for Zoe.


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