Chapter 16

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Hellsing family has their own extensive library. And the library contains many cultivation techniques, alchemy techniques, blacksmithing techniques and many more other types of techniques.

As Sam can start his cultivation officially now, Maya brought him to this extensive library, so that he could choose a proper cultivation technique from here.

This massive library was a seven floored white-coloured traditional building. The First floor has poor quality cultivation techniques, whereas the seventh floor has the highest sound quality cultivation techniques.

As Sam was a fourth-grade talent, he had the privilege to access the most top floor of this Hellsing Library. Maya directly brought Sam to the seventh floor.

Now, Sam was checking cultivation techniques from the shelve. Maya pointed toward a book: " how about this book, Sword emperor? It an excellent cultivation technique if you decide to use swords!"

Sam took this sword emperor book, and as soon as the book came in his hand, within his mind he heard Dizzy's voice: Warning! Host potential will be wasted if host use Sword emperor cultivation technique!

Sam stared, didn't Maya say, it's a good cultivation technique?

Sam opened the Sword emperor book. After reading it he found, Dizzy was correct! To him, this book seems lagging. Then he said to Maya: "Big Sis, I don't feel its good enough for me."

Maya said: "you don't like this technique. Its fine, this big sis of yours will show you other techniques."

Maya soon; selectively took few books from the book shelve. She put these on the table beside them, and asked Sam: "go through these cultivation techniques."

Sam picked a book, it was an immortal golden technique. Soon Dizzy mind-voiced: Warning! Host potential will be wasted!

Sam didn't open this book, he put it away and picked another. Dizzy mind-voiced: Warning! Host potential will be wasted!

Sam put the book away. Then he went for other books. Every time he picked a book dizzy would mind-voiced: Warning! Host potential will be wasted!

Soon, he already went through all the books; which his big sister recommended. He then, looking toward's Maya shook his head: "big sis, these books aren't good enough for me."

Maya complained: " These were the best books I know. You should at least check these books before rejecting."

Sam suddenly showed a false-curiosity filled face and said: "sis, are these the best books within this floor?"

"there's still one book called you to need to go through; this cultivation technique is called chaos arts." A brown clothed, thin old man who came towards Sam and Maya said.

Maya as if suddenly remembered: "yes, I really forgot to bring this cultivation technique! Just wait here I will bring it…." Still while conversing; Maya rapidly left to bring the book.

Sam greeted this old man and thanked: "thanks grandpa Will."

And as Sam was looking toward this old man, a status window appeared in his eyes,


Name: Will [--------------------------------]Age: 1800 years

Height: 5.8[---------------------------------]weight: 562 kg [normal Average monarch cultivator weight]

Race: Human [-----------------------------]Sex: Male



->Bloodline: Hellsing bloodline

->Bloodline talent: second grade Hellsing Bloodline

->Cultivation: Perfect Stage Monarch [--------------------------] Mana: 144k

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->Strength: 146k

->vitality: 147k

->Life: 144k

->Life span: 2020 years



Arts: [Emperor sword arts lvl 4], [****** cultivation technique lvl 8]



Rewind: (optional)


Dizzy comment: Colourful Old man!

To old man will, it seems, Sam was looking towards him. The old man 'Will' noded: "if you have questions regarding cultivation technique, come to me, and I'll explain it to you." After saying will left. This old man Will was the Librarian to this Hellsing library, so he knew every in and out of this library.

Sam who was observing the status window, was actually in a shocked mood. He didn't think this old looking librarian would be a perfect Monarch cultivator!

After regaining his usual mood, Sam asked Dizzy in mind: Dizzy, what's this rewind thing?

A folder window opened in Sam's eyes. This folder window was filled with a lot of video files, which had dates on them.

Sam selected a random video.

Soon, an audible 3d video played in Sam's eyes, and the video 's voice was only limited to Sam.


With the yesterday's date and morning time; at the top right on window, the video started to play.

A naked and mature black haired, middle-aged woman was lying on a king-sized lite-blue coloured bed.

This black haired middle-aged woman was experiencing pleasure, and her whole body was fluctuating up and down horizontally. Even her two large tempting fatty Hills were swinging rapidly in a counter direction to her body moments!

And the pleasure causer in this video was the old man Will!!

And again the unbelievable thing was, the Oldman Will was holding the smooth waist of the black haired women with his left hand, and with his right hand was pleasuring the forbidden garden of another brown-haired middle-aged woman!

This brown haired middle aged women, just laid beside the black haired women.

And both these women were crying pleasureful moans!; in a balanced manner!


"Sam, I brought the book!" Sam heard Maya's voice, so he suddenly closed the window.

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Sam thought Dizzy was right; This old man Will was really colourfull! It was just morning when the old man started to do his deed!; And he was doing with two! One more thing, the women were much younger when compared to old man Will!!

Maya was already in front of Sam, and she passed the chaos arts book to Sam.

Sam took the book, and as expected, he heard Dizzy's voice: Warning! Host potential will be wasted!

Sam opened the book and faked reading it. But within his mind, he started discussing with Dizzy,

Sam: Dizzy, if I use Fire Dragon arts then?

This fire dragon arts Sam obtained gained in Dragons dream. And, of all the four lives he lived, this Fire dragons art was the best cultivation technique he knows!

Dizzy: not suitable for Host. Host's potential will be wasted!

Now, hearing this, Sam was feeling dizzy because of Dizzy.

Fire dragon arts was the best thing he had, and even this arts was useless in dizzy's eyes! Because of this, Sam was feeling bitter and astringent. Sam whirly asked: Dizzy, even Fire Dragan art isn't suitable to me then which cultivation art is?

Dizzy: host already has a suitable arts.

Having a surprise, Sam asked: what is it?

Dizzy: Surpasser's way!

Don't know if Sam misheard or not; he felt astonishment in dizzy's voice for the first time! And his hopes were hyped up for this arts.

Sam changed his gaze from the chaos book pages and looked towards Maya and smilingly said: "Big Sis I decided, I will take this chaos arts."

Maya happily and excitingly said: " good, with this cultivation technique and your talent, don't know how far you will walk in the path of cultivation!"


After leaving the library, Sam was back to his room.

Sitting on his large bed, with a high spirited mood he asked: "Dizzy, tell me about Surpasser's way?!

Dizzy: It was created by Host.

Sam stared, he thought: what the heck! When did I create this art?! And how the *** I didn't know?!

[Author: * shock emoji* even I don't know about it?!!]

Dizzy: error! No data found!

Sam calmed down his excitation. He first decided to check Surpasser's way art.

Sam: Dizzy, show me the Surpasser's way.


Suddenly within Sam's brain, a new memory unlocked. Now Sam already knew all about Surpasser's Way.

Remembering this art, Sam was shocked, this Surpasser's art was the first ever evolution type art! And this art could even digest other arts and make them sub-art!

If word about this Surpasser's way spread, it will surely be a bombshell within the cultivation world! Because a cultivation technique couldn't evolve itself. If it could, then there would be no need of grading cultivation techniques into different grade!

Sam came back to his usual mood, and he was now going to start his cultivation. And one most vital requirement for this cultivation was Dizzy! Because of the complexity and length of this cultivation technique, Dizzy was required.

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Sam: Dizzy I am going to chant Surpasser's way, support.

Dizzy: preparations a complete, host can start cultivation.

Sam started to chant Surpasser's way.

Mana from the surroundings started to enter Sam rapidly via Small pores. After invading Sam's body, the mana began to form a lite blue coloured layer around blood vessels. Very soon, each blood vessel of the body was covered in blue mana layer. After completely covering the blood vessels, the mana started to enter the heart, and at exactly heart position, a new separate space was generated.

This newly generated space soon filled up with the mana. This space was a storage container in the human body to store mana. So a cultivator could use mana whenever he wanted.

For other cultivators, The mana would start to flow out of the heart. Then the Mana began to run along the blood vessels, in a different space from that of blood vessels. Soon similar to blood circulation, a new mana circulation would be formed. And, at the completion of this process, the person's whole body would shine with blue light.

This blue light was the sign indicating the person entered into the pulse state.

But for Sam, this pulse state entering process wasn't the same. Because of his Surpasser's way cultivation technique, additional mana vessels were formed, and this additional vessels even reached the areas where no blood vessels could reach.

And the mana container in Sam's heart changed its shape and formed pseudo mana heart. The mana heart began to pump like a real heart!

Suddenly, with each beat of his mana heart, the mana from surroundings was forcefully sucked in Sam's body via small pores.

The mana level in the surrounding started to decrease. The vast land; which the Hellsing family ruled was also affected.


In the ancestral hall,

"Max, did you notice?" Ben asked the max.

"yes, uncle Ben the mana level decreased." Feeling the air with his hand, Patriarch Max replied, and he continued: "only a perfection king above level cultivator could feel this change in mana from the environment."

Then Max took a talisman and ordered perfection king lever supreme elders and emperor level ancestors to find the source of this mana depletion.

After ordering, Max said to ben: "uncle ben, let us also search the source of mana depletion."

Two days passed, the search was still going on. Many ancestors and elders were still searching the source for mana depletion.


The instigator of this whole mana depletion situation was still in his cultivation. Molly and Rose also visited Sam's room, but seeing the door lock from inside; they knew Sam must have started cultivating. So they didn't disturb him.


Suddenly, blue light shined from Sam's body.

Sam now entered 1st stage pulse cultivation! And thanks to his Surpasser's way cultivation technique, his pulse cultivation stage was entirely on a different level compared to other cultivators!

Sam relaxed from his sitting position and laid on the bed. Sam opened his mouth: "finally finished."

Dizzy voiced in his mind: host, congratulation entering cultivation.

Sam just smiled. He then asked: " Dizzy show me my status window."


Name: Sam Dazer [-------------------------]Age: 18

Height: 5.6

Race: Human [-------------------------------]Sex: Male

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->Abnormalities: none

->Bloodline: Hellsing blood line.

->Bloodline talent: 3rd grade.

->Cultivation: 1st stage pulse cultivation stage

->Soul Cultivation: error!



->Mana: 5223

->Strength: 5105

->vitality: 5301

->Life: 5500

->Life span: 500 years



Skills: [Domain lvl 3 cap],[Anhilation lvl 3 cap], [Doa replica lvl 3 cap], [Mana Vision lvl 3 cap], [Dragon aura lvl 3 cap], [Plant Controle lvl 3 cap].



Art: Surpasser's Way.

Sub Arts: none.



Titles: [Heaven's Anomaly lvl 1], [Human King lvl 1], [Demonic King lvl 1], [Dragon King lvl 1], [Elf king lvl 1].


For a normal pulse cultivator, his all stats value will be near 200

and for the next stage, transformation, the stats value will be near 1500

and for the next stage after the transformation stage, which was the Warrior stage, the stats value will be nearly 5000.

And The status window gave a pleasant surprise to sam. He saw, his stats were equal to a warrior level cultivator!; when he is just at pulse stage cultivation!

And he also saw, many of his skill appeared on the status window but with their skill level limited. It must be due to his lack of cultivation.

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