Chapter 17

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In the Li family, one of the ten great families of the mortal world.

Within a garden of a villa. A black haired beautiful young lady was talking to her younger sister: " Li Min, heard your fiancé finally woke up."

Hearing her big sis Li Na words, this younger sister jumped in fright from her chair: " he woke up?!"

This younger sister Li Min has an oval face just like her elder sister Li Na, and Li-Min was also a black haired; young beauty. Li Min was an 18-year-old lady, who was five years younger than Li Na.

Li Min was freedom and adventure loving girl. And she always wanted to go on a big adventure. At the age of 12 when her father informed, she has a fiancé!; She disliked and repugnant this fiancé! as marriage was a type of confinement to her dreams!

But soon when Li Min knew this fiancé of hers was in a coma, she sighed in relief. She prayed to gods, let this fiance of hers continue sleeping for a lifetime! So she could always be free!

[Author: poor Sam Dazer, he doesn't even know, He has such cruel fiancée!]

Seeing her younger sister in a panic, Li Na gently consoled: "don't worry, father said he would only marry you to Sam; when he reached king stage cultivation!

So you have much time before marriage."

Her elder sister's words were like a 'light in the darkness' to Li Min. she calmed down, and a happy smile bloomed on her face, yes it as elder sister Li Na said, that fellow need's to reach king stage before he marries me! He just woke up, and he would need much time to reach king stage cultivation! So I have much time!

Suddenly, Li Na as if remembering something, she said: "Li Min. He is a fourth-grade talent, and he just took 4 hours in receiving the inheritance."

It was like a giant stone doped on her happy heart: " !!!"

Li Min rapidly hugged her elder sister who was still sitting, and with a tearful face, she said: " Elder sister, please help me! I don't want to marry! You are the only one who can help me!"

Seeing; her younger sister like this, Li Na's heart was affected. Li Na kindly rubbed Li Min's head, and she said with a gentle smile: " Ok, first stop crying. I'll do something about it."

Hearing Li Na's words, LI Min was assured, and she became happy. If her sister said she would do something, then she would really do it! Her elder sister wouldn't have said it if she couldn't do it, now Li Min's problem would be solved!

Li Min has much confidence in her elder sister, so she smilingly thanked: "thank you elder sister!"


In the Hellsing family,

In Sam's bedroom, Sam was checking info about different cultivation levels


0, Average Mortal

->strength: 8 [------------------------------------] ->Mana: 0

->Vitality:7 [------------------------------------]->speed: 4

->Life:100[------------------------------------]->life span: 100 years



1st, Pulse stage

->strength:200[------------------------------------] ->Mana:150


->Life:500[------------------------------------]->life span:150 years



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2nd, Transformation

->strength:1500[------------------------------------] ->Mana:1200


->Life:1000[------------------------------------]->life span:250 years




->strength:5000[------------------------------------] ->Mana: 4500


->Life:4000[------------------------------------]->life span:500 years




->strength:10K[------------------------------------] ->Mana:8K


->Life:8k[------------------------------------]->life span:750 years




->strength:20K[------------------------------------] ->Mana:18K


->Life:18k[------------------------------------]->life span:1000 years




->strength:50K[------------------------------------] ->Mana:40K


->Life:50K[------------------------------------]->life span:1500 years




->strength:100K[------------------------------------] ->Mana:80K

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->Life:100K[------------------------------------]->life span:2000 years




Dizzy comment: above was the info about average cultivators without any specialties. Based on blood-line, Body type and other specialty, elements could vary.

Dizzy comment: Life element is different from Vitality element. Here, Life element represents the Durability of a living body.



After checking the info, Sam started to plan his next step

Cultivation would require a large amount of resource. And Mana crystals were a type of cultivation resource which was widely used. Mana crystals were concentrated form of mana and absorbing this mana crystal could fasten once cultivation.

As cultivation of a person increases, the requirement of mana crystals also increase. For a cultivator within a great family, cultivation resource wouldn't be a big problem, As the cultivation resource allotted to them would be enough.

But to Sam, Thanks to his own unique cultivation technique, cultivation resource allotted from Hellsing family wouldn't be sufficient!

To cultivate with Surpasser's Way, it would require tremendous cultivation resource!

Even though in Surpasser's Way, investment was tremendous, but the profit from this cultivation technique was also enormous!

Sam: say, Dizzy, given my present capability even if I took several hundred tasks from task hall. The cultivation resource that I will obtain, would it be enough?

Dizzy: it would be enough.

Sam: but it would take much time, isn't it?

Dizzy: yes.

Sam: so what's the shortest way; to obtain vast cultivation resource in short time?

Dizzy: Alchemy.

Sam already new Dizzy would say this, so he smiled: ok, then let's go with Alchemy.


Alchemy Association,

For one to sell their alchemy pills, they would require an Alchemy licence, Which was licensed by any well-known alchemy association.

To obtain an Alchemy licence, Sam came alone to Alchemy association.

This alchemy association was a large building. And the president of this alchemy association was a famous Beautiful woman, named Amelia.

This Amelia was a mighty woman, and Even Hellsing family old ancestor respects her!

Sam walked into the alchemy association building.

At the Alchemy Association reception, there was a golden-haired young woman as a receptionist. Sam walked to her.

Noticing Sam, the receptionist, asked: "how may I help you, sir?"

Sam said his goal: "I want to apply for an alchemy licence."

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The receptionist was surprised; she didn't think, this guy who looked so young wanted to apply for an alchemy License!

People were present within the reception hall. These people were all middle-aged fellows, and their cultivation was higher than Sam.

These people could feel Sam's cultivation level which was just Pulse 1st stage. So from his appearance and low cultivation level, they knew Sam was a young fellow.

And few of these middle-aged people were here to apply for alchemy Licence. And when they heard, Sam also wanted to apply for alchemy licence; they felt disgusted towards him!

The receptionist thought Sam wanted to apply for Alchemy apprentice licence, so she put a form in front of Sam and informed him: "Sir, to apply Alchemy apprentices licence you need to pay two warrior mana crystals and fill this for…."

Sam interrupted her: "Miss, you seem to misunderstand, I want to apply for a 2nd-grade alchemy master licence."

The receptionist stared, others also stared. Everyone felt they heard wrong.

Seeing; the receptionist looking him dully, sam said again: "Miss I want to apply for 2nd-grade alchemy licence."

Now hearing Sam words clearly, it confirmed everyone, they didn't hear wrong. This brat really wanted to apply for a 2nd-grade licence!

The receptionist was new, and she didn't know how to handle situations, like this one.

With problematic expressions, Receptionist looked toward Sam: " sir..thats…little..hmm…I mean...your age."

Sam asked: "is there a problem with my age?"

The receptionist wanted to yes, but there were no written rules, saying a young fellow cannot apply for the 2nd-grade licence exam. She thought of it and was going to reply to Sam, but a middle-aged fellow satire interrupted: "yes little brat! Your age is less, How can you be a 2nd-grade alchemist at your age?! Haa?!

Sam looked towards this middle-aged man and plainly said: "How do you know I am not a second-grade alchemist?"

Sam's words infuriated other middle-aged fellows: "stop joking brat! If you are a second-grade alchemist at this age, then, aren't we idiots compared to you little brat?!"

Sam smilingly said: " aren't you then?"

Sam's words angered the public,

"what the **** are you saying!?"

"who do you think you are?! "

"Just, why don't you say, you are an alchemy emperor?!"

"if you really are 2nd level alchemy master, I'll just call you grandpa then?!"

Many people barked at Sam.

To all their angry questions, Sam smilingly said: "why don't you guys bet with me?"

A middle-aged person asked: "what bet?"

" If I can get 2nd-grade alchemy licence, you will ten times kowtow to me; calling me grandpa. If I can't, then I will pay one emperor mana crystals to each of you.

How is it? will you accept?" Sam said.

The people were tempted, an emperor crystal was not a Small matter to these people!

A middle-aged fellow, still with a contempt tone, he said: "Ok, we all accept, but don't go crying if you lose."

Sam didn't say anything. He looked toward other middle-aged fellows. A total of seven middle-aged people nodded.

Sam again didn't waste any time, he then, again said to Receptionist: " I want to apply for 2nd-grade alchemist licence."

The receptionist put another form in front of Sam and informed: "Sir, you need to pay 10 Noble grade mana crystals and fill this form."

Sam filled the form and paid the money.

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A total of 10 emperor crystals were given to Sam by Ben!


Sam was sitting in an examination hall.

Two old looking examiners came, they were surprised by how young Sam was. But the surprise was for just a little time.

One old man passed an exam-paper and answer sheets to Sam: " two hours will be the examination time. Twenty-four questions are given, and you need to least solve 14 questions to pass this test."

This exam paper giving old man was called Elder Fe. And the other old man was Elder Mu, and both were the 2nd-grade alchemist. These two sat in the chair in front of Sam and observed Sam, in a case for any malpractice.

Sam read the question paper. The questions looked silly to him! He wanted to laugh. Shaking his head, he solved the question paper.

Within half an hour he completed the exams and passed the answer sheet to the Elder Fe.

Elder Fe received papers and didn't care much, even if sam completed exam within just a half hour, he didn't believe Sam's answers would be correct!

In the eyes of the old man, Sam wouldn't pass, and Sam was just a spoiled rich kid who wasted money on this exam!

Elder Fe looked at Sam's answer sheet after he read first answer he was surprised. He looked toward Sam once and continued to check other answers.

Soon elder Fe was shocked!, He went to Elder Mu and showed him the answer sheet. Elder Mu was also shocked!

After thoroughly reading Sam's answer sheet both Elder Fe and Elder Mu looked flabberghasted. And they looked towards Sam.

Observing their funny reactions, Sam was laughing inside.

Elder Mu went outside the exam hall, and Elder Fe came to Sam.

Elder Fe filled with respect towards Sam said: "little brother, please wait for a while."

Sam with an innocent expression asked: " why? did I fail?"

Elder Fe shook his head: "No, you passed. But form your answers we felt, your knowledge is above 2nd grade. So elder Mu went to clarify with our superior."

Sam nodded.


In the Alchemy president office,

A violet-haired lady, in a sexy-violet dress; which increased her bewitchment, was working on some alchemy recipe. This sexy lady was the Alchemy association president Amelia.

Elder Mu knocked on the door, and with Amelia's permission, he came in.

Amelia's work was disturbed, she felt little irritated, and in an irritating tone she asked: "what is it?"

Elder Mu passed Sam's answer sheet to her and reverently said: "these are the 2nd-grade alchemist answer papers and I request you to check them."

Amelia's mood worsened: "weren't their other people to check?! Why disturb me with these silly works?!"

Elder Mu was given a fright, by President Amelia's temper. Sweat beads appeared on his forehead. Still, he requested: "president Amelia, I am sorry for disturbing your work. But I humbly request you to check these answer sheets."

Seeing Elder Mu still being persistent, Amelia inspected the answer sheets.

After reading a few answers she was surprised, soon she was impressed. These answers were much detailed than from the textbooks!

And some answers even have different procedures to approach the same result!

In some answers, Even some medicines herbs were changed with other suitable herbs; this surprised Amelia even more.

...Continued in next chap

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