Chapter 18

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Author note: {} = represents thoughts.


Reading the answer sheets Amelia felt, it wasn't a waste of time. After reading some detailed answers, even she gained some new knowledge.

And what picked Amelia's interest was, the beauty Pill.

A white flower, called Mutare flower was the main ingredient used in beauty pill. But in Sam's answer sheet, it was written 'Pulcritudo flower' was a better component than Mutare flower.

This Pulcritudo flower was a black and pungent smelling flower! Due to its lousy odour, this Pulcritudo flower was treated as a weed in the mortal plane!

First, Amelia thought it was some kind of rubbish. But after reading Sam's reasons. Which were also provided along with the answer, she felt, Sam was right! The only thing Amelia had to do now is, just practically apply Sam's answers. And check, whether Pulcritudo could really be used as the main ingredient in beauty pill.

There were two more answers which picked her interest,

One was, Mana flowing pill's answer. In this answer, Sam mentioned lenis herb was a replacement for 'olu-olu' herb.

The other was revitalising Pill's answer. In this, Sam mentioned abhorret herb was a replacement to the salutem herb.

After reading this all, Amelia now wanted to meet the owner of these answer sheets. She looked towards elder Mu: "Elder Mu, from the looks of these answers, I could say, the candidate should be at least 3rd-grade alchemist or above!"

At this point, Amelia stood from her chair and continued: "This candidate still has to pass the practical exam; isn't it? Let us go. I will be the examiner for his practical."

Elder Mu was shocked! How couldn't he?

When he heard, the exam-candidate should be at least 3rd-grade alchemist from President Amelia's mouth. Elder Mu didn't know, how should he describe, how he felt! He couldn't help but sigh, talent ah, really, a great talent!

Elder Mu felt, he should inform Sam's age to president Amelia: "President Amelia, you see, the candidate is a youngster."

The first reaction Amelia had when she heard this was, she suddenly looked Dumb, Yes!; This was her reaction! The powerful woman Amelia, to whom even the Hellsing family's old Ancestors respected, had a Dumb expression!

Elder Mu also saw this dumb expression. His facial features didn't have any change. But inside, He really felt gleeful; for telling her Sam's age!

Amelia thought, {did I hear wrong? No...Elder Mu really said the candidate was a youngster!…it not right, maybe the candidate is a powerful cultivator and disguised as a youngster….yes this must be it!}

Amelia got back her composer, {yes this must be it!}


Sam was brought to another room; this was the practical-exam hall. In this hall, there were several cauldrons.

Two middle-aged people, who primarily mocked sam in the reception hall, were going through a practical-exam in this hall. Among these fellows, one was 'thin' guy, and other was 'fat' guy.

Seeing sam come into this practical-exam hall, both the thin and fat middle-aged fellows gawk, and both of them had the same thought, { this fellow passed the written-exam!!}

Sam noticed these fellows, now looking at them he thought, { weren't; these fellows who mocked me? Their names....?.... Dizzy what's their name?}

Dizzy: Thin person's name is Purnaq. Fat person name is Blian.

Knowing their names Sam just wanted to laugh, {this is hilarious, Purnaq(Duck fat person), Blian(thin person). What's with their naming sense? A thin person having 'Fat' as his name, and a fat person having a 'thin' as his name. hahahahah….}

Purnaq and Blian saw Sam smiling at them, and they felt this smile was a mock from Sam to them. In response, they both just snorted: "snort!" "snort!"

Soon, Sam saw a violet-haired voluptuous young woman coming in, and Elder Mu was following this woman. This curvaceous woman had massive jubblies. And these jubblies were one-fourth bare!; because of the enticing violet-dress she wore!

Sam glimpsed at the partly fleshy large-orbs, he almost nose-bleed! Sam controlled himself. He knew this young woman was the Alchemy Association president Amelia!

Sam glimpse was noted by Amelia; she just lightly chuckled which was charming: {this little kid seems to be good, if it were other kids, they would have ogled at me.} At this point, she noticed Sam's cultivation, her eyes widely opened, {this!...this kid really was a youngster!}

Facing towards Amelia, Sam mind-voiced to Dizzy: Dizzy show me her info.

An info appeared in Sam's retina,


Name: Amelia [-----------------------------] Age: 800

Height: 5.8 [----------------------------------] Weight: 800kg

Race: Human [-------------------------------] Sex: female



-> Body condition: Maiden.

-> Monthly cycle: (optional)

->Marital status: single.

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->Disposition: Playful.



->Bloodline: Lilith's bloodline.

->Bloodline talent: 4th grade.

->Body type(latent): Wind Demonic-Angel.

->Body type talent: 10-star.



->Cultivation: Initial Stage Monarch

->strength:160K [----------------------------------] ->Mana:180K

->Vitality:160K [------------------------------------]->speed:170K

->Life:160K [-----------------------------------------]->life span:2300 years



Arts: golden sword Arts.



Skills: [Lilith's seduction lvl 2], [Lilith's Gaze lvl 2], [limit breaker lvl 1], [Lilith's dual-cultivation lvl 0].

Titles: [Alchemy Master lvl 4], [Demonic-Angel lvl 0]



Rewind: (optional)


Dizzy comment: Amelia-> Potential wife candidate for Host! Host should thing about it!



Amelia's info greatly astonished Sam! And what surprised him the most was, Demonic-Angel body type which was a 10-star body type!

Body-types were natural bodies; gifted from Heavens to a person since birth. And body types were divided into ten levels, 1-star being the lowest and 10-star being highest.

Amelia, having Demonic-Angel body type amazed Sam to such an extent that, he forgot about other info elements.

Actually, he doesn't even need to check other info inputs. Also, though Demonic-Angel body-type was latent, it was enough for Sam to understand, Initial-stage-Monarch Amelia's overpowering stats over peak-stage-Monarch Old-Man Will's!

Amelia came near Sam and playfully said: "little brother, hello. I am Elder Aahana. If you want you can call me elder sister Aahana. And I am the examiner for your practical exam."

Sam inwardly thought, {who are you bluffing President Amelia?} Sam then greeted her: "Hello, Elder Aahana." Sam went along with Amelia's flow.

Amelia voiced sweetly: "Little brother, in this practical-exam you need to build three pills: one, Beauty Pill. Two, Mana flow smoothing pill. Three, revitalising pill.

Got it, little brother?"

Even though Amelia's voice seems to be sweet, but her words weren't kind to Sam!

Regularly, to pass Alchemy practical-exam, one just needs to build a single second-grade pill. But Amelia as the examiner asked him to produce three Pills! And among these three pills, Mana flow Smoothing Pill was a third-grade pill! And the other two were second-grade pills.

Sam thought, {what is she thinking? Forget about three Pills or a third grade Pill, can't she sense, I am just a first-stage-Pulse cultivator?

Ah forget it…... if you want me to build these three pills, I just make it.}

Even building two second-grade pills require great amount mana. Even a transformation-stage-cultivator would find it difficult to build two second-grade-pills!

Purnaq and Blian also heard Elder Aahana. First, they both were shocked. But thinking, it was Sam who has to build three pills, they took pleasure in Sam's misfortune. To them, Sam already failed to make a single second-grade-pill. And now Elder Aahana words were like a solid confirmation to their thoughts!

Amelia also didn't believe Sam could build the pills successfully. But she was very impressed by Sam's knowledge alone; so, she had already approved Sam's second-grade Alchemist licence.

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To Amelia, it doesn't matter, whether Sam could build the pills or not. All she wanted to know was, the process which Sam would use making the Pills; which could fill her curiosity!

An alchemy cauldron and Herbs were provided to Sam, and looking at the main herbs; Sam's eyes narrowed. The main herbs were the things he suggested in the Answer sheet!

Now, the main problem was the significant amount of mana. Which even Sam couldn't handle alone with his present cultivation levels, but no worries, Sam has a solution for this.

Sam first took Shakti herb; this herb was an Auxiliary herb which contains a large amount of mana. Sam put this herb in the cauldron and lit red-coloured origin-fire below the alchemy- cauldron. To others, this origin fire looked to be a normal fire.

Sam again put few auxiliary herbs in the cauldron. Soon two portions were formed, one was useful and other was waste. He removed the waste-portion.

Now Sam started to change the origin fires temperature, and his Mana was also rapidly depleting just to maintain this Origin-fire. But thanks to his enormous mana level; which was due to his 'Surpasser's Way', he could somehow manage it.

Soon, four different types of liquid formed in the cauldron. These liquids started to merge, and then four glistering blue pills were composed! These four pills were, second- grade Mana supplementing pills!

Other didn't know what Sam built. They were curious. Amelia asked: "Little brother what pills is it?"

Sam smiled towards her and replied: "second-grade Mana supplementing pill."

Amelia was surprised, and others just opened their mouth!

Everyone thought, given Sam's cultivation he wouldn't be able to build a second-grade pill. But he actually made it!

Another thing which amazed everyone was, Sam used some new unknown recipe to build Mana supplementing pill!

With the hall, the most exciting response was given by, Purnaq and Blian's. These both had a 'damn' expression on their faces!

Sam ignored others response. His mana was already half depleted. So, he swallowed down one mana supplementing pill. The pill entered the stomach, soon Sam's body overflooded with a large amount of mana.

Now sam started to build, the beauty pill. He put Pulchritudo flower in Cauldron and lit origin fire. Then he put insufficient auxiliary herbs, as Shakti and few other herbs were already used.

He separated the waste. And soon, different liquids formed. At this step, he dropped one mana supplementing pill in the cauldron.

This dropping of the pill, caused others to stare dumbly! Everyone thought, {what is he doing!!?}

soon their knowledge regarding alchemy was going to be reverted.

Two pure-white coloured beauty pills formed. Sam put these two pills in a box. Then he started to build a revitalising-pill.

Others were just dumbly looking at Sam, {did he just built a Second-grade Beauty pill!!? And the Pill was a pure white one! Not a crude-white one!}

Just looking at the pure white Pill they could say, the quality of the pill was good.

Sam soon successfully built a red-coloured Revitalizing pill! In this also he used Mana supplementing Pill.

Next, just like above two pills, Sam formed a dark blue coloured 3rd-grade Mana-supplementing pill! This startled everyone!

This was only a 2nd-grade Alchemy exam. But in this second-grade exam, a First stage Pulse cultivator actually built a 3rd-grade pill!! which was impossible!

Everyone's mind was going through a great turmoil, their alchemy knowledge already reverted!

Till now, Amelia was curious about Sam's alchemy knowledge. But now, she was more curious about Sam himself!

Elder Fe and Elder Mu, they just didn't know, how they should feel!

Purnaq and Blian were the most shocked once! They still couldn't believe what has happened! They knew they lost the bet with Sam!

Looking at these people, Sam smiled, {just knowing I am a third-grade Alchemist, was a bolt out of the blue for you guys. And if you all know, I am actually a 10th-grade alchemist, then how would you react?} he said: "did I pass?"

Everyone started to get composure back. Amelia folded her arms and put her index finger on her cheek, tapping her index finger she said: "hmm…you passed!"

Sam gave a smile, and then he was going to take the pills. But before he could make, Amelia quickly snatched all the pills.

Sam eyebrows furrowed, and he questioningly looked towards Amelia.

With an innocent expression, Amelia said: "All the pills build during practical-exam would belong to Alchemy Association."

Sam cursed, {****! Was there such a rule before!?}


Sam walked outside the Alchemy Association Building when he came out, he saw seven middle-aged people standing before him. Purnaq and Blian were among these seven people.

Because he was still in an angry mood, as Amelia snatched all his pills, he forgot the bet with these people.

Sam was going to open his mouth, but before he could do, the seven middle-aged people kneel-downed and started to kowtow; while shouting: "Grandpa!"

2- "Grandpa!"

3- "Grandpa!"

4- "Grandpa!"

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5- "Grandpa!"

6- "Grandpa!"

7- "Grandpa!"

8- "Grandpa!"

9- "Grandpa!"

10- "Grandpa!"

Sam was surprised and was pleased, {these people were not bad, they have their pride}



Old-Man Will, Hellsing family librarian.


Name: Will [--------------------------------]Age: 1800 years

Height: 5.8[---------------------------------]weight: 562 kg [normal Average monarch cultivator weight]

Race: Human [-----------------------------]Sex: Male



->Bloodline: Hellsing bloodline

->Bloodline talent: second grade Hellsing Bloodline

->Cultivation: Perfect Stage Monarch [--------------------------] Mana: 144k



->Strength: 146k

->vitality: 147k

->Life: 144k

->Life span: 2020 years



Arts: [Emperor sword arts lvl 4], [****** cultivation technique lvl 8]



Rewind: (optional)



Different Cultivation level,


0, Average Mortal

->strength: 8 [------------------------------------] ->Mana: 0

->Vitality:7 [------------------------------------]->speed: 4

->Life:100[------------------------------------]->life span: 100 years



1st, Pulse stage

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->strength:200[------------------------------------] ->Mana:150


->Life:500[------------------------------------]->life span:150 years



2nd, Transformation

->strength:1500[------------------------------------] ->Mana:1200


->Life:1000[------------------------------------]->life span:250 years




->strength:5000[------------------------------------] ->Mana: 4500


->Life:4000[------------------------------------]->life span:500 years




->strength:10K[------------------------------------] ->Mana:8K


->Life:8k[------------------------------------]->life span:750 years




->strength:20K[------------------------------------] ->Mana:18K


->Life:18k[------------------------------------]->life span:1000 years




->strength:50K[------------------------------------] ->Mana:40K


->Life:50K[------------------------------------]->life span:1500 years




->strength:100K[------------------------------------] ->Mana:80K


->Life:100K[------------------------------------]->life span:2000 years




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