Chapter 19

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A luxurious villa, even the wealthiest member of any great family wouldn't have it. And this villa belongs to the Alchemy Association President Amelia.

[Author: Alchemy association really pays her well!]

Amelia named this Luxurious villa, Gorgvil. During night-time when the moon's rays fall on this villa, it creates a beautiful scenery. And because this scenery captured her heart, Amelia named it Gorgvil. 'Gorg' from gorgeous and 'Vil' from the villa.

And within this Gorgvil, inside the leaving hall. Sitting on a sofa, Amelia was fiddling with the beauty pill, which Sam build.

If Sam knew this, he would have angrily asked, didn't you say the pills would belong to Alchemy Association?! then why did you bring this pill to your home?!

Amelia put the pill into her mouth. After she swallowed it, she talked: "little brat Sam, if this pill didn't increase my beauty then I'll come straight to your Hellsing family and punch you!"

Amelia had already done a background check on Sam. So, she already knew Sam's ins and outs.

Soon, the pill started to act in her stomach. A warm current from her stomach spread throughout the body.

Feeling the warm current, she commented: "its seven times stronger than the regular pill."

Before she knew, her skin tone started to get black. Soon she felt this change. Without thinking anything, after exiting the Gorgvil, Amelia directly flew in Hellsing family's direction.

Amelia was flying very fast. Looking towards in Hellsing family's direction, she cursed Sam: "brat, you dare to pull a trick on me! I am going torture you like they do in hell!"

At this movement, within Hellsing family, Sam felt chills run down his spine!

A black coloured sticky liquid started to ooze out from Amelia's skin. It was giving a bad smell.

Seeing this black liquid, Amelia knew she misunderstood. It wasn't that Sam pulled off a trick on her, but it was all her misunderstanding created by the circumstance!

This black coloured liquid was the body impurities. And a regular beauty pill doesn't have an effect like this. So, Amelia misunderstood Sam.

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Even though she was looking unpleasant and somewhat scary because of black smelly liquid all over her body, she still had a smile on her face. She was pleasantly surprised by this black liquid release.

Her Body impurities were coming out, and she now could tell her beauty was definitely going to increase! Looking towards Hellsing family's direction, she thanked sam: "thanks, kid."

[Author: what! When you thought, Sam pulled a trick on you. You were really going to torture him! And now, when you knew, you profited. Just a SIMPLE THANKS! che... you should at least be fair Amelia.]

Amelia came back to her villa. She encountered a maid of hers.

The maid, seeing Amelia scary appearance shrieked: "MADAM AMELIA HELP!! THERS A MONSTER HERE!!"

Amelia just wanted to kick this maid {who are you calling monster Idiot! can't you differentiate with me and a monster}

The maid was still continuing her shrieks.

Amelia knocked this maid out-cold and entered the bathroom. She cleaned of all this dark sticky liquid.

Rounding a bath towel around her, she came in front of a mirror.

In the mirror, she could see a breathing taking, voluptuous young girl! It wasn't a woman, but it was an alluring young girl with a mature figure!

Looking at her own younger looks, Amelia was pleasantly surprised beyond her belief. And she said: "this is me?"


Hellsing family land,

Inside Sam's villa. In his own room.

Sam suddenly felt chills run down his spine. It was the time when Amelia shouted in her anger; she would torture Sam.

Sam jumped to his feet; he became alert. He activated Mana eyes. But he couldn't find any abnormality in his surroundings.

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Sam asked Dizzy within his mind,

Sam: Dizzy, search for any evil presence near me.

With a robotic voice, Dizzy replied: command accepted.

Dizzy: No Dangerous elements detected in the Host's surroundings.

Sam didn't doubt Dizzy's words. He thought [was I false alarmed?]

Sam relaxed. He sat back on the bed.

At present, with his situation, Dizzy was quite useful. He wanted to know more about Dizzy so he could utilise her at full potential.

Sam: Dizzy, tell me about your abilities.

Dizzy: command accepted.

Information started to appear on Sam's retina


1-> supporting Host cultivation

2-> Info providing

3-> Alchemy (Host is better)

4-> Blacksmithing (Dizzy is better)

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5-> Devour

6-> Boost

1-> supporting Host Cultivation: helping host chanting Surpassar's Way. Guiding host in Surpasser's Way.

2-> Info providing: providing others stats' and detailed info to host.

Info also includes rewind.

Rewind: Host can see a scanned person past or things happened at the specific place at a selected time.

Detailed rewind: shows a person's long gone past.

3->Alchemy: creating Pills and portions.

Requirement, Host should provide the required material.

4->Blacksmithing: creating weapons and Armors.

Requirement, Host should Provide the required material.

5-> Devour: Anything could be devoured and converted into energy for Host.

+ No harm to Host.

- Devouring amount is limited based on hosts cultivation.

6->Boost: Enhancing Host mind and body; slowing time for Host.

+ & - 'Period of use' depends on Host's brain processing speed, cultivation and Host Body.

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Sam was astonished. Though the description about Dizzy's abilities seems simple, But the capabilities are ****** overpowered!

Among these six abilities, Sam like three most: 1-> Supporting Host Cultivation, 6-> Boost

These three would bring a more significant impact on him than the other three!


Alchemy, Sam could do.

Blacksmithing, Sam could learn.

Devour, just an Auxiliary thing for Sam.

"Knock!" "Knock!"

Door knocking sound interrupted Sam's thoughts.

Sam asked: "yes?"

Rose voice came from the door: "Young master Sam, lunch is ready. Please come to the dining hall."

Sam replied: "coming."

Now back to his topic, Sam wanted to know about Detailed rewind and a chance to use it also represented itself.

So he was going to use it.

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