Chapter 20

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On a large dining table, Sam, Molly and rose were having lunch. Thou regular maids don't dine along with their master, but Molly and Rose were exceptions. Because they were not only Sam's maid but also were Ben's honorary disciples.

Sitting in the main chair, Sam looked towards Molly and Rose who were seated to his right side.

Sam mind-voiced Dizzy: Dizzy, use the 'boost' skill on my mind.

Dizzy: command accepted.

Suddenly, Molly's and Rose's movements seized.

Molly had 'inserting meat with a fork in her small opened mouth' pose.

Rose had a 'spoon inserted in her salad-rice' pose.

Time seems to be seized. Even Sam couldn't move his body; nevertheless, he could feel it.

Molly's info appeared on his retina,


Name: Molly [-----------------------------] Age: 36

Height: 5.7 [----------------------------------] Weight:220 kg

Race: Human [-------------------------------] Sex: female



-> Body condition: Maiden.

-> Monthly cycle: (optional)

->Marital status: single.

->Disposition: Silent-serious.



->Bloodline: ice-serpent bloodline.

->Bloodline talent: 4th grade.

->Body type(latent): Moon fairy.

->Body type talent: 9-star.



->Cultivation: Warrior.

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->strength:5800 [----------------------------------] ->Mana:6000

->Vitality:6000 [------------------------------------]->speed:550

->Life:6000 [-----------------------------------------]->life span:550 years



Arts: Golden spear Arts.



Skills: [ice slash lvl 1], [Frozen lvl 1]

Titles: [Moon-fairy lvl 0]



Rewind: (optional)


Dizzy comment: Molly-> good maid for Host! Host should make Molly his permanent maid.

Seeing molly's info, Sam smiled: never thought, she would have a 9-star body. And even her blood-line talent is 4th grade.

Sam smiled: compare to me, surprisingly she is more talented.

Sam: Dizzy, do a 'detailed rewind' on Molly.

Dizzy: scanning started

A horizontally-angular light projected from Sam's eyes onto Molly, it scanned her from top to bottom slowly.

After a while, Dizzy mind-voiced: Scan completed.

A new window appeared. And this window was filled with many dated video files.

Sam: Dizzy, play all the videos from the start.


A woman was undergoing painful labours; she was giving birth. And around this lady, several midwives were assisting her.

This pregnant woman was a black-haired and mature beauty, and she is a queen! Outside her room, her husband and son were anxiously walking back and forth.

The husband, the king, at present, didn't have any king's semblance. At this time, He was a genuine father. This middle-aged father was attired in a golden robe with a long red cape behind.

The son was a 13-year-old kid. and If someone glimpsed at this kid, they could tell how anxious this kid was now, even if this someone was a silly person.

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The queen's painful cries suddenly stopped. A baby's crying voice started in the room.

After a while, a midwife came out of the room holding a baby clothed in a smooth towel around.

Passing the baby to the king, the midwife daringly congratulated: "congratulations Your-Majesty, Your-Queen have birthed a princess to you."

This midwife sure was daring! If the king was slightly displeased by her words, the midwife would have her head roll down on the floor.

King signalled the middle-aged minister standing beside him. The minister passed a purse of gold coins to the midwife.

Receiving the pouch full of gold coins the midwife excused herself.

Holding the baby in his arms, the king looked at the baby carefully. The baby also looked at the king with its small crystal clear black eyes.

King lightly smiled: "Becoming my daughter not only you have given me a pleasant surprise and but also a hope to my kingdom. I will treasure you well, and I hope you will grow into a fine Queen."

[Author: oi, oi....king, aren't you hoping little much?! At least care about your saying before the prince]

Hearing his father's words, the prince didn't seem to react. He still had happy expressions on his face.

The minister glimpsed at the prince and sighed. Only God knows what this sigh was for.


A few days later

On a tall-hill

At the cliff, the 13-year-old prince was uncaringly holding the newborn princess's right leg with his right arm.

The baby-princess was in upside-down position. Due to discomfort, the baby princess started crying: " waa....waaaaa..waahhhh!"

At present, The prince had a dark expression on his face. Looking at the baby-princess, he cynically smiled: "my dear sister if you want to blame anyone then blame the father. If it weren't for his saying, he would make you the queen. I wouldn't have arrived at this step."

[Author: ****! I thought you were a naive little kid! But actually, you were a wile snake!]

Then, the prince swing the crying baby-princess off the cliff! The hight was great the baby-princess sank making a "PLOP!!" sound and drowned into the streaming water!

The prince turned back and left. He didn't even confirm things as He thought the princess was dead for sure!


After being thrown from the towering cliff, the baby-princess was severely injured! And she streamed along with the water flow.

Soon she reached an intersection point for a large lake. And at this intersection, due to the up-thrust of the water, the baby princess was thrown-up in the air.

Luckily, she landed in a round wooden-basket floating on the lake. And the weird thing was, this basket already had an injured baby-girl in it!

Now there were two injured baby girls in this basket. The basket slowly floated towards the end of the lake.

The baby-princess was really lucky, She somehow managed in rapid streaming water, however, if it weren't for this wooden basket, she would have really drowned in the lake's calm water!

At the lakeshore, a gorgeous black-haired woman was cleaning a wound on her mediastinum. Blood was still slowly gushing out from her wound, which indicated, she received the wound just recently!

After cleaning the wound, she swallowed a blue coloured healing pill.

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Just as she swallowed the healing pill, the wound's size started to decrease with speed visible to the naked eye. The damaged skin and injured muscle were rapidly regenerating!

Shortly, the wound vanished! Only a fair skin could be seen at mediastinum now.

This woman noticed a basket coming in her direction. And when she pulled this basket, she bewildering saw two injured female babies!

Rapidly she pulled a blue healing pill from her bosom and crushed it into powder. Making her hands in a bowl shape, she collected some lake water. The pill-powder and water got mixed within her hands.

She poured a drop of this mixed water into baby girls' mouth. Just a single drop for each child. After that, The injured baby girls healed.

The women threw the remaining mixed water. Only two drops of it were enough for the babies.

Now finally did this woman checked for the pulse on babies.

[Author: *crying emoji* *sniff* *sniff* beauty you are really kind!]

This woman was really a kind human. Generally, one would have checked for a pulse and then gone for treatment. But she instead chooses to use a precious healing pill of hers without knowing whether the babies were alive or not!

Holding the baby girls gently, the woman calmly said: "It seems our faiths are intertwined. I was an abandoned child, and you both seem to be abandoned too." She stopped at this point.... then she slowly said: "my master took me in, and raised me. And I'll also do the same for you both."


A few years later

Within a large sect, named spear sect. And in the training hall of this sect, two little girls aged around 7 were holding wooden spears and facing each other. Yes, these two were the newborn babies within the wood basket, and the black-haired woman who took them in was standing near and directing them.

This black-haired woman was called Riza, and four years back in the view of her strength, she became an elder at this spear sect.

Observing the spar of girls, Riza voiced

"Rose, start putting force into your legs too!" rose was the golden-haired little girl.

"Molly, don't try to dodge but parry them!" Molly was the black-haired little girl.

Molly and Rose were the names given by Riza to them.

"Rose, make the attacks swifter and harder! Apply force in hands and limbs at the same time!"

"Molly, finding difficulty to parry?! Then think a way to use ground!"

"Molly, parrying isn't always the best defence! Attacking is also a kind of defence!"

"Rose, having a spear doesn't mean you only should use spear! Start using your other limbs too!"

"Molly, find a sneaking point and attack!"

After an hour, both Molly and Rose were grasping for breaths. They both were clinging Riza tightly. Molly was silent, but Riza complained: "master you were really harsh!"

Molly didn't say anything, but she also thought master was harsh!

Riza rubbed their heads and said: "it for your own good."

Molly and Rose nodded, then again Rose said: "harsh, harsh, I only know master was harsh. So, Master should cook food today!"

These days Riza had been busy, and because of this, they had to eat the food provided by the sect. Even though the sect food was good, but molly and rose didn't like it. They were quite picky and missed Riza's good cooking.

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Riza wryly sighed: "you this girl.... what should I do with you." at the same time, she said: "ok, Master will cook food today."

Hearing this, both the girls cheered: ""yay!""


A few years later

Just before the outskirts of a forest, there was a group of nearly a hundred young people. All these young people were from spear sect, and all of them assembled here for a test.

Among this assembled group, A black haired handsome young man with a fine built was pursuing Molloy and Rose both at the same time!

The present Molly and Rose were filled with youthful charm. And because of their tight black outfits, the scenery was quite seducing.

And its no wonder the handsome black-haired fellow couldn't pick just one from them! Both were looking tempting, and it might have been difficult for him to choose only one.

This handsome black-haired guy was named Sun, and this guy was the son of spear-sect's sect-master! The sect master was called Sen and was an overprotective father, so because of his excess love Sun became a big troublemaker and an unruly fellow.

Thou Sun was a handsome guy, but his flowering words were....

Posing with left hand on his chest and right-hand flexing back and forth, and with closed eyes, Sun said: "my dear beauties be my booties!"

At this point, Sun lifted his shirt and showed his lightly developed abs and continues: "then see my beauty, say they're sexy!"

Sun: "now lift your skirties and let me do naughty!"

The few fellows surrounding Sun started to flatter him: "what great poetry!"

"it touched my heart."

"young master Sun is really talented!"

"no one could be a rival for young master Sun."

"no girl could resist such poetry!"

"I bet Molly and Rose already fell for young master Sun."

"I envy young master Sun's talent!"

Hearing all the flattery, Sun was feeling good inside. Sun thought {Is my poetry this good? Yes! I must be a great poet!}

[Author: **** *vomiting emoji* was it poetry?! And you a great poet!!?]

Molly ignored all the poetry. But rose felt disgusted {what's with this guy? Is he alright? How can his poetry be this bad? Did he even have any sense for poetry?}

Many other people also heard, and they just wanted to laugh however they controlled themselves and just murmured in low voices.

"what's with this line, my dear beauty be my booty?! Did he even see his own boots, see how rough they look?!"

"what's with the second line, showing his undeveloped abs and asking to fall for it... Isn't it too much?"

"don't forget the third line, directly asking a girl to lift her skirt?! He is really a one big as*****!"

Being flattered by his lackeys, Sun became excited and thought, {Yes, it should be as these guys said, Molly and Rose might have already fallen for my superb poetry} then he asked directly: "Molly, Rose, I am a shy guy so let's do the naughty things in the forest, shall we?

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