Chapter 21

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Molly's video stopped.

Sam couldn't understand why this video stopped. And before he could ask dizzy about it, Dizzy's mind-voiced: Host is advised to watch Rose past from here.

Sam felt he could watch Rose past later, so he asked: can't I just continue watching Molly's past?

Dizzy: essential scenes are missing from the collected data which could create confusion as the story progress. So, Host is advised to watch Rose past first.

Sam: ok, do it.

Sam focused his gaze on Rose, and looking at her still in the same pose, he felt surprised of this Boost ability. Because the time didn't seem to pass much. Rose spoon was still inserted within rice-salad and was only lifted a bit from its previous position.

Dizzy: scanning started

Same like the previous time, a horizontally-angular light projected from Sam's eyes onto Rose, it scanned her from top to bottom slowly.

Rose's info appeared on Sam's retina


Name: Rose [-----------------------------] Age: 36

Height: 5.7 [----------------------------------] Weight:220 kg

Race: Human [-------------------------------] Sex: female



-> Body condition: Maiden.

-> Monthly cycle: (optional)

->Marital status: single.

->Disposition: playful.



->Bloodline: fire-serpent bloodline.

->Bloodline talent: 4th grade.

->Body type(latent): Sun fairy.

->Body type talent: 9-star.



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->Cultivation: Warrior.

->strength:5800 [----------------------------------] ->Mana:6000

->Vitality:6000 [------------------------------------]->speed:550

->Life:6000 [-----------------------------------------]->life span:550 years



Arts: Golden spear Arts.



Skills: [Fire slash lvl 1], [Scorching flame lvl 1]

Titles: [Sun-fairy lvl 0]



Detailed Rewind: (optional)


Dizzy comment: Rose-> playful maid and a depressed mood changer. Host should consider masking Rose his permanent maid.

Observing Rose's info Sam liked to frown, which he couldn't do at present.

[Author: isn't Rose's info almost similar to Molly's? Are they sisters?

Author's friend: idiot! Are you the Author or me? How would I know?]

The things which surprised Sam were, Rose having fire-serpent bloodline and a 9-star Sun-fairy body! And these two-thing natures were just opposite to that of Molly's.

Suddenly Sam thought of something. He guessed what the strange situations among Molly and Rose could be.

He opted Detailed rewind, then a window containing numerous video files popped-out.

Sam: Dizzy, play the videos from the start.


A sect, named Ophidian was having a large function today. And the reason behind the celebration was the birth of a baby daughter to their sect master. In other words, a young princess birthed in Ophidian sect.

Ophidian sect's celebration on a large scale left many people confused, is there a need to celebrate a child's birth in such an exaggerated manner?

It was really as people think, the degree of the occasion was quite something. However, there was a good concealed reason behind it.

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The reason was, the baby daughter herself. This baby daughter birthed with a pure ancestral bloodline! A bloodline from heavenly fire-serpent!

Within the large function hall of the Ophidian sect, a fatty-middle aged person laughed loudly: "hahahaha.. congratulation sect master Frosh!"

This fatty's looks were already comical, but his 'S' shaped oiled hair on his forehead added even more comedy to his appearance.

In front of this fatty, Frosh cupped his hands and respectfully replied: "thanks for greeting us with your majestic presence, King Leo."

[Author: ****! Wasn't this fatty a comedy character?!]

Even though Leo looked comical, nonetheless he was a serious character. and how serious this character was, you could say just by look at Frosh's respectful manner towards him.

Leo patted on Frosh's shoulder, and laughingly continued: "hohoho..don't be this serious, just drop the formalities. We are equals in status... man."

Leo words really made Frosh feel flattered; he just wanted to dance. Ahum! Which is not appropriate for his middle age!

After talking for a while with Frosh and a few other guests, Leo left. As Leo went, Frosh heard some words in his ear: "Take care of your baby princess well. She is really a heaven's sent gift to you. And you owe me one."

Sweet beads started to form on Frosh's forehead. After hearing Leo's words, he felt something was off. He excused himself from the party and went towards his newborn daughter's room.

On his way, Frosh found the guards asleep. and just outside of his daughter's room, he saw many dead bodies of unknown people. He ignored all this and entered his daughter's room.

Seeing his daughter safe and sound Frosh sighed in relief: "thanks to the gods, you are safe. For a second I thought..."

Frosh continued: "I really owe you one King Leo. Thanks for saving my daughter."


"bastard! Just who was it?! Who saved her?!" a 16-year-old golden-haired female child angerly shouted. This girl was Frosh's eldest daughter Rona.

Rona was a pampered kid who sought attention. and because of her ambitious nature, she desired Sect master's seat. But now, all these seem to be impossible to her. The sole reason was her youngest sister. Rona felt threaten of this youngest sister.

In a paranoid mood, Rona talked herself: "no! no! no! I should do something. She would take everything from me!

But what should I do?!"

At this point, she tightly held her hair: "think! think! those bastards failed... I should ask other.

No, no, no! if they also failed?

What should I do? What should I do?"

Crazily, still grasping her hair, Rona started stomping on the ground wildl: "what to do? what to do?!"

soon She noticed, she killed an ant by stomping over it: "I killed it?...I killed it! Yes, I killed it!

Then, then...I should kill her myself just like this ant!"

Suddenly all the craziness and anxiety vanished. Rona looked calm, and in a gentle tone she said: "for this sister's happiness you have to die Youngest Sister."


Suddenly, a Vass breaking sound came from outside of Rona's room. Rona loudly asked: "whose there?!"

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Hearing the rapid footsteps sound, Rona unsheathed her sword and anxiously ran out of her room.

Not able to find out who it was, Rona ran towards her youngest sister room. Absurdly there weren't any people within the whole Villa beside Rona, Eaves-dropper and the baby princess.

As Rona just entered the baby princess's room, she saw the Eaves-dropper.

The Eaves-dropper was a shoulder-length black-haired young maid, and Rona knew this maid. She was her mother's maid, Lily.

Holding the baby princess with her hands, Lily jumped down from the window. The window was on two floors' Hight.

"Lily! Wait there! I order you to wait!" Rona pursued.

The cat and the mouse race longed for a while. Lily reached at a rivers end, and she put the baby princess in a wooden basket. Then she let the wooden basket stream along the river.

[Author: wooden-basket?! From where did she pull it?!]

The baby princess was in an injured state! This thing Lily didn't notice because of tension and the shortage of time.

In a bit, the basket travelled far and couldn't be seen. Lily sighed.

Hearing some noises at her back, Lily took a healing pill and then made a large and a deep cut on her palm with a sharp knife. Blood spurt out!

Lily covered the knife with her blood and threw it in streaming direction. Then she squatted down and started to wash her hands in the streaming river.

It wasn't that she was not feeling the pain, but she was bearing it. She was putting an act, An act which could decide her life or death.

Though Rona was younger than Lily, however as a cultivator Rona was way stronger than Lily.

Finally, Rona reached this place. Lily stood up, and surprisingly there wasn't a cut on her hand. The healing pill sure did its work.

Rona couldn't see the baby princess, she calmly asked, but others could feel anger in her voice: "where is she?"

Lily put a sad look and said: "I..I.."

Rona asked once again, and her anger was at the limit: "where, is, she?"

Lily looked as she was hurt and she shouted: "I Killed her!"

Rona silently looked at her. She found lite blood strains on Lily's hand and blood trails in the river.

The situation was tallying to Lily's words. Rona opened her mouth: "Then why did you run?"

"if I didn't run, you would have killed me for 'listening things which I shouldn't have listened' This was the only way I could think of to save my life, and I don't want to get on your bad side", Lily replied.

Rona was pleased with Lily's answer, yet she didn't show any change in her facial expressions. Rona sneered: "Humph! You think I won't kill you?"

Lily replied: "I don't know... I am risking."

Rona smiled: "you, failed." Within a fraction of second, Rona inserted the sword into Lily's chest.

'Shock' was written all over Lily face, she didn't think she would be killed just like that.

Lily was losing blood. She couldn't feel a thing, as she already lost the sensation. However, She smiled towards Rona, then she spoke putting all her efforts: "I... lost... take care."

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Lily's legs gave in. She fell down.


Carrying the baby princess, the wooden basket reached the lake. As the wooden-basket entered the lake, a female baby dropped into the wooden-basket from out of nowhere.

Now there were two baby princesses within the basket. But both were injured.

Yes, it's as you guessed. The Dropped one was Molly, and other is Rose.

Molly was injured from fall, and Rose was injured due to uncaringly sharp movements of Lily during 'cat and a mouse chase'.

Riza was cleaning the wound within the lake. She Found these injured girls. She treated their injuries and healed them. Then she took them away.


several years later...Within the spear sect

During a night. Inside Riza's house.

This medium sized house was allotted to Riza by spear sect, as she was an elder in the sect.

Molly, Rose, both were 16 years old now. They both were sleeping together in their room.

In the middle of the night, Rose woke up. Nature was calling her, so she went to the toilet.


Coming back from the bathroom, she heard a sound from her master's room.

Riza's room door was open, Rose directly entered it. Soon she found her master lying on the floor, and now Rose knew what the sound before she heard was.

"Master!" Rose reached her master and nervously called. And seeing her master pale and sensitive face, she started to fell unease.

Anxiously Rose shook Riza gently: "Master? Are you all right?"

Riza didn't show any response. She still had a painful appearance.

Rose wanted to call Molly, and just as she was going to, she saw a white-haired muscular old man appearing in the room. This old man was Sam's grandfather Ben.

"Sorry for being late Riza. The sect sure increased guards, intruding in..." Ben stopped blathering when he noticed Riza lying down.

Ben instantly appeared beside Riza.

Rose who was silent till now vigilantly opened her mouth, as she saw Ben appearing near her master: "who are you? Move away from my master!"

Ben said: "I am your Master's friend". Then he tried to lift Riza.

To Rose, ben was a suspicious guy. And seeing this suspicious guy trying to touch her master, Rose threw a powerful kick: "stop!"

"ah... I don't have time for this." Ben dodged the kick and knocked-out Rose with a chop on her neck.


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