Chapter 22

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Rose slowly gained her conscious back. She was lying on her master's bed.

Near the bed, Seated in chairs, Ben and Riza were having a talk. Thanks to Ben's pill Riza's complexion seem okay now.

"have any plans of revealing the truth to girls?" Ben asked.

Riza: "no... it's better if I don't tell them. I just don't want them to be sad."

Riza was silent for a while, and then she said: "After I am gone, Molly, Rose, will be in your care."

This time Ben was silent for a while, then he asked: "how much time do you have left?"

Lying on bed calmly, Rose was silently listening to their conversation.

Riza: "at most... 2 and a half year."

Riza: "After two years, I will leave Molly, Rose, in your care. Then I will spend my remaining days in Skiros and die peacefully."

Now did it strike Rose, what the whole conversation was about?

Knowing her Master, who was like a parent to her, going to die soon, Rose body started to shiver.

Ben, Riza, notice it.

Riza panickedly asked: "Rose are you awake?"

With tears filled in her eyes, Rose stood up. Then she sobbed: "master... are you really going to die?!"

Rose couldn't hold herself. Filled with tears, she dashed into Riza's arms.

Riza gently patted Rose back and let her cry. After crying for some time, Rose calmed down.

Riza opened her mouth: "Rose you shouldn't tell Molly anything, ok?"

Like a sensible child, Rose nodded, she knew Molly would feel sad knowing her master's condition. Thinking about her master's situation Rose wanted to know more: "master, why are you going to die?"

Riza said: "I am ill and my illness is incurable."

Knowing it, Rose saddened once again.

Riza was not good at consoling. Rubbing Rose head, Riza said: "Don't feel down... Go to sleep. Master still has things to talk."

Rose wanted to be with her master. But her master has asked her to leave, so she left.


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At the outskirts of a forest, nearly a hundred young people from spear sect assembled here for a test.

And here, Molly and Rose, who were in their eighteens happen to be pursued by Sun. Off course the pursing wasn't a good one. Just the flowery words from Sun caused others nearly vomit.

Sun: "Molly, Rose, I am a shy guy so let's do the naughty things in the forest, shall we?"

Rose was already angered a lot, and now she couldn't hold back.


"Ahhhhh!", Sun.

Rose punched Sun in his face. Due to the force which Rose put in her hand, sun nose was broken.

Holding his nose, Sun cursed: "you bitch! Who the f*** are you hitting?!"

Sun: "do you know who am I?! I am the son of sect master! Now you should face...."

Before he could finish speak


Molly kicked Sun in the stomach. Sun was walloped, he flew back along with the flattery fellows who were behind him. Then he fell on the ground. Sun was KO-ed.

Molly was a silent person. She even withstood Sun's crappy wooing, but when sun shouted dirty words at Rose, Molly was angered.

{This garbage actually bad mouthed my sister! If it weren't for his father, I would have killed him already}; this was the actual thoughts of Molly at present.

Surrounding got silent by this duo's act. But many took pleasure in Sun's misfortune.

Rose praised Molly: "You did a great job, Molly!"

Molly: "I don't want to be here. Let us get the task from the elder and begin our test.

Molly, Rose, took the task from the in charge-elder and entered the forest.

The flattery fellows helped Sun regain conscious

"ahh...ahh..." Sun could still feel pain in his stomach. He then angerly asked: "where are the two bitches!"

Flattery fellow one said: "young master, they already left."

*Slap!* Sun strongly slapped the flattery-fellow one and said: "then what the f*** are you doing here! Go get them you Basterds!"

Pointing at flattery fellow 2 and 3, Sun commanded: "you, you, go with him and bring the bitches to me! if you couldn't bring the two bitches, then bring me your mothers instead!"

Even though it wasn't pleasant to hear Sun's curses, flattery fellow 1,2, and 3, still accepted Sun's order and left.

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Only flattery fellow 4 and 5 were left with Sun.

Flattery-fellow 4 was called Amaru, and flattery-fellow 5 was named Aymara. Counter to the meaning of their names, which mean snake, they both looked foolish. But their nature wasn't a foolish one; instead, it was filled with deceitfulness.

After some time, when Sun calmed down, Amaru intentionally gossiped with Aymara: "why didn't the young master go himself?"

Aymara: "Young master Sun is an insightful person! how can we, the dull-witted people, can understand what he is thinking?"

Amaru: "yes, yes, how can we understand such a brilliant person.!"

Aymara self-importantly said: "but I can little guess."

Amaru scorned: "You foolish fellow. aren't we idiots? how can you even understand the great minds like Young master?!"

Aymara arrogantly said: "compare to you; I accompanied young master more. And being with the young master, I became little intelligent. intelligent enough to speculate young master's plans."

Filled with zeal, Amaru asked: "tell me what young master plan?!"

While smirking, Aymara divulged: "The three guys that young master sent were a backup plan. And the Main plan will be us three, You, me and young master himself.

We three find that two bitches, then we follow them.

After, when they get weary from hunting the beast, we capture them. Then young master would enjoy them."

Amaru was suppressed: " wooooh! Young master really superb!"

Aymara: "yes he really is."

The audible-gossips made Sun feel elated. He took his underlings gossips as his actual plan.

Poor spear sect-master, he didn't know how simpleminded his son was. Simpleminded to an extent, that was easily led by his lackeys.


After fishing around in the forest, Sun's group found Molly and Rose. On seeing them, Sun's group hid in a bush.

And finally, when they discern the beast in front of Molly, Rose, their complexion blanched. Souls flew out from their bodies. Sun, Amaru and Aymara were so terrified that they even couldn't move a muscle.

Because there was an elephant-sized king beast! Moreover, it was an electric-type three-headed cheetah! Killing every one present here would be easy for this beast.

It was rare for a king beast to appear in this forest. Molly and Rose accidentally stumbled across this king beast. And they knew, they had a bad luck today.

They gave up on escaping because escaping in front of an electric type beast which is famous for its speed would be a foolish thing to do.

Molly, Rose, were holding spears vigilantly and were ready for a confrontation. Oddly this king beast didn't initiate an attack. It was just observing Molly, Rose.

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The atmosphere was getting tense. Rose tried to change her foot position. Suddenly the three-headed king-beast pounced on Rose,

In her panic, Rose dodged by moving back.

On the other hand, Molly used her skill frozen. Her spearhead started glistering blue.

Molly slashed this spear towards beast's leg. With a forelimb slash, the three-headed cheetah countered Molly's attack.

Rose also activated her skill 'scorching flame'. Her spearhead shined red. And then she slashed it towards beast legs. The beast dodged Rose slash by jumping away. It didn't block Rose's attack as it did with Molly's.

Now a distance was created between them. The right forelimb of the beast was frozen in ice. But the creature didn't seem to care much.

And the next thing the beast did, made Molly and Rose look dumbly at it. The three-headed cheetah lifted its iced limb and ate the ice like it was an ice-cream! Oh, the middle head eats it, and the other two heads envyingly looked.

After finishing eating the ice, it looked toward Molly and lightly roared. It was reminding her to get ready.

Molly, Rose, regained their senses. And the battle resumed.

The beast always dodged Rose attacks and blocked Molly's. It enjoyed eating the formed ice. Soon, all its heads got to eat ice.

Within the near bushes, to Sun, Amaru and Aymara the battle was going very fast. They could only see trails of blue, red and orange light. Everything was happening in flashes.

Now they knew, how scary Molly's and Rose's strength is.

After a short time, because of their skills, both Molly and Rose used up all their mana.

The fighting stopped. Molly, Rose, were grasping for breaths, but the three-headed cheetah didn't seem to break a sweat.

The cheetah didn't attack them. It was waiting for Molly, rose, to catch breaths. And when they did, it lightly growled, Asking Molly to get ready.

Molly, Rose, already understood this three-headed cheetah was playing with them. If It really wanted to kill them, it would have already done it.

Molly whirly said: "I already depleted my mana. If you wanted to continue the fight you have to wait."

Beast-kings were intelligent creatures; so it understood what Molly said. Then it looked toward Rose and lightly growled.

Rose rapidly said: "me too, me too, I am also depleted."

Hearing Rose reply, the beast vanished from its place. It left.

Even though they knew, the three-headed cheetah was just toying with them, Molly, Rose, couldn't help but sigh in relief. Who knows whether the king-beast would have a mood change and kill them?

It was really a strange encounter for Molly and Rose.

From the bushes, Sun, Amaru and Aymara came out and surrounded Molly, Rose.

Molly and Rose were quite vulnerable this time! Without any mana left in their body, they were just like lambs ready to get butcher!

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Filled with lust, Sun gazed Molly, Rose: "don't know who should I do first. Both of you have a nice body."

Rose angrily asked: "what do you mean?"

Sun didn't know what he should tell, so he ordered: "Amaru, tell her."

Amaru opened his mouth: "what young master mean is, he will f*** you now. Did you get it?"

Molly, Rose, rapidly became wary. They pointed their spears towards the male trio. Molly said: "do you think you can do dirty things to us?"

Sun ordered: "Aymara, tell her."

Aymara replied: "if it was any other time, young master Sun couldn't do you. but now he can easily **** you because you don't have any mana left; however, we have."

Sun couldn't hold anymore; he ordered: "you both hold them."

Amaru, Aymara easily seized Molly, Rose. But still, the girls struggled to escape, which was futile.

Sun was staring at the girls' fleshy mounds. which were moving up and down; it was due to the girls' struggle. But to Sun it appeared as if, the mounds were calling him.

He responded to this call. Lifting his both hands, horizontally straight, he slowly reached towards Rose's bouncing mounds.

Rose didn't notice Sun's actions; she was busy in struggling free. But Molly noticed it, so she kicked Sun's stomach once again


Sun was hit, unlike before, he didn't feel any pain. Without mana, Molly's kick seems to be weak.

When Molly kicked him again, Sun was given a fright. But soon he relaxed, {this bitch didn't have any mana left, so why to fear her?}

And thinking, this bitch dares to hit me, Sun started to get angry: "you dare to kick me?! the great me?!"


Sun forcibly tore Molly's black tight-dressing front. Molly's smooth skin and a blue woman's clothing came into the scenery.

Sun lecherously enjoyed the view: "Oh, so you wear a blue one."

Molly and rose both infuriatingly shouted: ""you bastard you dare to tear my/her clothes!""

Sun lewdly smiled: "you want to see again?"

Sun slowly started to reach the blue undergarment. Molly, Rose both shouted: ""Stop it you creep!""


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