Chapter 23

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All of a sudden, with a loud hitting sound, Sun, Amaru and Aymara vanished from their places.

Molly, Rose, got free from Amaru's and Aymara's grasp. and Luckily, they escaped a great misery.

Both of them hugged each other tightly. The mood, they had now, was hard to describe, especially for Molly.

After a while, Rose caringly asked: "Molly, are you all right?"

Molly nodded: "I am good."

And when they looked at their 'knight in shining armour', they were given a fright. By their elephant-sized hero, who was curiously observing them.

The hero made both Rose, Molly, called out in alarm.

Their saviour was the three-headed cheetah, the beast king. Just getting played by this wild beast-king was already a rare occurrence, but getting saved by it would be difficult to believe for any human.

Beast King was holding a wolf-beast in its middle-head mouth. It slowly put the beast in front of girls and left.

Seeing the beast king leave, both girls calmed-down. They both thought they were really gone now.

Rose suddenly thought of something and asked: "Molly, did it actually save us?"

Yes, besides the beast-king they couldn't find anyone who could have saved them. So, Molly, Rose, came to a conclusion.

They both bowed in the direction from which the beast-king left: "thanks for saving us beast-king!"

however, who knows whether the beast king heard it or not.

"Molly, look... It's the beast we needed to hunt!" with a surprised voice Rose pointed toward the wolf which beast king left. This was a wind-element wolf whose mana core Molly, Rose, needed to provide in order to pass the test.

Molly Nodded: "yes, it's the beast which we need. Let's take the core and leave."

Rose pierced the wolf's head and took the core. Then both Molly, Rose, left.

As for, Sun's, Amaru's and Aymara's faiths, only the beast king knows what happened.


before submitting the core, Molly had to change the nearly-torn outfit. So both, Molly, Rose, came back home. Expecting, their master wouldn't be there at this time.

Even so, out of their presumption, Riza was within the house. And seeing Molly's damaged clothes, knitting one's brows Riza asked: "what happened?".

Molly and Rose got flustered. They didn't expect their master to be there in the house.

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Molly nudged Rose, {you explain to the master}.

Rose widened her eyes, {what! Me!?}.

The girls panicked expression was quite funny. But Riza didn't care about it, once again she asked: "what happened?"

Feeling anxious, Rose said: "Master, it was the wolf-beast who did it?"

Molly inwardly shouted {idiot!}

"Oh, so a wolf-beast tore molly's dress?.... Then why am I unable to see any clawed markings?" Riza asked.

Sweat started to appear on Rose head.

Riza plainly said: "Rose, no bath for one week."

"master noooo! I can't leave a day without bathing. Bathing is my everything....!" Like a drama-queen, Rose said.

Riza still apathetically spoke: "you shouldn't have lied to me, Rose. it's your punishment, so accept it."

Riza then turned toward Molly and asked: "what happened?"

Riza added: "if you also lie... then the punishment for you would be, No bath for a whole month."

Molly despaired, her master was really being cruel. No bath for a whole month... an entire month! And the punishment was even worse than that of Rose's!

Unable to bear the weight of punishment, Molly spilled out the beans....

Molly told everything that happened...from the start of the test.

And knowing what happened, Riza was angered beyond the limit of forbiddance: "where that brat?! He has the gall to lay hands on my girls?!"


"are you a good father or not?! can't you teach your son properly?!" Riza was unable to find Sun, but she was still angry and had to take out her anger onto someone.

And this someone had to be Sun's overprotective father Sen, who was a good target.

Aren't parents responsible for their children character? And Sen really was responsible for not teaching Sun well.

The whole situation was taking place within the spear- sects main hall. Just like a king throne within the palace hall, Sect master's throne was positioned.

Sen was seated in the Sect-master's seat, and he was judging the prisoners who were in the Hall centre. This Sen was a middle-aged muscular fellow, and the plane-yellow dress he wore emphasised his calm demeanour which he was putting front.

The people detaining the prisoners were law-enforcing hall elders. And there were also other elders present with the hall; just as observers thou.

Within the silent hall, Sect master Sen was in deep thoughts. The hall's atmosphere looked dignified, and this refined atmosphere was broken by Riza's intrusion.

There were two long-beard supreme elders dressed in white positioned right and left to sect master's seat. The right side once was called Aaron, and the left sided one was called Shakti. Though Aaron, Shakti, looked thin but contrasting to their slim physique they were strong Emperor level cultivators!

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Both Shakti, Aaron shouted at the same time: ""Impetuous!"". Again they were going to say something but were stopped by Sen.

Narrowing his eyebrows, Sen asked: "you better have a good reason interrupting the work. Now speak?"

Blood vessels tightened on Riza's forehead, Sen's attitude was getting on her nerve.

Riza instantly appeared in front of Sen, then she caught his collar: "I said, why didn't you teach your son properly?!" just after saying she threw him to the wall!


Sen ruthlessly crashed into the wall, and made a human-sized hole in it!

Every this happened so fast that both Aaron and Shakti couldn't react!

Towards this two Supreme elders, Riza said: " what did you two shout? Impetuous is it? IMPETUOUS MY FOOT!"

*BANG!!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!*

*BANG!!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!*

Even though Aaron and Shakti guarded, they were walloped. They were directly kicked out of the sect building through making holes in the walls!

Other elders with the hall just opened their mouth; everyone was stupefied.

The prisoners discussed,

Prisoner 1: "f**k! Am I seeing things?! My eyes might have gone senile!"

Prisoner 2: "you are also seeing the thing?!"

Prisoner 2: "are you m***** f****** me!? Am I not hallucinating things?!"

Prisoner 3: "4+4+1, a total of nine holes she made!"

Prisoner 3: "and the lady wore yellow-black stripe outfit similar to these elders... Was she also an elder?"

Prisoner 4: "dude I say this sect is weird. Here elders seem to way stronger than supreme elders!"

The four prisoners looked toward other elders and started to shiver.

An elder 1 asked to elder 2

With an unbelievable expression on his face, Elder 1: " hey, isn't sect master a late stage king cultivator? Why is he taking a beat?"

Elder 2 in a disturbed mood, said: "aren't supreme elders taking a beat. So sect master is taking a beat. Got it."

Still confused, nevertheless Elder 1 nodded: " I got it"

Riza was a peak stage emperor cultivator and Aaron, shakti, were early stage emperor cultivators. And it was reasonable for them getting beaten like this. But to other people within the hall, it wasn't normal at all!

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a few minutes before

In her anger, Riza abruptly left towards Sect main building. Rose and Molly followed her, but because of Riza's high cultivation level, they were left far back.

Now they were soon going to reach the Sect main building. And as they were nearing to the building, they heard their masters voice and some loud crashing sounds!



"you don't know? THEN WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU!!?"


"your son Sun tried to **** my disciples..... MY DAUGHTERS!!"


"don't you have daughters? TELL ME!!"




Just before they could reach, Molly, Rose, saw the whole sect building shaking.


Then the Sect-building suddenly collapsed with a massive sound! The reason behind its collapse was the several ten holes which Riza made!

When they reach, Molly, Rose, saw only the remains of the building. And over the remains, their master stood holding sect-master by griping at his neck with one hand, just like holding a dog.

Riza pent most of her anger; she was feeling refresh. Seeing Molly, Rose, to come she threw Sen away and walked towards them.

Seeing the destruction caused by their master... Molly, Rose, smiled whirly. They already knew some thigh like this would happen.

Remembering her master was suffering from a dreadful illness, and now, her master pulling stunts like these, Rose became anxious: "Master all you all right?"

[Author: *surprised emoji* s***! was she ill?! I really forgot.]

Riza understood what Rose meant, she nodded: "I am all right."

Riza then said: "let's go, we are leaving this sect."


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Packing their things, Riza, Rose, and Molly left the sect in a Rico-beast carriage. And surprisingly no one from the spear-sect obstructed them leaving.

Rico was a 7 feet height double-ostrich sized beast-bird. It was a good carriage-beast and also a good friend to Riza.

Riza was holding the reins and driving the carriage.

Rose asked: "master where are we going?"

Riza replied: "towards Hellsing family."

Molly surprisingly asked: "that Blaze's and Lia's Family?"

Riza smilingly said: "yes, it is that Blaze's and Lia's family...Who would have thought that little brat would become such a great cultivator."

Molly: "which brat?"

Riza: "I am talking about Blaze."

Rose: "master you knew blaze!?"

Riza: "master not only knew blaze but also knew his father. oh, you also knew his father, Rose."

Rose was surprised: "I know him?!"

Riza: "don't you remember Ben? He is Blaze's father."

"!!!" Rose.

Molly: "master, is the rumours about them true?"

Riza: "when I was at peak level king stage, Blaze was just at warrior stage cultivation. And now he already left Ben and me in the dust."

Riza sighed: "God knows what his cultivation might be now."

Stars were sparkling within Molly's and Rose's eyes. They Idolized Blaze and Lia as the strongest cultivators!

And knowing, that their master knew Blaze, they both felt proud. If Riza knew, how the girls thought, don't know how she would react.

"KOO!" making a loud noise, Rico suddenly stopped. Molly, Rose and Riza forcefully jerked front.

Riza asked: "Rico, what happened?"

With its beak, Pointing towards the front, Rico voiced: "Koo."

Molly, Rose, didn't notice any abnormality on the forest-road. But Riza noticed it; there was a poisons trap laid in front of them.

Riza, {fortunately Rico noticed it and stopped. Or else...}.

It was precise as Riza thought, they were really blessed with good luck today. Rico and Riza might have escaped this concealed trap... but what about Molly and Rose? Could Rose and Molly have survived on their own?

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