Chapter 4

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The kid's dream changed. It wasn't like before. He was in an extravagant room, filled with toys.

He was no longer in the hall and no longer a 10-year-old kid. As he entered the third door, He reverted to a newborn child.

But this child features don't match him at all. And this kid was chubby, whose face was round and has a blue iris. The kid at present doesn't have much hair. Now in this dream, his appearance looked utterly different from that of the real worlds.

A beautiful angel like women was holding him. Her long hairs were golden in, and her eye pupils were blue, which were similar to kid's eyes. Her round face, with a contrast straight little nose, was quite gorgeous.

She looked like as If, she in her thirties. And her body was slightly chubby and perfect. And this slight chubbiness didn't decrease her charm, but it increased her appeal!

She was gently pinching the kid's nose and cheeks and just like a baby, the kid enjoyed it, and he also did a 'baby laugh'. Seeing her son enjoying her lovely tease, the golden-haired women felt delighted.

Then She felt his smooth skin. The women showed her angelic smile towards him and then she opened her mouth: "little Sam, your skin is too smooth, and it makes this old lady jealous."

"and I can also say, not only this old lady. even every woman around the world would be jealous if they knew how smooth your skin is."

"I don't know about other women being jealous or you being jealous. But I am sure; I am getting jealous of you." A thirty-year-old looking handsome man who just came in said with a smile.

This man's hairs were golden, and he had sharp blue eyes. He also had a golden coloured beard. His body was a warrior type built. He was the child's father and the present king, 'The king Stuart 4' of Stuart world.

Stuart was feeling jealous of his wife Eve, as he saw her spending time with their son and he couldn't do the same.

"who told you, go to work?" Eve asked with a smirk on her face.

She gazed at Stuart attentively, and Stuart couldn't answer. Seeing Stuart being mute, she started to lecture him on being an irresponsible parent. The lecture went on for a half hour, as she didn't show any signs of stopping her lesson.

[Author: wooh and wow.... she's a ruthless wife!]

"I... I…I give up my queen" seeing his wife lecturing him and not showing any intention to stop, The mighty king Stuart surrendered. He couldn't win against his wife, mainly when she was in this state.

Then he took Sam from Eve's hand and started to tease him.

Sam looked at this couple curiously, as this was a new thing to him. Though now he is a newborn child, But his intellectual was of a 10-year-old kid or maybe just little less than a 10-year-old kid.

Slowly he began to enjoy these couples care. This enjoyable parental care made him feel happy. It brought new happiness to him.

And Sam also felt some bad feeling was washed off, from him. It was the feeling of loneliness.


In this dream,

The kid played the role of Sam; which was the baby in the woman's hand.

And this world, which he was dreaming of, was called Stuart world and the Stuart family ruled it. This Stuart world; is located in saint plane. This saint plane is a much higher plane compared to a 'mortal plane', on which the kid's real body is!

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The one terrifying thing to note is. Even the lowest existence in this plane can crush the whole 'mortal plane', with just a finger!!

from this, you could understand how 'higher plane' this saint plane must be compared to the mortal plane.


Time went on….

The kid was grown up. He became a young adult and crossed his happy childhood in his parent's care.

Till now, The kid lived an extravagant life, a life filled with care, and beautiful maids managed even his dressing and hairstyle!

Also still from his birth, to till know, Sam was a chubby guy.

As time was passing on,

Sam decided to walk on the path of cultivation. He aimed to become the greatest cultivator off all time!; This was the aspiration born in him, by looking at his parents. He idolised them! His parents were a power couple and renowned cultivators of this saint plane!

Don't know who put this idea. One day he decided to go on a journey.

He told his idea to his parents. Hearing their son's Idea, both eve and Stuart supported him. They felt gratified; finally, their son has taken a step to his future!

After getting, readied. Sam finally began his conquest to become the greatest cultivator of all time!


On his journey…...

He made many friends, many enemies and lovers.

During life and death situations, he experienced many betrayals of his friends and even betrayals of some lovers! Only a few friends and few lovers remained loyal to him. And his bond with his loyal mates strengthened.

Till now....200 years passed by in the dream world. Initially, Sam was a naive kid, But during his journey, he matured and became sensible. Now His character; was formed.

And in his two hundred years of journey, Stuart and Eve guarded him! Which Sam didn't know. At many life and death situations, they saved his lives many times!

[Author: seriously they are great parents!]

And now Sam decided to return home!


Again 200 years later...

Sam got married, had children. Then he became the king of Stuart world. Then he surpassed his parent's cultivation level! Which made Sam's parents feel gratitude.


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Next 200 years…...

Sam ruled the Stuart world and enjoyed his fatherhood, he doted at his children and enjoyed his life with his family.


After some years a planer war broke out.

A war between 2 planes. Between saint plane and orc plane!

This war was too cruel, As many high-ranking cultivators fell!, Billions of innocent people were slaughtered!!

This war continued for more than 200 hundred years….

Many races of saint plane perished!; They were, exterminated by invaders of orc plane, the orc race! Finally, now human race became their target!

Soon after several years, the human race population declined. A large part of the human community was wiped out, by orcs. And Feeling the crises, the Human race prayed to neighbouring races for help.

But the neighbouring races hands were also full; they were also resisting the orc race in their territories.

Also, there were few other races which came from Orc plane, and This again added havoc in saint plane.

Orc race was the strongest among the invading races.

The native races of saint plane were strong enough to neutralise invading races, except the Orc race. This orc race was both powerful, and their population was nearly countless!

This orc race let the whole saint plane distressed, alarm and afraid. The strength of this Orc race; was quite a terror to saint plain.

The human race was now despairing. And during this time of anguish, a hope roused! This hope started rapidly destroying the invaded Orc races!

This hope was a person, Sam Stuart.

In within several years, the invaded Orc race; was destroyed, by this person. The most fearful fact of this person was not his strength, but his intelligence! No traps he laid killed less than ten thousand strong orcs! These traps were arranged using his both alchemy and array knowledge!

And this resulted in him saving the Human race from its extermination. Because of this, he came to be known as 'wisdom King Sam Stuart'.

He then became the king of the human race.


One hundred years passed..…

The planer war ended, saint plane won! The sole reason was, 'The Human king Sam Stuart'.

After the war, Sam Stuart; was crowned by many titles: Hero of saint plane, Savior of Saint world, Scion of light, Orc-slayer.

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In this, past 900 years,

Sam still heard voices which echoed in his mind, asking him to wake up and telling him to get well soon. Now that he can speak; modern human language, He understood all!

He contemplated this, and He began to recollect some matters of alchemy and formation which he nearly forgot.

Recalling, about that time, The voices were still asking the same, asking him to get up and get well soon.

Sometimes he heard a young lady, frequently calling him little brother and singing a lullaby to him. Telling him fairy-tale stories and making promises, that if he gets well soon, then she will bring him to a fantastic place where he can play a lot with other kids, and she also promised him to buy a lot of toys.

Initially, he didn't want to think about it.

Because he feared

He feared of losing his mother eve! He worried about losing his father! His kids! His family!


But now after 900 years, it was a time to move on,

Sam strengthened his heart!

He started to think, and he got confused, was he in sleep? Was he, in some suffering? Was he still a kid? Did this sweet voice belong to his sister?

Then he recalled other two women voices, which were their murmur.

They murmured to each other, And from their murmuring, he could understand, He was in a deep slumber.

Soon, after his birth, He started crying nonstop! Which caused his vitality to decline. So he was made to sleep.

[Sam: am I a crybaby?!]

But still after entering into slumber. He again cried at the end of every month, when he was an infant! And now, he yelled at present! And now he was just an 11-year-old child!

These two women, whose murmurs he heard were his maids. And these two maids nourished him all the time with their mana, and they took turns doing it so. Sometimes they called him 'young master Dazer', This was the name they gave to him, in the hope that he would Daze everyone in the future after he woke up.

Then he also heard an old man's voice, which might be his grandfather. Then two elder brothers voice and eldest sister voice.

Now he could understand, that he is in some dream and everything now he is experiencing might be some inheritance. But he couldn't tell what exactly this inheritance was? And whether this was an inheritance or some dream?

It was stone hard for him to believe this!

To find it whether he was dreaming or not. He tried various methods to wake up from this dream.

Still, he hopes in his heart; Please let everything I experienced be real! His wake-up methods failed. He sighed in relief. Some part of him doesn't want to believe, that all his experience were false.

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If it was any normal dream or even greater illusion, he could come out of it quickly by using the power of myriad laws, from his knowledge. And now every method failed. So, he went with the flow.

But Sam slightly knew, whether it was a dream or not; he will know after 100 years.

Because it will be a thousand years, and whether was it an alchemy dream or array dream, both ended nearly in thousand years!


In these remaining 100 years he continued to gain more knowledge.

On the 1000 year, of this dream; Sam Stuart became an existence whose cultivation broke the limit of Saint plane. Then he flew to the higher plane.

The dream slowly dispersed...


And Sam was now in a black space.

And four golden doors were in front of him, Which were close. These were the same golden doors, which stood in front of him, after the array dream.

He sighed himself: "it was a dream". His eyes moistened.

After some time….

"Thinking about name…... what should I call myself?..... Sam Stuart?" at this point he shook his head: "No, that's not my name."

"This name belongs to this person, Sam Stuart. whose life I experienced."

"The maids called me 'Dazer' didn't they? But it seems. it not my name."

"my siblings and grandpa never called me by name...…"

"Then I don't have one...."

"what should I call myself?"

He went in deep thinking.

Flashbacks of mother Eve, calling his Sam with her gentle voice filled with motherly love, started to appear in his mind.

And the maids' voice calling him Dazer, with a hope he would have a dazzling future, started to echo in his head.

Then he slowly said: "let me call myself 'Sam Dazer'."

At this point, he smiled.

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