Chapter 5

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In the dark space, Sam walked to the first golden door. He touched the golden calligraphed skull on the door.

Now thinking about the past, he couldn't help but laugh, " pttf…hahaha..hahaha"

"this door scared the s*** out me….hahaha"

Now he could guess, These four doors carry the experience of four different guys. He already experienced one, The human king Sam Stuart's life.

And now seeing the remaining three doors he couldn't help but get a little bit excited! As a cultivator himself, he knew the remaining three entries would bring him a lot of fortune.

Experiencing human king's life, he already gained a lot! And there were three more lives to be experienced!

Then he thought for a while and looked at other doors. He decided to enter the first door. He pushed the door open; Baleful aura released from this opened door. Feeling this nostalgic baleful aura, he smilingly shook his head and entered it.

After a while …...

Same as the last time, Four figures appeared and entered the first door.


Now Sam was a 10-year-old kid. Ten years passed since he entered this dream.

In the present life, he was an orphan.

On the grass filled ground, near the orphan house, He was playing 'touch and run' with his orphan friends. Soon the 'catcher kid' ran toward Sam, This catcher was a male kid and wanted to catch Sam.

Sam also started to run in opposite direction. The remaining kids also ran away from this catcher kid.

"Sam! I surely will catch you!" the catcher kid shouted while running behind Sam.

"Leo! Catch me if you can!" while being chased, Sam shouted back at Leo.

Still, after a while, Leo couldn't catch Sam. So, Leo made other kids his target. After running for a half-hour, the kids were exhausted, All of them just sat on the ground and breathed heavily.

"Sam…. what will you become in future?", Leo suddenly asked.

Sam thought for a while and said, "me...? I'll become a knight!"

[Author: hay! Make your goal big man *sigh*.]

"wooh!...then its decided, we will also become knights in future!", some boys along with Leo enthusiastically said.

It, not that, Sam doesn't want to goal big. It's that; he couldn't make goal big.

It's like, his body has two wills! One is his own will, and other is a will which is against him.

Now his life was just like an RPG fantasy game! Where you have freedom in the open world. You could do side missions, story mission and at some point, you could decide the result, but you have to face the consequence for the decision you make! But still, the main story remains the same!


At the age of 20, Sam achieved his goal, and he became a knight. And know he was the knight of sir Duke's daughter. This Duke's daughter name was Fiona and Sam was also her fiance.

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Sam and Fiona both met at the knight's academy. They fell in love, and Duke didn't oppose their relationship. And soon they will be married.


On the night of marriage. Inside the bedroom.

Fiona stood in front of Sam. She was looking gorgeous in her long white dress. Her long black hairs were quite in contrast with her dress. Sam cared these long black hairs with his fingers.

Her oval face, straight little nose and hot lips, were so tempting that, it made Sam's temperature to rise. Then Sam caressed these flaming lips.

Her eyes were brown, which was quite lovely.

Sam then slowly put his arms around her slim body.

"husband...still it seems like a dream come true for me." Within Sam's arm, Fiona sweetly said. She was so, so, so happy today!

"*sniiiifiiing* … to" deeply sniffing her smell, Sam replied.

Slowly Sam pinched her plumpy breast.

"umn…!" Fiona sweetly moaned, This again stimulated Sam.

He pushed her on the bed. "naughty guy…." Fiona coquettishly said.

Lying on Fiona, Sam brought his lips near to her lips. Fiona slowly closed her eyes. Their lips slightly touched. Sam was not satisfied with this, He pried opened her mouth and forcefully inserted his tongue into her mouth! An electric current flowed inside Fiona. With an astonishment, she opened her closed eyes!

Sam started to stimulate her tongue with his tongue, by slowly rubbing it. Slowly with a half-opened eye, Fiona began to respond with her tongue.

After a long time, they separated their lips, and now both of them were grasping for breaths.

"husband….", Fiona called.

"Hmm...?", Sam asked.

Then Fiona brought her lips near to Sam's ear and said with a bashful face, "I want.... husband's...child."

Hearing it, Sam was thoroughly stimulated. He pulled over the quilt, on over them. And their sweet time started.


One year later, a daughter was born to him and Sam's happiness over-roofed!

Sam and Fiona named her 'Liz'.

A few months later. Liz started to walk…

She was taking her baby steps towards Sam, Who was encouraging her to walk towards him and with his hands opened he said, "come here; my princess, come, dad's waiting."

Fiona stood beside Sam and looking at her cute little daughter walk, Fiona's eyes moistened.


This trio family's happiness continued.

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As time went, Liz aged. Now she was eight years old. This kid was growing similar to her mother. Liz's eyes were brown, just like Fiona's and this kid also acted more like Fiona. Most of the time she imitated Fiona's demeanour, This made Sam jealous of Fiona, "*sigh* I …want…*pseudo sniff*…to…*2nd pseudo sniff*, *3rd pseudo sniff*.....cry."

Hearing this, Fiona smiled. She was feeling delighted.

Every night Fiona told Liz her stories. In the 'stories', what interested Liz most was the Knight's Academy, Because this was the academy where her parents studied!

Her eyes were sparkling; she decided to join the knight's academy! She told this to her mom.

Which in turn Fiona said to Sam, this again made Sam feel Jealous, "why can't she…. *pseudo sniff*, *2nd pseudo sniff*... share her thoughts to me."

Fiona smilingly replied, "because she's my daughter!"

Sam murmured, " she is also my daughter!"


A few months later their daughter joined the knight's academy. There, she made a lot of friends. And soon Liz became an ideal student.

Life is always, filled with both happiness and sadness. And till now, Sam's family was filled with joy.

On this day, as usual, Sam finished his work and entered the house, and soon he saw blood trails! Seeing the blood trails on the floor, Sam tensed up. His heat started to beat rapidly!

He followed this blood trail, and it led to his bedroom! Before entering the bedroom, Various wrong notions started to rise in his head. He opened the bedroom door and entered. The situation inside the bedroom was mournful!

His wife Fiona was sitting on the bed, and she was bleeding and coughing blood! Mysteriously, there were no wounds on her body!

Still seeing her cough blood, Sam; was shaken. He rapidly reached her and supported her.

Feeling the familiar arms around her. Fiona's mood, which has unstable, calmed down. She looked at Sam with a crying face, and Tears were still flowing down her pale cheeks. Then with a miserable expression. Fiona said, "husband, please kill me."

Hearing this Sam started to tremble.

He asked, "what happened?"

Still crying and tremblingly Fiona said, "husband I was; plotted...I was was 'Lilith curse'."

it was like a thunder-stroke to Sam's head!

This 'Lilith curse' was a demonic curse, and it's also a 'forgotten curse'! Women cursed by It, transform into succubae! And these transformed succubae, lose their mind and give in to the 'lust'. These succubae wouldn't care for any morality.

Soon, after their transformation, Filled with lust, they intercourse with their husband or loved ones. If they didn't, they would feel restless without men's seeds!

And the terrific thing was the amount of men's seed they required to get satisfied. Even hundred men seeds would be insufficient for a single succubus!

As their husband or lover fails to provide the required amount of seeds, They lose the last bit of sanity within them and go after other men! They wouldn't even care if the other men were their father, brother, son or even an enemy!!!

They degrade into a *****!

And Sam now knew, why Fiona asked him to kill her! His wife was turning into a succubus! And also he could understand, why there was blood all over her body and no wounds! Because wounds healed, and blood was left as it is.

Succubus regeneration ability was quite high and now seeing her red pupils, it seems his wife was half-way away from becoming succubus!

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Sam wanted to ask who hurt her. But before he could do, Fiona said: "husband promise me you will take care of Liz well."

Sam promised: "yes I will."

Fiona again said: "now please kill me, I don't want to transform into a succubus."

Sam while being, paled shook his head: "I won't. I don't want you to be dead."

Still with a crying face, Fiona whirly said, " I know husband you are kind. I am sorry for being selfish but, I have taken dark poison, and if I don't die, then I will be in painful agony. so, please husband put me out of this misery."

Sam was startled. He knew how dreadful this poison is! If ordinary people take it, they would surely die on the spot. But if a succubus takes it, though she wouldn't be dead, she will be in a painful agony due to her regeneration speed.

With trembling hands, Sam pulled his sword, and then he Inserted in down!

This whole situation; was looked by Liz, who was hiding inside the cupboard, she intended to surprise her mom. But she fell asleep, and when she woke up, from within the closet she could only see her mom was full in blood and dad inserted his sword down! He killed her mom!

She wanted to shout, but due to shock, she fell unconscious within the cupboard.


After two days...

Honouring to Fiona's grave was done. Sam wrote her epitaph. Liz remained unconscious, and she couldn't attend her mother's death ceremony.

But soon sam found, Liz vanished! She left a letter to him!




The letter was,

You devil! You aren't my father!

How could you kill mom! How could you!

In future

I will kill you! I will kill kill KIIIIIIIIIIILL youuuuu!!!!!!!!!!

Your future






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Teardrops; were also seen in the letter, She must have cried while writing this letter.

After reading the letter, Sam just sat in a daze. Initially, as he had Liz, he didn't want to get revenge for his wife, Because it would destroy Liz's growth!

But now, the situation changed, His daughter thought him as Fiona's murderer! And this little girl didn't give him a chance to explain himself.

He wasn't angry at his daughter. Whatever might happen in the future, he would never be mad at her!


Soon Sam began his revenge.

To all, Sam was just a knight's captain. And has strength equal to a thousand men! And Fiona also had this much strength or even she was a little bit stronger than Sam, This was the knowledge everyone knows.

But the thing no one knows was, Sam was terrifyingly strong! Strong enough to destroy a nation by himself!!


Within a few years.....

He built a nation himself. Called demonic empire!

To built this empire, he killed millions of people! It doesn't matter whether the people were innocent or not. But if they stood against him, he would slaughter!

These years, Leo and some of his orphan friends journeyed along with him, and these people were his trustful friends.

Leo was made the prime minister of the demonic empire and other orphan friends hold various important minister posts.

Soon, the demonic empire ruled half of the world, in which Sam lived in!

At present, Sam skin looked pale white. It was due to demonic cultivation! And now he always wore black Hooded clothes.

Using demonic empires network, Sam found out the plotter behind Fiona's succubus transformation! It was Zardge!

During; Sam time in Knight's Academy, This fellow was his love rival. But after some incident, Zardge hated Fiona and still lusted after her! And during the plotting time, this fellow was the king of Riverya, Where Sam's family once lived.

And other astonishing news Sam got was, his daughter Liz who vanished for several years was now marrying Zardge's, Son Zuber!

But Sam also knew, it was due to him and his demonic empire which brought pressure to her. Her goal was to kill him. But his 'demonic empire' was blocking her and removing this block; she need help.

So, she sought help from Riverya kingdom, who openly voiced to help her. But their condition was, her to marry Zuber 'the crown prince! Which she readily accepted it.

And know there were ten days left for marriage!

Soon demonic empire voiced, Demonic King, is going to visit Riverya after ten days!

And the world-shaking news was, The Demonic king will visit alone! And the demonic king asked the King of Riverya to keep his neck clean!

The world fell in turbulence!

To be continued...

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