Chapter 6

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In the Demonic empire's 'palace hall'. On a roundtable. Sam's orphan friends sat around it. Sam and Leo were positioned opposite to each other, and they had excellent wine.

Holding the wine glass, filled with red wine, Leo slowly asked: "are you going to do it?", At present Leo was feeling grief inside which he didn't show on his face.

After drinking the wine from the glass, Sam responded: "I have no choice."

Silence filled the hall….

After some time, Sam again said: "Liz; was brainwashed..."

"the day she vanished…...I lost the chance to explain to her."

"I thought she went to her grandfather Duke Liam's house and I didn't care about it much. All I wanted her was to be safe. It won't matter if she hates me."

"I thought, I would have a chance to explain everything to her. So, I decided to leave her alone for some time."

At this point, Sam filled the glass with the red wine. Then he drank the wine. Everyone was calmly listening. They didn't interrupt Sam. They just wanted to hear Sam's grief which could make Sam's heart light.

Sam continued: "I was wrong… that time Duke Liam also believed I was the murderer of his daughter. Me being the murderer was informed to him by his trustful aide 'Mustiff'."

"at that time, I didn't know Zardge was the plotter. And this Mustiff was an aide of Zardge."

"this Mustiff brainwashed Liz. Liz hatred for me increased. When I knew this, I went to Dukes Liam's house."

"But I was late…... Liz, Duke Liam and Mustiff vanished. I didn't know where they went. But I know, I was too late."

Sam put the wine glass on the table. And others were holding they're 'wine filled glasses'. Till now they didn't drink the wine!

Sam continued: "So, I thought to change my approach."

"now I don't want to explain Liz anything. I want her to have a happy life and to do that…..."

"I have to die."

Everyone suddenly looked at Sam. They wanted to open their mouths, but seeing Sam wanted to continue his story. They let him do.

"but I also wanted revenge. But I care more about Liz. So, I devised a plan. I started to build an empire to let my daughter live happily and be protected; when I am gone."

No one was surprised, They all knew this, They knew Sam built this Demonic empire was Liz!

"if I just wanted revenge. I could have gained it easily; If I knew who the plotter was…..."

Sam filled the glass and again drank the wine.

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At this point, Sam arrogantly continued: "and know the empire is complete. No nation in this world could scratch it!"

Then Sam calmly continued: "now its time to bring back Liz to the demonic empire."

After saying Sam stood from his chair and he bowed. While in a bowed condition, he continued: "I will be living Liz in your care. Please don't tell her the truth unless she is strong enough to accept it."

"and please look after the kingdom as well."

Receiving Sam words in his Bowed posture, every bodies heart felt heavy. Everyone stood up. Then everyone replied: "we will!"

Now did Sam, on hearing their reply straightened his posture. He was right to believe in this people!


During the night, Sam stood in his palace balcony alone. He was holding a sword; This was a magical sword, This was the same sword he used on the day. On which Fiona was transforming into a succubus.

Only one and unique sword in this world, This swords name was 'Igneel'.

Sam slowly spoke to it: "partners, please look after Liz for me. Will ya?". In response, the sword shined. Seeing its response, Sam smiled.


In the palace of Riverya, Crown prince marriage preparation was going on.

Initially, Riverya king Zardge panicked. He feared Sam would attack his country with an army. But Sam didn't. So, he felt relieved.

Zardge never believed, Sam would come alone. But if Sam came solo. Then he! The King of Riverya! Would use any means necessary to kill him!

Only a few hours; were left for the marriage.

A commotion started among the people in the palace.

As voiced out by the Demonic empire, the demonic King came! He was standing outside of the palace, and he was alone! He came alone as he said!

Dressed in total black. Holding Igneel unsheathed in one hand. He just stood outside of Riverya palace. His skin was pale white, and his eyes were crimson red. He was looking like a demonic being!

Now, this demonic king proudly said: "I am waiting. If you don't come at me, then within a half-hour I'll come at you!"

Now everyone inside the palace knew Demonic king came.

King Zardge, crown prince Zuber, queen, Duke Liam, Liz and the brainwasher Mustiff. All came to the balcony. From here they could look what's happening outside of the palace.

Sam also looked towards the balcony. The crown wearing middle-aged and mid-built guy, who stood front was king Zardge. And the right to Zardge, the young fellow who looked similar to him was his son Zuber.

And left to Zardge stood his Queen, and she was beautiful middle-aged women. Beside Zuber, a beautiful young woman and an old man were standing. This young woman was Liz, and the old man was Duke Liam. Wearing a white wedding dress, Liz looked like Fiona with a just little bit different.

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And besides queen, the shady looking middle-aged guy was Mustiff. Looking at the people in the balcony, Sam smiled.

And as if feeling Sam's gaze, everyone in the balcony felt chills run down their spine!

"ho... father-in-law seems to be quite strong," Zuber commented.

While looking at Sam with a murderous gaze, Liz said: "he is not my father, and he is not your father-in-law". Hearing this Mustiff was smiling. He did a superb brainwash on Liz!

The king also commented: "don't worry today he will not live this palace alive!"

Soldiers didn't attack Sam. They were ordered not to.

Soon the half-hour finished.

Sam then spoke: "I told you, if you don't come, then I come."

Sam walked in. As soon as he entered an idiotic soldier slashed at him. Sam didn't even give this soldier time to finish his slash. Sam just killed this guy with a fast slash. After cutting this solder into two halves. Sam waved his blade down, and the blood on the sword; was splattered to the ground.

Sam suddenly vanished from his place. He didn't disappear, buts just his speed was increased! Sam started his slaughter! Soldiers' heads began to fly. Soon many Soldiers bodies were cut into halves!

Remaining Soldiers reacted. And they attacked Sam. But soon they were slain under Sam's blade. Very soon all the 200 soldiers were slaughtered! The whole process took only 30 seconds!!

Looking at this, everyone's face on the palace balcony became severe. The people on the balcony didn't think; Sam speed would be this terrifying!

On the balcony, Zardge assured everyone: "don't worry, I have already prepared royal battalion to greet him". Hearing this everyone's expression on the balcony eased.

Everyone knew how terrifying this royal battalion is! This battalion consisted of 5000 captain-knights! These 5000 captain-knights' strengths were enough to destroy the whole Riverya kingdom!

Soon the captain-knights arranged themselves in front of Sam. Sam directly rushed in this group and began his slaughter! Heads and limbs flew, Bodies; were halved!

Only a few captain-knights could manage to block Sam's one move, and after this move, they got killed. There was no exception!

Seeing the slaughter going on, many guests who came to attend the wedding vomited.

The people on the balcony turned pale!



Soon the number of the battalion started to decrease!

Five minutes after…

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Four thousand five hundred captains were remaining!

Ten minutes after…

Four thousand captains were remaining!

Fifteen minutes after…






One thousand captains were remaining!

Forty-five minutes after…

Five hundred captains were remaining!

Fifty minutes after…

0 captains were remaining!



Sam just took freaking 50 minutes to slay 5000 captains!

Cleaning his blade, Sam smilingly commented: " it feels good to set oneself loose for some time."

At present no one was on the balcony, They all returned to the throne room.


On the Kings' throne. Zardge sat exhausted. His black hairs turned white! His trump card was this captains battalion. But this battalion was slaughter like slicing butter by Sam!

Everyone had a despaired expression! Every one despaired for their death! Except for Liz, who despaired for failing her revenge!

Soon the throne room's door opened. Sam entered the room. His body was full of the enemy's soldiers' blood! The guards in the throne room were so terrified that, they couldn't even stand.

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Smilingly Sam said towards Zardge: "yo Zardge! You should have seen this day coming". but to others, Sam smile was terrifying like a devil's smile.

Sam started to walk towards them. Suddenly Liz attacked Sam with a sword! With all her strength.

Liz knew her attack wouldn't reach sam! But she still wanted to try! Surprisingly her sword pierced Sam's left soldier.

Blood flushed out from Sam's right shoulder! Seeing this everyone mood was spirited back. Zardge rapidly ordered: "KILL HIM! KILL HIM! He lost his strength KILL HIM!"

The soldiers acted rapidly. But soon were slain by Sam. Sam commented: "idiot!"

Liz attack was sudden, and Sam could have easily parried it. But this could hurt her, so he let her attack pierce his shoulder.

Then Sam reached Zardge. Seeing his death coming, Zardge cowered: "please let me go, I, I, can explain everything; to Liz, she will understand."

"no need for that." Sam didn't rubbish with him he just directly killed Zardge. Zardge head flew and fell on the ground. Initially, Sam wanted to torture him, but looking at his pathetic appearance, he gave up.

Seeing Zardge head rolling, Everyone started to tremble in fear. And again, without giving a chance, Sam speedily cut off queen's and Zuber's head!

Then he walked toward Mustiff who was crawling away in fear: "don't come! Don't come! It wasn't me! It wasn't me! the king ordered me."

Sam stabbed down his sword which pierced Mustiff's back many times!

"ahhhh! Ahhh! Ahhhh!....ahh!". Mustiff cried out in pain.

Sam didn't want to kill this guy like others. Sam somewhat hated this Mustiff, for brainwashing Liz.

Seeing her master, being tortured. Liz cried out: "please don't!"

Hearing his daughter plea, Sam stopped his torture and directly cut off Mustiff's head.

After killing this much, Sam directly sat on the throne. Then he looked toward Duke and Liz. These two were still trembling in fear. They were terrified of Sam now!

Sam said to Duke Liam: "duke you are an honest fellow, and I'll advise you; DON'T BELIEVE YOUR ADIES BLINDLY! and compare Mastiffs blood with your fourth child."

Then he looked towards Liz. Sam's expressions became kind. Then he threw his sword 'Igneel' towards her and said: "Liz, didn't you say you wanted to kill me? Now kill me."

Still trembling, Liz picked up the sword and pierced Sam's chest with it. Sam's heart was pierced by it! Her hatred was slightly more than her fear!

"why, why, why did you kill mom!" cryingly Liz asked.

Rubbing her tears away, Sam kindly said: "my little princess, if you want the answer. Take my sword, go to the demonic kingdom and become strong. And after becoming strong get Leo's acknowledgement. Then you will get your answer."

Sam then flicked her nose and said: "remember this carefully, DON'T EVER THINK YOU KILLED ME. IT WAS ME WHO DECIDED TO END MY LIFE."

Sam died after saying...

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