Chapter 7

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Sam was back to the dark space, and four golden doors were in front of him. Of these four doors, he already experienced two, and there were to more doors to experience.

Now he looked at the 1st golden door. Sam couldn't help but smile bitterly: "getting killed by own daughter, it doesn't feel good."

Though he was feeling bitter inside, he didn't regret what he did in Demonic king's dream. If given a chance again, he would do the same.

Sam shook off these thoughts away. It was time to experience a new life.

He looked at the remaining two golden doors. And looking at them he thought: [ which should I choose? The 2nd door or the 4th door. I know 2nd door release domineering aura, but I don't know what 4th door release.]

After thinking a while, Sam said: "let's keep the 4th door suspense for now."

[Author: Oiii kid! *two pseudo snorts!* we already know what the 4th door release! So, where's the suspense?!]

After talking to himself. Sam pushed the 2nd door. The door released a nostalgic domineering aura. Sam entered this door, and then he vanished.

After a while…...

Just as expected, four figures appeared and entered the 2nd golden door.


After entering the 2nd golden door, Sam couldn't open his eyes. He even couldn't move and couldn't feel his own body.

Sam decided to wait and see. He patiently started to wait...



Just after 2 minutes, his patience ran out. Sam was feeling irritated! Then again after only 2 minutes, he started to fell vexed! In his mind he swears to god if his situation is an unnatural cause, he would f****** k*** the bastard who caused it!

Sam didn't notice; now his temper was too short. He couldn't even tolerate waiting for just 2 minutes!

After two days, Sam started to feel his body.

Then after one day, he opened his eyes. But he could only see darkness, with his opened eyes.

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Soon he could move his body slightly.

Till know three days passed. And just waiting for these three days was like hell to him!

Now that he could move his body, Sam didn't want to wait. He started to shake his body in multi-directional. Then he felt some resistance around him. Felling this resistance, Sam did his best in moving his body.

Soon to Sam's eyes, light cracks appeared in this dark space. Cracks started to spread throughout the dark area.

Sam broke the dark space and vigorously jumped out! He met with resistance, and he felt like he hit a wall with his head.

Due to sudden light, he couldn't see properly. Sam could only see some red colour thing moving in front of him.

Now he felt, this red colour thing was the perpetrator of his situation. So, without thinking, he roared at it: "ROOAARR...!!"

Hearing Sam roar, the red thing knocked Sam's head! And it said: "is it the way you greet your mom!". It was a woman's voice!

The knock hurt Sam. He could feel a little bump over his head. Sam shook his head, and now his eyes were adjusted to present light intensity. He looked towards the red thing, and he got dumbfounded!

A giant red dragon was in front of him! It was staring at him!

Sam panickily shouted: "@#$#%$^$#!!!". At present, Sam couldn't speak and what Sam shouted was: "DRAGON!!!".

The giant red dragon again knocked Sam's head. Then it said: "keep quiet!"

Sam nodded his head like an obedient kid.

Seeing Sam behaving himself. The red dragon was surprised. So, she asked: "my son, could you understand my words?"

Sam opened his mouth! [ Sam: what did she son….my….MY SON!! AM I HER SON!! Wait, wait, wait… this dragon a female?]

Seeing her son not responding to her, she slightly lifted her hand. And seeing her hand movements, Sam nodded his head vigorously. He didn't want to get another hit from this dragon.

Then Sam looked around, and he found a broken red coloured eggshell. [ Sam: didn't I just jumped from there? I…I…came out of an egg?]

Seeing her son, looking at the eggshell, from which he born. She said: "you were born from it."

Hearing this, Sam looked at his hands. They weren't hands! They were red claws!; Seeing this the dragon brought her eyes near Sam and said: "Look in my eyes."

This red dragon was so big that Sam present body size was half of her palm! Sam looked his reflection in her eyes. He was shocked.

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He was now a small red dragon! He wasn't feeling down. Just the opposite, he was feeling excited! This life was going to be an interesting one!


Just the next day after his birth, Sam was; hellishly trained by his mother, Rias.

This training place was a rocky desert filled with strange monsters!

Mother Rias was standing on a hill. She was now in human form. Her hairs were red; her eyes were red, and her pupils were like that of viper's. Her body was mature, and she wore fiery red clothes.

Sam was presently killing the desert monsters. He was in his dragon form. At present, he couldn't transform into human form.

The hellish training continued for 100 years. Now Sam could transform into human form. Similar to his mother, after transformation he was red-haired; red-eyed; guy.

And now he was strong enough to squash the strongest dessert monster! Thinking that he became strong, He started to show his inborn arrogance.

Arrogance filled in dragons' blood! He arrogantly challenged his mother! Which resulted, him getting beat black blue and Sam was knocked out.

After regaining consciousness, like an obedient kid he asked his mom: "dear mother, when is my training going to finish?".

Rias smilingly replied: "after you can fight equally with me". Getting this reply Sam despaired.

The hellish training continued, Sam daily fought with his mother. It took another 100 years for Sam to compete as an equal with his mother.

The training finished!


Rias brought Sam to fire dragon palace. Oops! Forgot to mentions both Sam and Rias were fire dragons!

Rias was 4th wife of Sam's father, Jacobs! And Jacobs is the king of fire dragons! At present Jacobs was training under the sea and every time he would have practised for thousand years! So, Jacobs was not present at this time in the fire palace.

Sam also has many half-brothers and half-sisters!

After paying a visit to his Kins, Sam went to the library. His battle-frenzy mother didn't teach him anything other than fighting! Sam was even oblivious to general knowledge!

On reading several books, he came to know. This dragon world has a dragon council, which was made up of several dragon palaces. And the one that rules this council was dragon king!

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Dragon king was the supreme existence to dragons. And this dragon King was the symbol of strength to dragon world.

Any dragon could become dragon king if he is stronger than present dragon king. He needs to challenge dragon king on dragon fest, held for every ten years. Of course, the challenger should be powerful enough, or else dragon king will kill him!

Again, after reading a few books. Sam just wanted to commit suicide!

From this books, Sam just came to know, every dragon has special kind of dragon energy with them! And every dragon uses this energy innately. But Sam didn't!

Though he was now a dragon, Sam always thought as human, so he didn't know he has this Dragon energy within him! And mother Rias also never mentioned it.

Mother Rias misunderstood Sam. She always thought, Sam used dragon energy as this dragon energy was a natural thing.

And If Sam has utilised this energy, he could have shortened the training period just to 100 years!


For a dragon, most straightforward way to check his strength was using breath.

So, to check his strength, Sam came to the ocean. For a fire dragon, ocean water was a good target.

In the air, Sam was now in his dragon form. Now he was slightly larger than his mom Rias in her dragon form.

Sensing some dragons within the ocean, Sam Arrogantly said: "those who are training within, get lost in 3 seconds! I am going to check my strength, if you get burned, don't complain!"



"who is this arrogant brat! I have never seen an arrogant fellow like him!"

"he says, he is going to check his strength. But we are several hundred kilometres deep in the ocean. So why is he asking us to leave?"

"hmmm… I bet he thinks he is stronger than dragon king!"

"what an ignorant fellow! He doesn't know how immense this ocean is!"

The dragons within the ocean talked.


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Sam started counting: "3...2...1".

After counting, he deeply breathed in. He utilised both mana and Dragon energy! Then he blew a terrifying fire down!


When the fire hit the ocean surface, it boomed. After running the surface, the fire Horizontally spread nearly two thousand kilometres! And in depth, it directly hit the ocean ground!!!

The several training dragons didn't even have a chance to escape. They were burned alive!

After the hellish training! Dragon energy within Sam body became quite immense. And this energy was never tapped before.

And now it was tapped; This dragon energy stimulated and increased Sam's arrogance several folds!!; This was a bad thing for Sam. So, Sam now didn't even care about fellow dragons' lives; he directly burned them!

A large hole formed within the ocean, it soon closed.

The oceans level seems to decrease. How wouldn't it? Sam directly evaporated several trillion tons of water!


Today was the dragon fest. It should have been a sunny day, but because of Sam, it became a rainy day! The evaporated water was now raining down!

Present dragon king was from wind dragon palace. His name was Ryu. And he was sitting in his throne, Within the dragon palace.

And near Ryu, the white-haired young lady was his daughter Aria. And in a white dress, Aria was looking like a fairy.

Being a white dragon; Arias nature was kind.

Sam was also present at this time. He looked at Aria, and he decided to make Aria his. And within his mind, Sam already thought Aria as his property!

And now he decided to ask Aria's hand in today's fest!

But what our Sam didn't know was, his half-brother Ethan who looked similar to Sam was in love with Aria! And Aria also loved Ethan! And only a few know about this!

To be continued…

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