Chapter 8

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The dragon king Ryu was a white-haired, middle-aged muscular guy with a white beard and white iris. Wind dragons are white coloured.

Till now, during dragon fest, no one challenged Dragon king for his position.

There were many strong Dragons present in this fest, but they didn't dare to challenge Ryu. They knew, at present, they were not Ryu's match!

In this fest, Sam was with his Kins. Soon Sam excused himself and walked to Dragon king Ryu. He politely greeted the dragon king! In Sam's mind, Ryu was his father-in-law! So Sam was polite towards him.

Dragon king just glimpsed at Sam, and then he ignored him. If it were Sam's father Jacobs in Sam's place, Dragonking would have greeted back.

At present Sam was an arrogant and a short-tempered fellow. How could he accept dragon king's impoliteness towards him?

Sam also drooped his politeness and directly said to dragon king Ryu: "Dragon King, I want to marry your daughter Aria."

Suddenly the whole hall silenced. Many interestingly looked at Sam. Many people thought, this kid has the gall to ask Dragon king, his daughter directly!

Sam's mother Rias also stared. She never thought, her son would be this daring. Directly asking Aria's hand impolitely to dragon king was a little much!

Rias didn't know about Sam's changed character.

Hearing Sam words, Dragonking finally looked at Sam and said: "brat, are you qualified to be my son-in-law?"

Sam arrogantly replied: "if I am not, then there will be no one who would be qualified to be Aria's husband!"

Sam was still impolite. And this impoliteness irritated dragon king. So, the dragon king said: "if you defeat me, I will give her to you!"

"Ryu, don't you want to keep your Dragon king position anymore?" Sam arrogantly asked.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall changed. Now It wasn't any kids play. Sam's words indirectly challenged Dragon king!

And now there will be only two results. One is the dragon king's defeat! Which is impossible in everyone's eyes. Two, Sam's death! Which will be an 'after few minutes scenario' in everybody's eyes!

Rias rapidly came near sam, she kneel-downed and asked the dragon king's forgiveness: "sir dragon king, please forgive my ungrateful child! He doesn't know about the imm...." As Rias was asking for dragon king's forgiveness for him, Sam knocked-out her.

After knocking his mom, Sam said towards his kins: "don't interfere."

Then he said to dragon king: "let's go outside. I will show you, I am more than qualified!" After speaking, Sam walked outside!


Outside the dragon king palace

Dragon king Ryu commented: "brat I applaud for your daringness". Just saying this much, dragon king transformed into a giant white dragon.

Dragon king then in his transformed form breathed towards the sky


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The air breath reached the sky.


With a boom, the black clouds in the sky cleaned!; Seeing this every one released a cold breath! Everyone thought the strength of the dragon king was no joke!

Then dragon king flew to the cleaned sky. After Reaching several hundred kilometres in the air, he stopped.

Seeing dragon king's actions, Sam just smiled. Sam thought, if you are arrogant then I am the king of Arrogant! Thinking this Sam didn't even change into his dragon form and flew in the sky.

Sam reached dragon kings altitude. He then taunted dragon king with his forefinger, to come.

Seeing Sam challenging dragon king without dragon transformation, the people down on the ground started to cursed Sam for his foolishness!

A dragon's strength is weak several times in his human form. Fighting a mighty dragon, in human form would be foolishness for any dragon. But Sam was an exception to this rule! Sam confidence came from his overpowering strength!

Dragon king didn't want to waste time on Sam. He 'air-breathed' towards Sam.


White colour air breath; several hundred timed larger than human size, hit Sam and it overflowed Sam's human form.

Now dragon king stopped releasing air-breath. Sam form seems to have vanished from the air!

To everyone, Sam seems to be dead, and even his ashes didn't seem to be left. People sighed, what a foolish guy was he!

In the sky, looking at Sam's position where he floated before vanishing, dragon king snorted: "what an ignorant brat!"

"whom are you calling ignorant?" a familiar voice came from over the dragon king's head!

Dragon king was startled! Till know he didn't notice, Sam was standing on his head! Dragon king vigorously shook his head.

Sam jumped from the dragon kings head.

In his anger due to shame, the dragon king slashed his claw towards sam

Whoosh! Sam dogged this whooshing claw.

And seeing Sam dogging his claw, Dragonking couldn't believe! Sam was an insect in his eyes, but he couldn't squash this insect now!

Dragon king now became severe! He attacked Sam seriously. But every attack of his was dogged by Sam. No matter how fast he struck, Sam always dogged his attacks.

Suddenly Sam made some distance between him and the dragon king! Then he looked at dragon king, who was also looking at him!

Sam slowly said: "don't think I am a weak little brat". Dragon king seriously acknowledges it. Now from Sam's speed he already knew, Sam was a lot faster than him!

Sam continued: "but to my eyes, you are a weak old geezer!" he was arrogant in saying this!

Who would dare to call Dragon king, a weak old geezer?! Only arrogant sam could do such.

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Suddenly Sam vanished from dragon king's sight. The next second Sam was close to dragon king's ample stomach.

With full power in his fist, Sam punched the dragon king's stomach.

Instantly, dragon king shot backwards with a 90-degree posture at his stomach! When he stopped, dragon king coughed blood from his mouth! And his scales on his belly were cracked!

Sam didn't give dragon king a chance to take a breath. Sam directly appeared above dragon king head and punched dragon king down to the ground!


Dragon king crashed down with a boom.! When he crashed on the ground, mud cloud soon covered him.

Still floating in the sky, Sam said: "if you weren't arrogant before me, this wouldn't have happened!"

People on the ground dumbly looked the whole scene play! Even now, they couldn't believe what just happened!

Soon people came to their sense. Many sighed in relief; luckily, they didn't mock sam! Gods know what would have happened if they did.

Sam's Kins were jumping in jubilation, and now they had a Dragonking in their family! Only Ethan wasn't, and he's tensed now. Ethan's lover; was targeted by sam and sam was way stronger than dragon king! Ethan was now feeling pressured!

Aria was also in a disbelieving mood, her father lost! At the start, it was interesting to watch, but now it isn't interesting!

Sam slowly came down. He walked toward Aria who was still in a daze! After reaching in front of her, he said: "Aria as your father said, you are mine now!"

Aria got back from her thoughts, she glimpsed at Ethan and politely said to sam: "new dragon emperor sir, I would like to talk you in private."

Seeing Aria glimpsing at Ethan and hearing her words, Sam frowned, and he nodded: "ok."

Just after nodding, Sam abruptly changed into a giant red dragon! He suddenly caught Aria within his palm. Then he patted his wings down vigorously, shot up in the sky and rapidly left!

Sam speed was so rapid that, no one could follow him. Some even chased, Ethan also trailed, but couldn't follow, Sam left them in the dust.


Sam brought Aria, into a volcano. At present, this volcano was partly active. Inside the volcano, only one-fourth of land transformed into lava and the remaining three-fourths was a land state.

When Sam was bringing Aria, surprisingly Aria didn't resist. But the fact was, she couldn't withstand due to Sam's strength!

Sam now asked: "what you wanted to say?"

"Sir Sam, I cannot marry you." Aria directly said. She was in love with Ethan, so how could she marry another guy?

Sam frowned: "aren't you willing to keep your father's commitment?"

Aria shook her head: "no sir Sam, it isn't that. I am already in love with someone else, so how can I marry you?"

Just hearing this, Sam's anger flared! Aria was already his! He felt; Aria was shaming him! If Aria could say some other reason, even if it were a pathetic once, he wouldn't be this angry!

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Sam acquisitive instincts toward Aria were high and now hearing Aria, that she loved someone else, he felt betrayed!

His expression changed ruthless once! Seeing his appearance, Aria was terrified: "sir Sam?"

Sam darkly said: "Arial listen to me, from now on you are mine! Only mine!"

Still feeling terrified of Sam, Aria palely shook her head: "I can't be your's sir sam, I already have my love!"

Sam; was pushed beyond forbiddance: "YOU…...!"

He directly pushed Aria on the ground. He tore her clothes forcefully!

Aria was terrified, and she shouted: "what are you doing!"

Sam ignored her. Continued to tear her white clothes. Aria understood, what sam was going to do! She resisted, But before Sam's overpowering strength it was useless.

Only blue lingering; was left, at this point, Aria started to cry: "please don't! Don't! DON'T!!"

Sam ignored her, and he tore the lingering. Now Aria was naked before him! He removed his clothes. Sam didn't even kiss Aria; his expressions were still dark! He Just glimpsed at the terrified face of Aria, and then he raped her!

Aria despairingly cried, Sam still didn't stop, he continued to **** her!


Don't know how much time passed. Sam was lying beside Aria on the ground. Now, Aria's eyes were lifeless. She was just like a broken doll.

Sam didn't give a shit about Aria's condition! He continued to **** her whenever he got mood!

After a few months, only when he found Aria was pregnant, did he stop ****** her.

Then Sam said to her: "you are pregnant now. Don't be lifeless, or you will affect the child's development."

Don't know whether Aria herd Sam or not. A glint flashed through her eyes, and she transformed into a white dragon. She just closed her eyes and lied down on her stomach.

After a few months, she laid a red egg!; And started incubating it.

And when Sam tried to reach this egg, Aria turned into a frenzy and attacked Sam. Thanks to Sam's strength, he gently knocked-out her.

Sam then gently rubbed the egg and said: "kid, your mothers hate me now. But I don't want you to hate me as well."

After saying, sam bit his arm. Blood started to flow out from his arm, and he let this blood flow. Soon blue blood started to come. He poured this blood on the egg. The 'red egg' absorbed this blue-blood greedily!

If any dragon had seen this, they would have shocked! This blue blood was the essence of a dragon! Even a little bit of it would cause massive damage to vitality!

After a long time, the egg stopped absorbing blue blood. So, Sam also ended giving blue blood. Only a few drops of blood left in his body.

Because of Damaged to his vitality, now sam looked like a middle-aged man, and even many of his red hairs turned white!


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Sam came back to the Dragon king palace. He was the dragon king now! Many started to flatter him.

When his mother Rias woke-up, she was shocked knowing her son became the Dragon King! Never in her dreams; she dared to dream her son, becoming a dragon king.

Till now not seeing Aria, Everyone wanted to ask, where was she? But no one dared to ask.

Finally, some unknown elder asked him about Aria. Sam directly killed this elder! And Now everyone felt something must have happened to Aria!


One night, ex-dragon king Ryu came and asked Sam about Aria: "where is she?"

Sam replied: "just between you and me, she is safe. She is incubating my child, and she hates me."

Dragon king slightly trembled hearing Sam's reply.

Sam continued: "officially to all; she died, I killed her because she shamed me!"

Ryu slowly nodded and left.

Next day, Aria was declared dead to the world!

Hearing this; Ethan's heart broke into pieces. He directly went to a coma for a few years!


Days went, two hundred years passed.

Sam knew, Aria loved someone and he didn't think, this someone would be his family member. So, he didn't put much 'guard' around his close kins!

Ethan after regaining conscious started to work in dragon palace. These past 200 years he slowly poisoned Sam which Sam didn't know!

This poison was a legendary dark poison! and this poison was provided to him by some mysterious fellow.

Sam was sitting in the dragon king's throne. Finally, after 200 years of accumulation, the dark poison acted up. Sam's vitality was draining rapidly.

Sam's expressions changed, he finally found his body poisoned!

Now Sam's body started to shiver. At present, only Ethan was there in this hall!

Seeing Sam's shivering, Ethan started to laugh crazily!

Suddenly Sam remembered something, and then he asked Ethan: "was it you?!"

Still laughing crazily Ethan said: "yes, I was Aria's lover! You killed her! so, I killed you!"

Sam still arrogantly snorted: " hmmpf…you didn't, and no one can kill me, except me!"

Sam suddenly committed suicide; He burned himself with his fire!

Sam died without leaving ashes...

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