In the elevator that goes up a floor.

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'What do I say now?'


'But did I get it right?'


'If I do not want to go home now, should I just stop by and then go? Is this what I want?'


I wonder if the trembling of his heart will reach his fingertips. I feel my whole body fill with strength. I swallowed the dry saliva and looked at Manager Moon. The eyes full of tenderness vanished quickly. The serenity on the eve of the storm, the eyes full of seriousness that is different from what we have seen so far. He turned his mood back to his dark aura, which made it hard to even speak. The elevator door opens,


"uh… ... ? "


He always takes things slowly, a progress in their relationship that took in consideration her feelings. He has always cared for her, but this time, she took a stride (a leap) as much as she could. At this moment, he knew well what made him, a man, do this without care, so the fear of nausea was settled in his heart.


Bam - With the sound of the door closing, the light was turned on and it illuminated the dark space where there was only the two of them. The sound that the door made was different from the usual one. It was loud and it suddenly closed. There was a great deal of tension.


A long time ago, his eyes were still shivering and he was shaking, his lips closed tightly and his anxiety was expressed in his whole body. The automatic light on the entrance was turned off and his lips, who were gazing at her's in the darkness, gently moved up. The dim light coming in through the window spread over his face in the darkness.


"Sigh… ... "


There was a sound that came out. He seemed too sexy and overly dangerous now. But if this guy is a danger, I wanted to take that risk. The feeling that someone wants to be loved by someone. I also want to share my breath. I have never been so desperate. It was enough if I had the heart to move toward him now. He stared firmly as I was gazing straight at his eyes that were shining in the sharp light in the darkness.




Suddenly the light came on brightly with warmth. Even though I have been strong, I am nervous. The face was more reddish with the embarrassed feelings. Seeking to glance down at my hand who stroked the doorknob and smiling awkwardly, I slowly opened my mouth.


"Ah… ... I think that.. I'll go wash. I'm goming home now and ... ... "


The size of the sudden tension was so large that it took time to prepare the mind. Gently rubbing the doorknob, he moved his fingers over her lips and gently rubbing the lower lip, she closed her eyes unconsciously. A hot touch over the upper lip again. I'd rather not see. These small mouvements...


"Are you nervous?"


Moon asks with a soft voice. Shi won slowly raised her eyelids and caught sight of him, their eyes met. Like a wild beast for prey, his glowing eyes disappeared, and the tension that made his body harder was relieved momentarily. My eyes are so easy to read as I am moving them around. My hand on the door and his hand that gently touched the nape of my throat to my long hair, I felt each touch had a power.


"Oh, no. I still have to wash myself ... ... "


‘I am worried. I think that I have to wash myself...' Oh!'


The moment that suddenly emerged. I wonder if it seems to him that I hesitate, I feel sorry for him. I quickly opened my mouth again.


"No, I mean ... ... Just wash. Wash only ... ... I'll come back. really. really."

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I'll be back. Do not worry. Do not drive me crazy like you did last time. I sincerely spoke with a trembling voice, looking at his eyes and asking sincerely. Listening to her words, he gazed at her charming lips, slowly pushed up.


"Why wash? We'll have to wash later anyway ... ... " Oh, right.


Her hand gently began stroking her head. When his fingers touched her fingertips and her head moved slightly, "Look at me." With one hand moving freely, he took the tip of the chin and gently lowered it. He let go and I see that his eyes got gleaming again, like before.


"I couldn't do anything to you that day ... ... "


"... ... "


"Now you can't just go."


Shi won tried to speak but her hands were caught by him and her words couldn't come out anymore as he barely lick her lips. He was getting thirsty. He was afraid that she might disappear even though he was staying with her. Be firm. In my heart, do you know how strong is my want to hold you ? In my heart, I want to hold you. How I was watching you. Do you know how I feel when I know that later I won't be able to see your laugh? I wonder if you know how worried I was that I could not convey my heart to you. You probably do not. How long have I been waiting for you. You probably will not even imagine.


As they poured out their own heart, she deeply affected him. Her fragrance, which drifted from her neck, suddenly poured deep into his lungs, and his eyes slowly closed. As if worrying that there would be a gap between the overlapping lips, Moon's lips pulled her lips strongly.


His lips hit me, and a strange sound filled the entrance. It seemed as if her heart was swiftly pausing and breathing in his hands as he sat down on her body with urgent movements before she could hear more and more of the crisp sound and she pushed into his mouth, touching him. If you say that you are going home today, you will feel like you have a big day. The first sensation that I felt first began to spread the whole body.


"Ha ... ... "


As his hands, which invaded into the disorganized cool clothes, passed through the soft texture, he pressed her lips to see if a loud voice would leak out. It's obviously soft, but it feels like an exhilarating impression. It is hard to feel the urgent fingertips. Her mind became more and more cozy with this contradictory feeling. His lips, which did not give her much time to breathe, gently flew away. The hot, disturbing breath of the coolness poured over her lips at once.


She could not open her eyes, and she breathed a lot. I looked at her body with beautiful curves rising and falling several times with her breath. I could not bear it and buried myself breath on her neck. He kissed her softly as he breathed her breath away along her white neckline. Every time his lips moved, her eyes flashed and she was thrilled as electricity came into her body. I quickly blocked my lips with my hands. Clearly a strange sound will flow through my lips, It was obvious.




A shout of one came out and suddenly his cool lips came onto her lips that prevented the sound. Are you calling now? Her whole body shook with his lips moving down, leaving a stimulating sensation, specially on her neck.


"Come on in."


"Uh, huh!"


Before she was able to start her mind, he grabbed her wrist at once and walked into the house, led by Moon who walked to the corner. Moon who passed the living room and arrived at the door opened the door roughly. The bedroom from the last time.


"Excuse me… ... Moon ... ... "


Fast, like a roller coaster, she fell in his arms. A solid arm that holds the shoulder firmly. She buried her face in his hard chest and hugged his waist tightly. It was getting harder and harder to rest in his arms, which was getting tighter and tighter, but not letting go.


"I am choking."

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"Oh, I'm sorry."


He gave a relief sigh and loosened his arm gently.


"Hua ... ... "


She breathe and moved her eyes around. Her first time to see the room. She looked at the room where the white and the black were moderately well matched and the interior was clean. It was outstanding.


"very neat ... ... Wow! "


I screamed at the feeling of rising. He hugged me and put me down lightly on his bed. Before taking a stand, Moon took off his shirt and threw it under the bed.




The problem of T-shirt that I wanted to peel of was no longer there. I saw a well-scuplted upper body and I wanted to see more. I tried to cover my eyes with both hands. He took my hands off and I quickly looked at him.


"I'll see the room later ... ... "


She had already seen the room and looked at his body and saw his face looking down at her with his glancing eyes as he climbed onto his bed. Do you leave your face at an angle and leave a hot breath in your ears? He licked her earlobbles with his lips and began to suck it up and tickle her ears with the tip of his hot, molten tongue. The feeling of flowing wettness came down in the body. The feeling was strong and the body was twisted strongly.


Sudden screaming, Moon stopped moving.


"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. Suddenly weird ... ... "


They couldn't understand the actions of the heroines who responded hotly to the ear in the movie, but now, for the first time, they knew why. My ears should be like this. It was the first time I realized that I lived for 27 years. With one hand grabbing her ears and her eyes round, the Moon began to laugh, bowing his head.


"Why, why ... ... " He seemed to be holding his laughter for a while, and after taking his breath several times, he lifted his head again and glanced at her eyes.


"I did not do anything right now ... ... "


Her eyes widened at his expression of pleasure and difficulty shared.


"t's okay ... ... Oh! I can tolerate it. "


Fun - pleasure seemed ahead of the difficulty. I did not laugh. Am I really serious right now?


"Ah really. What should I do with this pretty girl? ... ... "


"Well, I ... ... " Shi Won hesitated for a moment.

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"It's my first time."


"... ... "


"I'm a bit embarrassed to say." The face of Moon who laughed at me was long gone.


"Still! I decided all day today and it's today! "


A gentle smile fell on her face, which was serious in her declaration of war. He carefully swept away her distracted hair.


"Shi Won."


"... ... Yeah."




Huh? sorry? To what extent?


"Sorry but… ... "


no. Do not be sorry for today. Why did you come to bed?


"I also. I do not think I will stop. "


"... ... "


"I'll give you the most important thing in the world. Do not worry."


Moon slowly raised his upper body and unbutton her cool blouse one by one with his long fingers. Each time the button was released one's heart seemed to run over ten times. She was embarrassed to show her body to a man, her body that had never been seen by a man, but she did not want to stop.


One of the remaining button was unbuttoned and her beautiful body, which was immeasurably stretched across the side of the bed, appeared in front of Moon. She looked so soft and seemed to look so gorgeous, and her line, which made him stiff and stiffer. His passion for her whole body was felt as his hot eyes wondered over her body, with no mouvement and then, he turned his head gently to the side.


"Pretty. So pretty. Sigh… ... "


He went through the blouse with his lips, which were warm, and dug through to touch the skin.


"Boo, the light, turn off the light ... ... "


"Sigh… ... " Moon raised his body from bed with restraint. He quickly left the bed, turned off the lights and closed the door. The moment he gets back to bed and try to raise the sexual tension, their passion

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"The curtains!"


"... ... "


"The neighborhood is bright ... ... "


He laughed and looked at the window, pointing to the window with his fingers, lying on the bed. It is not. Shi Won watched his figure pulling the curtain vigorously.


"Are you done now?"


"Yes ... ... "




"Yes ... ... "


"Really? I will not get off the bed after. "


"Yes ... ... "


'I will do this tonight'.


Moon spoke in a decisive tone, in this dark room. There was tension in my whole body even in the rustling sound.


'I should have left a little light.'


I was moving from head to foot in bed.


'What should I do?'


Then he raised his body and took off his pants, throwing it on the floor, and laying his head down as if nothing had happened. The bed tilted to the side of the bed. I did not know that he was more excited by the constant stops.


"Oh, wait ... ... "


Now her cries are no longer heard. Their breathing was completely different from usual as it was scattered. I felt like my body would melt into an invisible gaze. Both of them knew that it was time, they wanted each other. When he felt close to approaching, his fingertips shook faintly as he leaned on her shoulder. The shivering eyes shimmer in the dark. He glanced at her with a gentle kiss on a her forehead.


"Do not worry. It will not hurt. "


She stared into his eyes. She slowly closed her eyes. She left her body in his careful, gentle touch. 

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