Date: November 21st, 2018

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In a dark room filled with heat. 


Moon was out of breath. He slowly turned to Shi Won and dragged her into his arms. He gently wiped her back with his hand, stroked her knees, and gently touched her tangled hair. He left a soft kiss on her beautiful forehead. She is so pretty in his arms. 


I just want to touch her and I want to feel her everywhever. 


"I'm very tired… ... "


‘She smiled deeply into my arms and I gazed at her eyelids. I feel sorry for her.’


"Sorry. Was it hard? "


‘Are you going now? I wanted to ask, but I did not have any strength left in my body.’


"Let's sleep. I'll wake you up later. "


"Uh ... ... "


I looked at her for a long time, rubbing her face in his chest and closing her eyes tightly. She seems to have exhausted all of her physical strength. Moist eyes that shone beautifully in his arms. It is a fascinating moment when she embraces him with her delicate arm. It seemed like I had a beautiful dream and a happy dream.


"Thank you, Shi WOn."


I whispered with a small voice full of heart.


"Sigh… ... "


I pulled her tight and leaned comfortably. I was so happy to have her in my arms so I couldn’t sleep easily, knowing that I had to leave in a few hours.


"Yes… ... "


As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt like I was being attacked. Even if the body is heavy, it can’t be that heavy.




When I gently stroked my body, the sound of sickness came out.


'Oh my God, this is not easy.'


I am surprised at the unfamiliar situation that I experienced first. I feel similar to the physical condition that I experienced after 100km of new employee training march.


"It was a big day. Han Shi Won. '


When the memory of what I shared with him came up again, my face was red with shame. I buried my face in a warm futon and closed my eyes, and the things I shared with him appeared more vividly in my mind. This is not a dream. If you have any happy dreams, you will not be happier then now.


"Hee, uh ... ... "


I laughed while turning my body to a good feeling and pressed my lips to the throbbing. Without properly turning her body, she stretched out her hand and stumbled over the bed. Instead of warm skin, a soft futon was caught in my hand.


'uh? Where have you been? '


I looked at the room with the futon warmly to my chest and lightly turned my head. There was a bright light in the dress room which was connected to the room.


'Oh,  ... ... . '


She laughed her head back onto pillow. As he had to leave early, she pushed him at random, prompting him to get ready to go, and eventually made this mess.


'I said that he had a lot to prepare. I should help. '


She flashed his face, looking up at herself and herclothes, which had fallen on the floor. I thought that I should wear clothes, but as I reached out my hands, I couldn’t get them.


"I threw them too far away."


I wrapped my blanket around my body, carefully raised my body and stepped on the floor.




Bam- The moment I moved my feet onto the floor, I fell on my back due to my legs and I sat down. I have no strength in my legs!


"Uh ... ... "


I tried to sit down and try to get to the center of my body, but because of the wrapped blanket, my upper body was lying back on the floor.


"What's wrong?!"


He was surprised by her scream and opened the door of the dress room, and Manager Moon rushed out. His gaze, touching the bed, moved to the floor and found the source, paused and looked down at her.


"Hahaha, are you my luggage?"


Shi Won peeled her head off the floor and looked at Manager Moon with her clumsy face. Have you been rolling? When he tried to grasp the situation for a while, laughter broke out. 

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"What event is this?"


Slowly, he approached her, bent his knees and looked down with an awkward smile.


"Oh, I did not mean to do this, but my legs were weak."


At the end, Manager Moon glanced at her once again, with one hand behind her neck and one hand beneath her knee, lifting her up. He sat up on the bed with her face raised and put her on his legs and looked down at her.


"Did you pack everything?"


She turned her head towards him and raised her hand to his face. He gently squeezed her hand and held her. They stare at each other while he smiles with coolness and tranquility while she reddens. They enjoy each other.

"Yes, I've got everything."


"Chi, I wish I could be gracious and grateful."


In her jokes filled with sincerity, Manager Moon lip pulled up a little.


"But really, is not it too much to think?"


She grunted at his lips.




"Well, it's true that our company has a lot of money, but I think it's too much to let the staff out for a month. Do you get a lot of room and food? Normally It would end roughly in a week or two but…. Anyway, I do not think ... ... "


I have been interested in company work since when. What is this ridiculous statement? Even though I knew that fact, I did not stop speaking.


"And the rest of the staff is suffering. Don’t you work a lot? I'll leave that to the other employees. I have no idea what to do. "


"I hear it."


I am also upset about it because I have to adjust to it… to not seeing you.


"Can I not go too?"


Manager Moon, who sat on the bed in a gentle motion in the midst of holding her legs in the air, hugged her neck and fell over the bed with her in his arms. At the same time as he fell, the center of gravity fell down on her and fell on his bed. As soon as she moved her body, she looked up at the ceiling with her face down.


"Tell me."




"Even the manager doesn’t want to go? "






"Yes, I do not want to go completely."


His face was leaning towards to her.


"Then what are you doing? Go ... ... "




"Ayu! driving me crazy!"


Manager Moon turned his body at a stroke and rolled her blanket. He embraced her as hard as he could with his arms.


"Uhh, I’m choking  ... ... "


his lips touches her lips and pushes it apart.


"Sigh… ... "


Manager Moon pulled her tightly and squeezed a small sigh. I wondered if she was going to whine  much, so his eyes blinked and looked at her carefully.


"I did not want to let go... ... "


"... ... Yeah?"


Surprised at his words, she opened her eyes wide and looked at him. Her hand slowly moved toward his face, gently swaying his hair, and softly touched his lips.


"What do you mean?"


His hand gnawed gently and shrugged his shoulders and said

"I tried to endure it."


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"... ... why?"


"Why is it so important. Do you not  know? "




I still dream of being in your arms ... ... You did not want to hold it. He looked at her with a smile that she did not know what he meant. After a deep sigh, Manager Moon slowly opened his mouth.


"If you become like this, I'll miss you."


"... ... "


"I think about you every day."


"... ... "


"So you'll look even more crazy."


His voice was full of sadness, but at this moment his voice seemed more sweet than ever. Just like a child who has to stay away from his mother for a long time, he has been giving her much patience, just like the worst person in the world. His attitude and words were not different from his own mind, so she felt happy and she would even in the future.


"It's a month. It's only a month away! "


"... ... ! "


"I eat pretty well, I'll stay healthy while I think about you."


"Huh, look at this girl just changing words. What's wrong suddenly?"


"I thought it would be unfortunate if I was the only one that will feel lonely, but now I know it is not the case!"


"Huh ... ... "


"So. Manager Moon is also good at eating rice and being healthy! I'm just thinking about it. You know? "


There are no lips that are beautifully dried up, eyes that are bent like a crescent moon, and none of them are pretty as her.


"Ah ... ... "


Suddenly, he pulled up on the bed and put her on the bed bed, climbing over her, and looking down at her,  staring at her. His pupil, whose desire she saw when he was holding her last night, settled down. It started to run again as the heart burst. Apparently, I felt sick enough but... ... . Just by seeing his eyes and feeling him, the pain disappears and the thrill of electric current spreads throughout the body. As she looked at his face slowly coming down slowly, her eyes gradually closed.



"Hi. Good morning."


"Yes, do I have a deputy?"




He greeted in a bright voice and entered the office. Seated in his chair, smiling and looking at the door.


'Ugh ...  '


Suddenly, because of the throbbing waist, the impression was quite bad. I will overcome this. The hot time with him came up on its own, and she blushed, and she bit her lips remembering.


"Is it a delegate?" Kim Na Rae asked


Why did not you come? I stared at her with curiosity and looked at her coming. I adjusted my posture as if nothing happened and laughed in leisure.


"What happened?"


Na Rae approached very closely and made a slight smile.


"What's going on?"


"What, what is it? Why do you ask?


"Huh? what?"


She looked at Shi Won suspiciously.


"What happened with the manager yesterday?"


"Hey! Speak quietly. "


I lifted my head up and looked around the office.


"Nothing really happened."


"Really? Really?"


"Yes, what should have?"


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"OMG! too bad. Why?!?


"I left the company late yesterday and did not pack my stuff. I was tired because I had a lot of work ... ... "


I wanted to add more things, but I started to talk as I rolled my eyes.


"I was busy. Moon is the manager. Yesterday, the meeting was very late. Anyway, I will not help you.


"... ... "


"no! I'm going to have some love with someone from work. Huh? What do you think? “


"You go too far ahead."


It is the work of the other person, and it is sad.


"So you went this morning?"




"But my Sister is better than I thought?"


"It's only a month, so should I have to go and die ?"


Na Rae seemed to be surprised at the her appearance a few days ago.


"Oh oh… ... "


"What, oh."


"Only one month? Wow… ... . This is more recent and cooler than I thought "


"I like it a little bit."


"I would be sad if Moon knew. What? "


"is it? But I'm okay! "


"haha… ... "


"Why are you laughing!"


"Let's see how it goes!"


If anyone knows the meeting, Na Rae pulled up one side of her lips with a look like she would bet.


"Are not you busy? You don’t have work? "


"I will go, ok?"


"Hey, did not you get the coffee today?"


"coffee? I was hungry for coffee. It's been a while. "


"uh? Not every morning ... ... "


Ah! She opened her mouth for a while and laughed quietly.




I laughed as I gazed at the Ni Rae. When I think about it, I did not have coffee only on the days that I went to work with him.


"Ah. no. Go and work. It’s nothing."


"Yep, I am afraid… Dear Sir! "


Na Rae went back to her seat and turned her head and looked at the neatly arranged masterless seat. I already want to see him.




"Hey! Hey! Do not worry. Wake up!!"


New deputy, sitting next to Manager Moon, waved at him in the airplane.


"Arriving in ten minutes. But what did you do yesterday? I thought you were dead! How do you not get up once during the ten hours? I couldn’t eat any meals. "


"Hmm ... ... "


"If I was like you, you'd have to bend your fingers under my nose to check if I am alive"


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Manager Moon laughed as he stretched out his arms.


"I know, right. Fatigue was piled up. "


I was hasty because of work yesterday.


 Shin asked Manager Moon, turning his head.


"Get ready to get off. Did you do everything in Korea? "


"Yes, I did not want to receive any email today."


"I suffered! I'm glad I did not fall threw. "


Knowing, the new deputy tugged on the shoulder of Manager Moon a few times, a dozen times.


"It is hard work. And the other employees worked hard too. "


"You’ll see your father as soon as I go?"


"I should"


"Are you going with the president?"


"First, I think I'm going to go ahead and have two of them in the afternoon."


"He’ll like to see you, his son, in a long time."


Manager Moon laughed and smiled.


"It's only three months. I'll see you and join the schedule. "


"Yes, of course. I do know”


The gate chief tapped his shoulders gently with his fist.


"Do not call it that. It is still easy to exaggerate. "


"Get used to it. You'll find out soon. Everyone would be surprised, right? "


"I know. I guess they’ll be surprised. "


Perhaps one person would be more surprised. The plane arrived at the Los Angeles airport and finished the immigration process and left the airport.  11 am. Moon looked up at the American sky, full of bright sunshine, to the extent of snowing.


"President, let's just start looking for a car ride."


"I think the car has not arrived yet?"


"Yes? Chairman, are you coming out soon? "


I moved my foot a little and watched the scenery around the airport and waited for the car to come.




My head went back to the sound of a sneeze coming from somewhere without even knowing it. His face rising spontaneously with a smile. Perhaps over in Korea, it’s about midnight now? I took out the cell phone I had turned off from the plane and pressed the power button. Tong, Tong, Ting.




[I came home.]


[I was very busy today. I'm really keen on the  team leader.]


[Are you calling? If I can not call, I will send a message latter.]


[Until texting or calling! I will wait until you reply, if not, I won’t, never!]


"Hahaha… ... "


Suddenly, at the smile of Manager Moon, Shin ran his eyes from top to bottom.


"Fuck you, you were sleeping like a dead body on the plane, are you crazy now?"


"Great, I am. I do think I'm really crazy these days. "


As Shin looked over at him and see him not stop laughing, Shin shook his head.


"Will our company be okay? I am very worried about you. "


Moon chose to hold his cell phone button and smiled and laughed no matter what he was talking about. She is so cute. God.


[good night. I already miss you.]

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