Date: November 23, 2018

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Employees who arrived in the US were taken to the Dreamsoft's headquarters by bus that was waiting at the airport. When they arrived at the headquarters, the Dreamsoft's employees who were waiting for them,  welcomed them.

[Dreamsoft is the name of company where our FL and ML work...^^]

Seventeen years ago, Sajan, father of Manager Moon who attended an IT company in Korea, received a scout proposal from an US IT company that was working on the project at the time and decided to come to America with all his family members. He came to meet as a colleague in the new workplace in the United States and he met the president of Dream Netpia. It was amazing that both of them were similar in character and in their way of thinking, especially their passion for work that was better than anyone else. Working together for a long time, they shared their dreams and sweat together for that dream and become competitors and advisor to each other. Sajan founded Dreamsoft. 


As time went by, the President of Dream Neptia came back to the family left in Korea. A few years later, Dream Netpia was established and so was Dreamsoft in the US and in Korea. Now, ten years later, they have taken their place to some extent in the country. One day, they decided to reveal their existence in the world, and in order to keep the promise to be allies that they held firmly in their hands, they made a big decision to merge.

When the bus arrived in front of the company and Manager Moon got out of the bus, a woman greeted him and the new deputy, Shin, with a friendly wave among the staff that waiting for them. Just a while ago, it was 'Yu-Na-na', which led to the sound of "baby" in the mouth.


"You have arrive. Are you still in the same clothes that you wore during your travel? Hmm, go change your clothes. "


Shin saw the situation, being nagged by her like a baby, and he was laughing.


"What? Why are you laughing? How are you? "


"Not so good today. I guess it's been hard these last few days. " (Shin)


The new deputy chief, Shin and the woman looked at each for a while Manager Moon and the staff wait. Shin broke out a smile and turned his head towards Manager Moon who was glanced over at the Corporate building.   


"Hey, wake up. I do not have time. Aren't you going to meet the president? " (woman asking Manager Moon)


"I have to go meet him. Where should I go?  "


"Uh, there. Come on. Maybe you should leave soon?...Go quickly. "


"Yes, I will."


She took a look at Shin  and laughed.


The woman said to Manager Moon, "You can come with the staff and me. We can take it easy. "


"Would you like to have a drink, or maybe get a VIP treatment?"


"Shin, you can go. I'll see you later. "


"Right. New Deputy Moon! "


In the title of "New deputy", Moon looked at him with a frown.


"Do not call me that. It's not yet confirmed. "


Shin looked at Manager Moon with an unexpected surprise look.


"Is it not  confirmed? it will be later? I think that what sou said that. "

"I have to go talk to the President. See you later."


Moon went into the Company's building with his hand waving to the two people.  He went in and looked at Shin with a frown.


"Did you not have a definite statement issued?"


" You don't know?"




"No, there hasn't been a statement, but the president will ask him as he hasn't been answering his phone. I was busy doing things and so I didn't have time to keep on calling him? Did he have a lot of time? "


In one second, the New Deputy chuckled.


"Why?" (woman)


"He was busy. He had a lot of work, but It's possible tthat he has somone in his life... a lover perhaps"


"Love? Is he in love? "


"Uh, I'm so curious but, I didn't see him with anybody...uhh."


As she was amazed by the new information, she was looking at the New Deputy with her magical eyes that suddenly widened with the sound of 'Ah!'.

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"Maybe you went because... ... "


The New Deputy, who had a meaningful smile, nodded silently. He  turned his head toward the road where Moon walked, and spoke of his exclamation.


"Well, It was the right thing to do. When you told me that you were going to Korea without any reason, I was wondering 'why?'. Now I understand and it's cool.


"The longer people stay together, it seem that we loose some screw with all this worrying."


"Orginally, it's like that. It's only those that hang aroud the most that can experience a great friendship.  "


"All good times. We'll go in now. "


"Ah Yes."




Manager Moon who entered the company walked through the bustling staff and stood in front of an elevator. In the past, the employees who passed by him would great him ... ... . Moon looked at his clothes and laughed.


"May I come in?"


As he waited, he thought : 'I thought I had a few days to get out of this situation, this secret. The time to give her the story is approaching, and she has already started worrying. I want to tell her the story.'


"Yeah. Come on in."


The President, who was sitting in front of his desk at the appearance of Manager Moon who slowly opened the door and pulled in his face, laughed brightly and rose from his seat.


He quickly approached and wrapped his son's shoulders tightly in his arms. In response to his embrace, Manager Moon also hugged his father, whom he didn't meet for a long time.


"How are you?"


"Yes, what about you father? Is your health okay? "


"Huh. It's me. Always healthy! "


His father's eyes, looking at his son for a moment, were really warm. But as soon as he saw Moon eyes, he laughed.


"Did you go with that?"


Moon shrugged his shoulder once and laughed.


"Why? You don't like it? "


"Whatever the child does, it is the parent who likes it. This is a little bit.... "

"Is it so that no one knows you?"


"Yes, I was worried that the executives would recognize me but He never noticed. "


"It's not a problem for them know, but I do not want to look at your glasses"


"I can not say no."


I turned around and watched the inside of the presidential office, which I had not seen in a long time. For a moment, I walked to a table in the middle of my office.


"It's the same."


"I think you have been there for 3 years. I have only been there for three months. "


The father smiled and sat on the chair. He gazed at the vase with the yellow freesia on the table. A smile appeared at the feeling that a fragrant smell would be buried just by looking and a feeling of refreshing mind. When he touched the petal with the tip of his fingertip, and the color of the flower was fine as a drop of water  was lightly scattered and sparkled in the air.


"This is the same."


At the end, Moon looked at the flower and laughed and looked at the picture frame placed on the table. He faintly smiled at his father's figure.


"It was the flower my mother liked best. Freesia. "


"It is also the flower that most resembles your mother."


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He swept away the portrait of his beloved  and see her laugh brightly, it was photo filled with memories. The beautiful mother who would prepare a beautiful flower at the table every day and prepared her morning with clear voice and pleasant song was still in front of them. She smiles brightly and smiles like a freesia flower.


"Are you lonely?"


The father laughed instead of giving an answer. He laid down the picture frame in his hand on the table and laughed as he sat in the chair.


"When you went to Korea and I had more time to be alone at home, I thought a lot more..."


"... ... "


"It's been a while since I've promised you two that we would spend the rest of your trip together and see the most beautiful and beautiful things in the world together."


His eyes gently seeped into his eyes were softly bent.


"My father has changed "




The Father who was gazing at Jong Gyu who had a playful but empty smile, slowly moved his lips.


"Do you still draw a lot?"


He slowly nodded his head.


"If somebody comes up and tells you that you can  make one wish instead of giving out all your wealth and honor, I will give it to you."


Manager Moon gently turned his head and looked at the eyes of his father filled with sadness


"I want to see you again in a day. Please let me see you again in a day. And I want to tell you that I love you all day long so that I will not forget even if you leave again. "


After he had finished speaking, his heart was pounding  as he gently turned his head. He turned to look at Manager Moon who saw that his gather's eyes were red, and whom touched the flower of freesia with one hand.


"It's been a long time since I met you, so I am so emotional! This is not a story that men would talk about"


"I know, right.. "


"Do not go anywhere and start a rumor. "


Manager Moon also laughed after his father.


"I did not know if it's for sure, but I think I look a lot like you"


"what are you talking about?"


"There's just something like that."

Manager Moon turns around and looks down at the documents on his desk with one hand in hand.


"Did you grasp the situation? Three months would have been short ... ... "


"It would be all right if we had more once this merger is done, right? "


"Yes, it's over without any special issues."


"For a while, both sides will not mind."


He sat down on the chair and nodded.


"So you will be back in the States after a few more months in Korea."


"... ... "


"Anyway, my son is studying now and I will go to Korea after you finish studying, but I think it would be better for us to take care of each other."


"Ah! then… ... "


At the end, his father stuttered for a moment. 'Come back to America.' 


"I originally decided to head to Korea and send myself back to you?"


"Yeah, but until someone gets there, there must be somebody here. I am not alone. Your brother does it. "

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"Is it confirmed?"


"No, I have to admit that you should always be in Korea. ... . Why do you like it so much?. Anyway, I will talk again, but I know the situation roughly. "


Despite the fact that it is not yet confirmed, the face of Manager Moon became even more heavy.


"Should I go? I heard it was tight. "


"Yes, maybe."


"Come on. Where are you going to stay? "


"I'll go first to the main house."


"Come on. Go down. It would not have been possible to adapt to the time difference, but do not overdo it. "


"Do not worry."


"Yes. "


After the conversation with his father, Manager Moon moved to the place where the employees were according to the schedule. The meeting on the merger continued for a long time. During the meeting, it was heavy, a lot of tensio because of the conversation with the father, but as the matter was so important to the company, the work was focused on the meeting for a while. It was over 10 pm at the end of the meeting. Manager Moon tried to check the letters that came  but did not intentionally care about the anxiety that he would get once he thinks about his cell phone. After everything, the employees went to the hotel, and Manager Moon headed for his home. A small two-story house with a small courtyard.


"Wow, it's been a while."


A home without a master who returned for a long time gave out some cold air. Tiredness has gathered since I have been in a  meeting for a long time while I have not yet adjusted to the time changement. I came home and unpacked my bag, first pulled out my cell phone and dial a number. Even though I could only hear a beeping sound, my smile began to appear on my tired face.




A very lively and loving voice that always meets your expectations.


[where are you? I fell asleep yesterday! Looks crazy!]


"haha… ... "


[Wait. My office.]


I heard a rustling sound over the cell phone and a busy footstep. She laughed aloud and reminded me of her  heading to the corridor and rushing through the office. I laughed without knowing it, but I rubbed my chest.


[Ok. I'm here.]


"Where are you?"


[Ah! It's too good to hear your voice.]


"haha. In the hallway? Or the stairs? "


[There was no one in the break room, so I came here. How about there? Are you in a hotel now?]


"no. a house. "


[House?  American house? So you're with your father?


"no. I live here alone. "


He opened the veranda door on the first floor and went out to the yard.


[Wow, do you have a house to live alone? I wonder ehat it looks like.]


"Come with me later. You can come and look at it yourself. "


[really? I'm really going. Do not tell me no later!]


"If you come back a hundred times, I'll bring you back a hundred times."


If she comes, he should hug her a hundred times and give her a hundred kisses.


[I recorded it now.]


He laughed again at her hilarious voice.

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"Are not you busy?"


When I came to the US, I was busy even if I did not ask for more than half of my work.


[It ok. ]


"Hahaha… ... "


I do not need to listen to the next word, so I smiled and laughed.


[I want to see someone very bad.]


So pretty and lovable. Once again, my heart was thumping hard and I gently rubbed my chest with my hand, lifted my head and looked up at the sky.


"I miss you too. a lot."


[Haha ... ... .]


I heard her laughing satisfactorily. The night of LA in July was cheerful and cooler than Korea, and more stars than Korea were glittering in the sky. I looked at the night sky blankly. When a pleasant breeze swept his face and a pretty star came into his sight , he missed her even more gruesomely. Well, it would have been the same if I had seen a bad sky filled with rain and clouds.


[So what are you doing now?]


"Thinking of Ms. Shi Won."


[Uh, it's the same as me!]


"Yes? Really?"


[Yeah. I do not mind, Moon, I think about you all day. Wait, I hope nobody is listening]


Another laugh broke out in her explanation.


[Do not laugh. I'm afraid of who will listen.]


"Thank you. I think of you all day too. "


[How much I want to see you now. I'm actually a bit worried.]


"worried? about what?"


[I am worried that my condition isn't normal now.]


"Do you not think that it's the same for me?"


[What, every time I try to do something, it's more like....]


"I'm not just saying that. I have to come to work and get up to see you. It's a big deal. "


[What do we do? It's the same for me.]


Listening to the sound of laughter, he moved his gaze to the sky filled with smiles. A sky filled with black filled the eyes.


"SHi Won ... ... "


[Yeah. Please speak.]


I heard a silent voice.


"So it looks like me too?"


[Huh? What?]


He touched his head with one hand, stopped his hand on the head, laughed and smiled and closed his eyes.


"I love you. A lot."


[... ... .]


"Do you feel the same?"

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