The world seemed quiet as if time had stopped. He can see, touch and feel, but there are only the two of them in this world. His world is all about her, full with her. He sees only her, Shi Won. Even if he does not hear her answer, he just hope that time will stop. At this moment, he just wanted to tell his my feelings and that he would like to hear her own  sincere heart, filled with love. She probably will not know how much love he has for her, how much he thinks about her. 

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[Uh, yes ... ... .]

As expected, the voice of a puzzled whisper came over the cell phone. And he can imagine her. A lovingly red face. She bites her tender lips and struggles in embarrassement . He heard a lot of noise from the street around his LA house during her silence, and so he pressed the cell phone closer to his ears.

[Ah, chief!]

"Hey, What are you talking about?

[There is someone coming, I have to hang up...]

"Ah! Yes… ... "

The phone was disconnected at once. Suk Han looked at his cell phone for a while.


How embarrassed she was...

"But I'm lucky."

It has a long time since he last heard her voice ... ... . He took a deep breath and paused for a long time. A deep sigh was poured out.

"No matter how you think, a month is too long."


Then, Manager Moon went back into his house



 Shi Won quickly pressed the red button and tried to hide her cell phone, looking around.

"Ah dear, what are you doing?"

"Ah… ... Ah nothing."

"Are you sick? What's wrong with your face? Why is it too red? "


"Ah…'s nothing "

Then, Park Eun-hee and the staff went the break roo.

After her conversation with Manager Moon, she did not think that she'll need cafe to get rid of her fatigue. She felt that she won't get tired and wondered how red is her face. 

She kept on thinking. She confessed her love.., and she remembered that she said it to Suk Han, and her face became even more red. She started laughing awkwardly

"Oh, no. Is the weather hot? It's so hot today! hot! "

"uh… ... ? So, what's going on? "

"Ugh. I have something going on. Ah! Is there a lot to do? I am so busy. Please let's go back. "

She wrapped her hands together in a  ball and walked out of the break room with a quick pace. After seeing the back of her figure, Park shrugged her shoulders once more and turned her gaze onto something else.

"Ahh, so surprising her reaction"


Shi Won quickly went into the bathroom and checked if anyone was there. Then she sighed with relief. 


Her heart was so fast, She heard her heart in her head. loud thumping.

"Wow… ... "

She gazed at her face blankly in the mirror.


What did she just hear?

"I love you. A lot."

As his voice trembled, she felt heat surged up on her face, becoming red again and wrapped her face with both hands. After  10 seconds, she started giggling like a teenager. She stopped to see if someone came in. No one did.

"Crazy! Crazy !! Oh!! Oh!! What is going on!!"

In the end, she could not bear it, and like a dog on the snowy day, her emotions burst out as she repeatedly and repeatedly heard his voice and his words, but as time went, the excitement grew more and more controlled. After she replayed the conversation to herself, there was finally silence in the bathroom. It seemed that all her energy for work today poured out for this single memorable moment but she was not worried about it at all.

"Sigh… ... "

She sighed little and bit her lips. 

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"I am suddenly depressed."

She eaned against the wall and gazed out of the window seeing a clear blue sky.

"You are so far. If you were next to me, you would have been kissing me right away. ... "

It was doubtful for her to imagine him saying that he love her. Thrills and pleasures touches her, then they disappear, and the unbelievable melancholy has come like a storm. She was barely able to tolerate it ... ... .

"I have to say that it's bad. ... . If I continue like this ... ... "

When she entered the bathroom and when she went out, she did it in excitement. Shee returned to her office and sat down on her chair and looked up.

"I'm not ... ... I'm not coming to this work ... ... " 

Let's think that she had a good dream for a while. A hopeful and the happiest dream in the world that will be real soon. She grabbed her head and after that she leaped up herself to stand. When she sat down at  the seat again, she was sitting to work, and when she saw turned her head to the sound of footsteps, she was able to see the approaching Kim Na Rae

"Agent Shi Won"


Na Rae was showing a grim smile at Shi Won who was sitting at her desk. Anyway, she tried to look casual.

"What do you think?"


"Can you bear it?"

"Of course. Do not you know me? A woman who respects men's work with generosity! "

"It's funny."

"This is real."

Na Rae sat down on Shi Won desk,  leaned over her arm and stroked Shi Won head.



"My sister is like this."

"Like this? What do you mean?"

"A chicken"


"It's like a sick chicken."


"I feel sorry. What else could it besides love for you to be like this? "

Shi Won made her eyes thin and looked at Na Rae.

"Is it going to be like this for a month? I wonder if you can just go, but you haved to stay "

Shi Won looked at Na Rae with her eyes that had given up.

"I heard that in a  moment ... ... Huh? wait!"

In the middle, Shi Won stopped and gently opened his lips and quickly turned her head toward Na Rae.



Na Rae got off her desk as she saw SHi Won suprising look and happy look.

"Why did not I think of that?"

"What, what? What do you think? "

"Come on."


"Hmm ... ... "


'What is this uneasy laugh? This sister is strange, I'm scared! "

Na Rae felt her fear of the sneaky smile and she stepped back and looked at Shi Won with uneasy eyes.

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"Ms. Kim. Let me talk to you for a moment. "

"... ... uh?"

Without listening to her answer, she snatched Na Rae's wrist and quickly moved out of the office.




"Welcome." (Moon's Father)

"Sajan it has been a while. How have you been?" (Presdient of Company B)

In a welcoming face, President Moon (The father!) rose from his seat and came to the door of the room.

"I just came yesterday. I always do well. And you?" (Moon's father)

 " Good job. There was a lot of work. Let's see. Didn't you get older? " (Presdient of Company B)

"it's because of time my friend " (Moon's Father)

"I was tired to get on a plane, but you can't do anything about it. It is difficult to fly for a long time because of old age. " (Presdient of Company B)

"Yes, I had a hard time too." (Moon's Father)

The two of them haven't met for a long time and laughed and gave a small handshake and a hug.

"Sit down. Want some tea?" (Moon's Father)

"The car is gone. I do not think about drinking here and there all day. Here it is more simple. "

He looked around inside the presidential office and laughed.

"The president's room is over there. Did you put any water fountain in your office? "

"That's a good idea?"

He laughed at the jokes unexpectedly and laughed as he looked at the vase of Phrygia on the table.

"Anyway,  ... ... "

"No matter how much I blame myself, I can not help it."

Even in a sharp-eyed gaze, Sajan just laughed.

"Did you see Manager Moon yesterday? It would have been nice to see my son after a long time. "

"Uh, yesterday they came. but Suk Han is unrecongizable.

"It was not like that, but it was a little bit harder to find him."

At the end of Sujan 's words, he laughed greatly.

"I did not say it, but every time I saw the picture in the company I was always puzzled."

"haha… ... "

He sat in the middle of the sofa  facing him and opened his mouth.

"I had to talk to you. It's good. "

"The promotion?"

"I'm thinking about how to do it. I've only been here for three months, but I still have a lot to prepare. What do you think? Do you still wish that Suk Han Lee stayed in Korea longer? Your son is going back into Korea anyway. "

"Well… ... "

With the chin on his chin, he pondered for a while and lifted his head.

"I still want Suk Han to be in our company a little longer ... ... "

"Yes? The reason is?"

"I still want to know more about his ability and I want to leave him a little more  ... ... "

The interjection was interrupted for a moment and thought again.

"And again, there is a part of our company that will help Moon, Sujan. I want to fill in the first year that I talked about first. Of course, if you do not like it, I'll think twice. "

The President of Company B hought that this would easily change Sujan's mind.


When the answer came back a little different from the answer that Sujan thought, he blinked as he glanced at President of Company B eyes. He nodded without knowing anything because he knew he was not a friend who moved without reason.

"As I discussed, I will issue an executive committee. I'll start work from now on, and tell me if you say what other guys are young. Most executives are mostly young people. "

President was smiling with a gentle glance, staring at Sujan nodding his head with a slight worrying expression.

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"Do not worry about it. I'll write it back"

"Who cares! I just wondered if he could help you. "

"a lot. Do not worry, it is a great help. He's your son. "

"Anyway, I'll try to sit here as well, so do it."

The President nodded slowly and opened his mouth.

"I have a big expectation for him. You are like your son, but you will be lacking. It is a great talent without a place to spare."

"I have not been able to do it yet."

"Great. It's good. Anyway, let's do it well. friend."

"Yes. I beg you, too. "



Narae faced the river of stairs, and she shook her head with a lot of force.

"What are you talking about now? I'm done. "

"Kim Na Rae ∽ please!"

"Hate you! I do not want to do it. Why me?"

"Why? Have you forgotten your blind date? Where is it? I'll do it myself. Anyway, there is a manager at the door. If that does not work, I'll do it myself. Hmm?"

"Do whatever you feel like. I do not want to die. "

"Please. What am I to ask you? "

"done. I did not hear them. "

Shi Won was looking at the Na Rae who swung her head in the other direction.

"Hey! Kim Na Rae. Did you forget who helped you when you punched the last project? "

"Huh, this is the attitude of the person who asked me?"

Ha, she can not help it. Now, Na Rae are the cape. She knows.

"We are pretty. Do not get excited. So you mean ... ... "

"I will not listen. Will not. Will not. AA AA AA… ... "

Two people who made a lot of fun.

"... ... Is it real? "

Na Rae opened her eyes and looked at Shi Won with suspicious eyes.

"Really! I'll promise! Really!!"

"You are not lying and will do everything you said, right?"

"Do not worry. Do you not believe me? "

"Huh! not really. Only once you write your memorandum or record it. "

"Is a recording ok? If mnot, I can give my paycheck to you as hostage. "

"I know everything about it. That's it. Speak or watch. "

"All right. I'll do it! "

"Oh, I do not know."

"Wow. Come on! love!"

" Let go! Sister! What a woman! I did not study with that passion. It would have been great. "

Shi Won was hugging herself with a violent move, and her face, which was wriggled by the appearance of a cool smile, was flattened and a smile came out. Sometimes this is a simple and aggressive one. So sometimes it's scary.

"Do you like that?"

"uh! very very! So good! Wow! "

"Ah-oh. Let me go! Hug your lover. "

"I do not ... ... .  "

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"Wow ... ... . I do not know."

Shi Won did not leave for a long time filled with a smile full of happiness on the face of the kid who embraced Nara.




As usual, work starts.  Nowadays, because of the merger, the office is so busy. In the office where the conversation disappeared while working, only the tapping of the keyboard and the occasional talking was filling the air. The development crew came into the quiet office and looked around the office.

"Where is Assistant Shi Won? "

"Where is she?"

"Aijo, I'm surprised."

It was not possible to distinguish whether the eyes were opened or not, and the dark circle came down to the tip of the chin, and Na Rae showed out her face suddenly toward the employee looking for Shi Won.

"Nee, deputy Kim. You look surprised ... ... . Why is your face like that? "

"It looks like a person !! Is it you? "

"No, I am so sensitive since it's the morning. What happened? "

"Ah! I do not know!! This is all because of that Shi Won. Crazy!"

"Ms. Kim. Come quickly and pick up the phone. I have a business call. "

" Why call? ... ... . I'm tired. "

She went back to the place with a black cloud, and walked when she was called here and there- "Kim Na Rae!" "Kim Na Rae!"  


 Park Eun-hee, the head of the development team, who was looking at Nara. The employee asked her.

"Why is she like that? Where is the other assistant?"

"Assisntant Shi Won?"

Park Eun-hee looked up at Na Rae, who was moving away, and gently licked her lips and laughed.

"She is in vacation. One week."



"So tired."

Shi Won was awakened by the rattling movement and slowly opened her eyes. The air around her already felt different from usual. Many times she blinked her eyes and made a little breath to make her blurry eyes wake up from sleep. Shee turned her head and slowly pulled her lips up, looking at the scenery of a different atmosphere spreading outside the window. She was so happy to hear the voice with her glistening eyes.

"Passengers, our plane has just arrived at Los Angeles International Airport. Welcome to Los Angeles International Airport. "

She had a smile again at the welcoming sentence. What can make her angry?  What can she do?


A thirsty person will dig to quench the thrist.

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