Sweeter than Fiction

Chapter 114

Guan pulled a chair for Liu Yang. As Min Chu saw this, she could not help but smile and thought, 'Finally, he found someone for him.'

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"Why are you smiling?" she heard her husband whisper beside her.

Min Chu looked at him and shook her head. "Nothing."

"You're so suspicious," Guan Qing smiled back and lightly pinched her now fluffy cheeks. Due to her pregnancy, she gained some extra weight.

"Do you want some fish? I'll debone it for you," he softly asked.

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"Sure," she nodded while adding vegetables on her bowl.

Guan Qing reached for the braised fish. After making sure that it's free of bones, he scooped some rice on his bowl and fed it to her.

"Thank you, Darling," his wife smiled sweetly. Guan Qing smiled back and also started on eating.

Meanwhile, opposite to them, Liu Yang and Guan witnessed everything and somewhat felt weirded out by it. The others nonchalantly kept on eating, ignoring the two being sweet to each other. Feels like they were already accustomed to their actions.

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Liu Yang peered at the man beside her and saw how tense the muscles on his hand clutching the chopsticks were; the expression on his face looked pained.

Probably because he felt someone staring at him, Guan turned his head and met her eyes – pity could clearly be seen in them.

Caught off red-handed, she immediately lowered her head and busied herself on eating. Liu Yang's heart ached for him. Why did he have to witness all of that? The urge to help him to forget about Min Chu intensified.

Even though there's only a slight chance for her to achieve such a goal, she's going to give her very best. But how? She does not have any experience in dating. Liu Yang could not help but pout then bit her lower lip afterward. A calamity is coming and felt her headache.

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Immersed in her thoughts, Liu Yang did not know that the man beside her had been looking at her intently for a while now.

Guan captured all of her expressions: from when she frowned, her pout, the way she bit her lip, and how she pressed her supple lips into a hard line.

He wondered what was on her mind just now to be this focused. She looked so cute and again had the urge to squeeze her small face in his huge palms.

Guan almost let out a laugh so he lowered his head and stuffed food in his mouth. When he raised them again, the humor in his eyes was long gone.

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He reached for some sweet and sour pork and put it on Liu Yang's bowl. The latter raised her head at him, her round eyes blinking innocently.

"Eat more meat, you're too skinny," Guan gently patted her head then continued eating.

Choi Minjun saw their cute interaction and smiled in satisfaction. At last, her younger son is now free of the past. She glanced at her husband on her left who is also staring at the two, maliciously. She reached for his hand and gripped it tightly – as if telling him to stop.

Niu Yizhang stared back at her, with his face softening, he smiled then sighed. He knew what she was thinking as of the moment and it's true. He's doubting Guan's intentions of having this girlfriend all of a sudden and it's bugging on his mind.
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