Sweeter than Fiction

Chapter 115

"Guan, where did you and Ms. Liu met? I was really shocked when I saw you outside the publishing last Monday. Right, Darling?"

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Min Chu tried to liven up the mood when she saw her in-laws', especially Niu Yizhang's, tensed faces.

"Hmm. He told he was waiting for someone. If Mother did not told us about Liu Yang, Guan won't probably introduce her to us," Gaun Qing said with a smile; knowing his wife's intention.

"Publishing? Yinyang Publishing?" Choi Minjun probed before Guan could answer the question.

"Yes, Mother. She's an editor and an excellent one."

Liu Yang, being the center of attention, blushed at Min Chu's remarks. She secretly glanced at her and accidentally met her eyes. The latter smiled and winked at her. Liu Yang reciprocated the smile and bowed her head lightly.

"That's great!" Mrs. Niu exclaimed and turned to her husband – her face telling him 'I told you so' but the latter only sneered.

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"I thought you did some background check the moment you found her existence," Guan finally spoke and slowly puts the chopsticks down.

Choi Minjun pursed her lips and sighed. "I did want to at first but, I reckoned you might hate me for that and I don't want that to happen so, I could only ask you to bring her personally to get to know her better."

"Son, we only wanted the best for you. Don't take it the wrong way."

"I know." Guan interrupted without looking at his mother and peered at the petite woman beside him instead.

He continued, "And I thank you for that."

'What is this? This abrupt change of atmosphere…I don't like this. I'm not ready for this!'

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Liu Yang's thoughts started to run wild. She could not really take how this family's mood fluctuates all of a sudden with just a single sentence. Her lips twitched when she saw Su Bin eating at his stomach's content, ignoring all the drama around him.

She wanted to kick his foot under the table when she felt pressure on her head. Liu Yang glanced at Guan who is casually stroking the top of her head and is looking down at her.

He said while looking at, "I know Mother and Father are looking for some random girl for me."

Liu Yang did not know whether what he said was for her or his parents but she thinks it's for the latter.

"If it is a woman with high status, then it's not considered as some random girl."

Niu Yizhang finally spoke after being silent for a while. He put the cutleries down and looked at his son impassively.

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Guan challengingly stared at his father. The hand patting on Liu Yang's head slid down to her shoulders.

"Guan, stop."

He was about to speak when his brother reprimanded him.

"No, Ge. I think it's time to settle the scores with Father."


Niu Yizhang furiously slammed the table with his hand making them jolt on their seats, especially Liu Yang. She never would have imagined that she would witness this on her very first visit.

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This time, Su Bin stopped eating and sighed inwardly. They are going to talk about the same old story once again.

"Why do you always rebel against me?"

"Why are you always controlling my life? You were never like that with brother, or to Su Bin," Guan snapped.

Hearing this, Liu Yang's fists balled. 'What is this? Why am I here, anyway? Is it because of me?' Her train of thought made her anxious and she had the urge to vomit. Beads of sweat started to form on her forehead.

"Controlling?" Niu Yizhang scoffed, "From the very beginning you always had your way and do the exact opposite. You always get what you wanted. You're always giving us problems and headache."

"Get what I wanted?" Guan laughed mockingly then turned his head to the couple across him.

"You know I never got what I truly wanted," he softly said with his eyes landing on Min Chu.
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