Sweeter than Fiction

Chapter 116

Min Chu avoided his eyes and looked down – feeling complicated.

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"I told you to stop, didn't I?" Guan Qing said with a furious tone when he felt his wife's discomfort. She secretly reached for his hand and pressed on it, making him sigh in frustration.

Guan ignored him and faced his father. He really could not take it when Min Chu comforted his brother in front of him. He had always respected his big brother but…

"Father, remember this," he squarely looked at his father in the eyes and continued, "…from now on, you can't decide my every action, except for company matters. I'll handle my personal and it has nothing to do with you."

Then, he pulled Liu Yang up and head for the door when his mother – who is already crying, tugged his hand.

"Guan, go back to your seat, please," she pleaded.

Guan tried to pull his hand from his mother's clutch but she held it even tighter. He did not have much choice but to exert too much force. The two of them finally reached the door excited the dining area. All they could hear was Choi Minjun's loud sobs.

Su Bin rose from his seat. "I'll go after him."

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In the courtyard, Guan opened the door for her. Liu Yang how solemn his face and did not utter a word.


Before Guan cold enter the driver's seat, Su Bin came running. The former halted his actions and closed the door. Liu Yang could vaguely hear their conversation.

"Why are you here?"

"What was that back there? You're being a dick again," Su Bin accused.

"Shut up. Don't follow us or I'll kill you," he warned and took big strides towards his car.

Su Bin felt helpless as he watched the car left the mansion. He went back inside the house and into the dining room with a long face.

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He announced as he took a seat, "I tried to stop him but… Actually Uncle, I already knew Liu Yang before long. I'm sorry if I did not tell you about her."

Niu Yizhang cleared his throat. "It's fine. It's all in the past now. Just keep your eyes close to that woman. We still don't know what her motives are."

"Uncle, you might be mis--"

"Enough! Do as I told you."

"Yes, Uncle," he answered softly.

Inside the car, Liu Yang sat like a statue on the passenger's seat. She's afraid to utter any word because Guan might snap at her.

"Where do you wanna go?"

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Guan asked all of a sudden, though his baritone voice feels good to hear, him talking out of the blue startled her. She clutched her chest and glared at him.


"What? Are you okay?" he felt amused as she yelled at him. His mood lifted as a laugh resonated out of his vocal cords.

"You scared me. Why didn't you warn me?" she pouted.

"What? You're cute," he said in between his laughter and pinch her cheeks with his free hand.

"Ah! Stop," Liu Yang flicked his hand.

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"So, where do you wanna go?" he asked again while focusing on the road.

"I think that question is appropriate for you."

Guan stepped on the emergency brake that made Liu Yang jolt forward; almost smashing her forehead on the dashboard.

"What the fu--!"

Right before she could finish what she's going to say, a hand grabbed her small face and before she could react, Guan's face is already in front of her. Something soft and warm pressed on her lips and it felt weird.

Liu Yang's eyes went wide when she realized his lips were on hers – in other words, he is kissing her! Technically, this was her first kiss and this pervert stole it just like that! She pushed him hard but her strength could not compare to his. Guan ignored her protests and pried to enter her mouth using his tongue.

She could feel his body silently telling her to give this to him and just let him be; more like begging her. As Liu Yang tried to engross herself with the kiss and closed her eyes, terrible pictures of the past appeared right before her eyes.
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