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Niu Guan Ning was sent to America to study about their business when he was still 16. Though he did not agree to it, he really didn't have much choice. He can't find the reason why he still has to study about business, when in fact, his brother is already handling the company well. Like what he had said, he really can't say no to his father.

"Starting next Monday, you will handle all the projects. As your assistant, Su Bin you will always be there help you with the preparations. Of course, I'll also lend you a hand if you need help," Guan Qing started.

"Isn't this a bit too early?" Guan Ning asked.

"I need to do this. For your sister-in-law. And for your future nephew or niece," Guan Qing answered. His eyes have a glint of smile in it.

Guan Ning removed his gaze from his brother. A hint of pain crept in his heart. Su Bin noticed his change of expression. He nudges Guan Ning's arm. He looked at Su Bin questioningly. Su Bin mouthed, 'Are you okay' at him. Guan Ning smiled dryly and nodded gently.

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Then they heard Guan Qing said, "You are also here today to discuss about the party to be held at one of our hotels to introduce you."

Guan Ning furrowed his brows. "Party? Is it necessary?" Although he loves parties, he thinks this is way over the top.

"It is a formal way to introduce you to our partners and also to attract future partners," Su Bin informed him.

"And also to attract future wife prospect," Guan Qing said jokingly. He then added, "Don't worry, Mother will help you with that," and he smiled.

Su Bin glanced at Guan Ning then at Guan Qing. "Ge, I think that's not necessary," Su Bin meaningfully said. When he looked back at Guan Ning, he received a stony glare, clearly not happy with what he said. He raised his both hands as a sign of resignation.

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"Let's just talk about the preparations for the party," Guan Ning changed the subject.

His brother chuckled, "Okay. Su Bin, the files for the plan." Su Bin handed the files to Guan Qing and they started discussing.

After hours of discussing, Guan Ning noticed that it's already past lunchtime. No wonder his stomach is grumbling.

"Ge, we better continue this during lunch." He suggested.

Su Bin glanced at his watch and nodded in agreement. "I think that's a great idea. I'll tell Secretary Ming to book a restaurant for us."

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Both the brothers nodded in agreement.

After a minute Su Bin informed, "It's already settled. We better go."

As they were about to walk towards the door, Guan Qing felt his phone vibrate. As he took it out of his breast pocket, he noticed it is an unknown number but he answered it anyway.

"Hello? Who's this?" after hearing what the other person on the line, Guan Qing's expression changed from being gentle to being tensed. Su Bin and Guan Ning noticed it.

"What?!" Guan Qing froze in his tracks. Probably because of what the person on the other line had said, his face is now full of worry.

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"What hospital? I'll be right there." Guan Qing rushed toward the door, ignoring the two person behind him.

"Ge, what is it? Who's in the hospital," Guan Ning stopped his brother. His face also looked worried.

Guan Qing turned back to his brother and answered, "Your sister-in-law, she fainted. I better go right now. You two can go have lunch without me. We'll discuss about the plan tomorrow morning."

The two nodded in unison.

Guan Qing dashed towards the elevator ignoring the odd looks given by his employees. He does not care about his reputation as a CEO anymore. His wife is in grave danger!

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