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Liu Yang watched Min Chu being wheeled onto the emergency room of the hospital, still unconscious. The secretary informed her that she already called Min Chu's husband, the CEO of the main branch. After being checked, she is transferred into a private room, since they know who Min Chu is.

The hospital Min Chu is in, is owned by Yinyang Enterprises. All doctors and nurses frantically attended to Min Chu as she arrived - afraid that they'll anger Niu Guan Qing if they didn't.

Liu Yang stayed by Min Chu's side. Waiting for her to wake up.

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As Min Chu opened her eyes, her sight landed on Liu Yang who is sitting on a chair by the bed, staring at her phone. Liu Yang noticed someone staring at her. She looked up and saw Min Chu awake, her face still white as paper.

"Ms. Min, how are you feeling?" she asked and help her get up into a sitting position.

Min Chu is about to open her mouth and answer Liu Yang's question when the door was abruptly pushed wide open. Both of them immediately turn their heads towards the door.

It's him! Liu Yang's eyes widen. It's Niu Guan Qing! Ms. Min's husband.

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Liu Yang removed her hands from Min Chu's arms and bowed, "CEO Niu." She looked at Min Chu whose face turn gentle looking at the man at the door. She's shocked. The Min Chu right now is different from the Min Chu at the office.

This is awkward with me here, Liu Yang thought. Feels like she's a bright light bulb inside the room. They're looking at each other intently. Without further ado, Liu Yang said, "Ms. Min, CEO Niu, I better go back to the office right now. Good-bye." She sauntered towards the door and slowly close it. Before closing the door completely, Liu Yang saw Niu Guan Qing walk towards Min Chu and kissed her forehead. She was touched by the gesture.

So, it's true love after all. She felt envious. Ever since she was in college, she had a crush on the handsome CEO of Yinyang. Though he's already 32 years old, he still looks so dreamy.

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Liu Yang followed every news about him. He was even her first 'heartbreak' when he married Min Chu two years ago. He's also the reason why she chose to apply at Yinyang Publishing.

On her way out of the hospital, Liu Yang can't help but sigh. When and where will she find a man like him?

Liu Yang hailed a taxi and went back to Yinyang Publishing. There are still tasks she needs to finish.


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Back in the hospital room.

Guan Qing took a seat vacated by Liu Yang. "Darling, how are you feeling?" he said while clutching her hand. His eyes full of concern.

Min Chu smiled with her pale lips. "I'm fine."

The door opened once again. The two of them both looked up and saw the female doctor entering in her white gown. Guan Qing immediately stood up. "Doctor, how is my wife?"

The doctor smiled at them. Guan Qing furrowed his brows and looked at Min Chu who also has the same reaction as him. Then they heard the doctor said, "Congratulations CEO Niu, Ms. Min is three weeks pregnant."

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