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Leaving the residential area, Liu Yang enquired again, "Is it really okay? Are your parents okay with it if they knew?"

In an irritated tone, Wan Li replied, "Affirmative! She can do fine on her own. And I can't do my work properly with her around. You know how I work, I love peace and quiet. And besides, she's already 18 for Christ sake!" Wan Li is really exasperated.

Liu Yang just shuts her mouth. And silence enveloped them.

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They stopped by the supermarket near Liu Yang's apartment to buy groceries, then they head straight to her apartment.

Upon entering, they are both greeted by Muse. Wan Li is elated to see the cat that he forgot to remove his shoes. Liu Yang saw him and her scrunch with worry.

"Girl, I know that I still owe you some Nike shoes, but please, kindly, just kindly remove your damn shoes right now. My beautiful floor!"

Wan Li, who is hugging Muse intimately, looked down at his feet and realized his mistake. "Oh! So sorry, girl. Just got excited to see Muse. Right, Musy." And he kissed the cat.

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Liu Yang grimaced. "Yeah, right." She put the groceries onto the kitchen. "I think you better wash up first. I'll cook dinner." She told Wan Li.

"Hmmm." Wan Li entered her bedroom to settle his things and take a shower while Liu Yang busied herself in the kitchen.

Wan Li got out of the shower after almost an hour. As he walks his way out of the bedroom, the delicious smell greeted him that made his stomach grumble.

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While drying his hair with a towel, he sat in the dining table full of food. "I'm hungry all of sudden." He took a big sniff. Then he jokingly added, "You know if I were a man, I'll marry you."

Liu Yang giggled. "Is that a compliment I'm hearing right now?"

"Probably. But it's actually an understatement. We all know that among the four of us, you're the only one who can really cook."

Liu Yang crinkled her nose, looking cute. "Hmm. Good thing you have me."

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After they finish eating, Wan Li volunteered to wash the dishes. Liu Yang went to the bathroom to freshen up. When she got out, Wan Li is already working on his novel.

"Li, we can share the bed later," Liu Yang interrupted him.

"No problem. There's only one room and bed in your apartment after all. It's not like I haven't slept here before." He said while without at looking Liu Yang who's drying her hair and is standing beside him. "Don't worry, I'm not interested in you, at all." He seriously added.

Liu Yang laughed at top of her lungs and whack Wan Li using the towel she used to dry her hair. Then she asked, "You want coffee?" She heard Wan Li answered with an "Hmmm."

While waiting for the coffee to brew, she heard her phone ring. She looked at the caller ID and froze. Wan Li who is focusing on his writing got interrupted and annoyed by the sound of the phone. He rose from his seat and walked towards her with an irritated expression.

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