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"Yang, I'm working here. Who's that idiot calling you at this hour?!" As he was about to nudge Liu Yang's arm, he saw that her face is already covered in tears. He took a peek at the screen and saw the caller ID, 'Mama'

Wan Li was taken aback. He knows about the conflict between Liu Yang and her parents. And it's kind of serious. "Yang," he called her name softly, standing beside her.

The ringing stopped. It woke Liu Yang from her state. "Yang, are you okay?" Wan Li called again.

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Liu Yang looked at him. The way her eyes stare at him emanate severe amount of pain. But more of melancholy. She pounced at him and sobbed. The crook of his neck is now drenched from her tears but he just let her be. Wan Li gently patted her back, letting her emotions out.

Liu Yang cried for a whole five minutes making their legs go numb. As her emotions calmed, she let Wan Li usher her to the sofa to take a seat.

Wan Li heard a shrill whistle in the kitchen. Ah, the coffee, he thought. "I'll go get the coffee. Do you want a cup?" Liu Yang nodded at him. Wan Li stood and went to the kitchen. As he came back, two cups of steaming black coffee are in his hands. He handed one to Liu Yang.

Liu Yang sniffed the coffee, calming her emotions. As she took a sip, the bitter taste entered her mouth, she grimaced. Frowning, she exclaimed, "Hell! You didn't put any sugar?"

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"Hmm, you know I like my coffee pure and strong." Wan Li answered half-heartedly. He's reading some files in his hand while holding the cup with the other.

Liu Yang rose from her seat and went to the kitchen. Wan Li followed her retreating back with his gaze. He seemed troubled for his friend. It has been three long years, and he's afraid to ask her about it.

As Liu Yang got back, without looking at her, he asked bravely, "Don't you miss them?"

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Seeming to understand his question, Liu Yang blinked and stared at her coffee. She doesn't want to answer, but she still did. "Of course….I do. I just…I mean….I'm….scared."

Wan Li stopped reading and put the files and the cup down the coffee table in front of them. He removed his glasses, and opened his mouth to speak. "What are you scared of?" he faced Liu Yang, "That they still haven't forgive you?"

Liu Yang's lips twitched. She sighed, "Yes. I…." She puts down the cup and covered her face with both of her hands. Her eyes started to sting again.

Wan Li patted her. "Yang, it's been three years. I'm sure they've forgiven you about it. They're your parents after all. How about your brothers and sister?"

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Liu Yang touched Wan Li's hand that's patting her, trying to get some strength from it. "Maybe." She continued, "We've been in contact for long, especially my sister."

"Why don't you try to call your mother back?" Wan Li suggested.

Liu Yang looked at him squarely in the eyes. She's hesitating to do it. "What if…"

"No what if's. Please?" Wan Li cut her off. "Just tell them that you're sorry for what you've done. Tell you are happy. I'm sure they'll understand."

Liu Yang's tears started to fall freely this time. She nodded and whispered, "What would I do without you."

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