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Liu Yang grabs her phone sitting on the table and searched for her mother's phone number. She hesitated for a minute. Wan Li, who's watching her every move, got impatient and nudge her arm to go on. She inhaled deeply, and called her mother.

While ringing, Wan Li poke her. "I'll be at the veranda of your room. Call me if you need anything." She just nodded at him.

Her heart is in her throat. After a few rings, the call went through. She did not speak, she just put the phone right next to her ear and listens to the other line. Then she heard a familiar voice. "Hello? Yangyang? Is that you?"

It's her mother. Her eyes can't help but water. She did not utter any word. "Hello? Yang? Are you there?" Her mother spoke again.

It is her. It's really her. Her mother that she misses the most. She missed that voice she hasn't heard for a long time. "Ma…" Liu Yang finally said, her voice shaking. Her face is now drenched with tears and is having small hiccups.

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"Yangyang, what's wrong? Did someone hurt you? Are you okay?" her mother said, worried.

Guilt rose inside her chest. Gripping her heart in pain. Liu Yang covered her mouth with her free hand, trying to suppress any sound to exit from her mouth but could not come to. It's just painful, too painful. She sobbed and didn't utter any word. "My poor baby, what's wrong?"

"Ma…I'm sorry," she whispered in between her cries. "I'm really, really sorry, Ma!" she cried. Her voice is barely audible. On the other end of the line, her mother paused. She knew full too well what she's sorry for.

"Yangyang, come home. Mama and Papa miss you so much," her mother said in a gentle tone.

"Ma, I'm sorry," Liu Yang repeated.

"It's okay. It's all in the past. Just come home," her mother comforted.

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Liu Yang could not help but wail. 'I'm sorry' is the only thing that can be heard from her mouth.


Meanwhile, on the veranda of the apartment.

Wan Li stood with his hand in his pocket while the other is clutching a cigarette in between his fingers. Through the open doors, he could vaguely hear the sound of Liu Yang's crying and incoherent sorry.

He puts the cigarette to his lips and took a blow. He heaved a sorrowful sigh at the situation Liu Yang is in. This must be hard on her. He knows how high her pride is….and how stubborn she is as well. He knows she'd been carrying her personal issues on her own and merely talks about it.

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Wan Li was so immersed eavesdropping that he didn't know how many cigarettes he popped.


"Shhh! It's okay. Stop crying or Mama will be sad if you don't."

Liu Yang tried to calm her emotions. After a minute of trying, she stopped crying but she still gave small hiccups from time to time.

"How are you, Ma?" Liu Yang started.

"I'm fine. We're fine." Her mother assured. "How about you. Are you doing fine with your job?"

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"Hmm, I am." She looked at the clock on the wall and realized it's already late. She added, "It's late, Ma. You better go to sleep."

"Hmm, I will. You, too. When are you coming back here?"

Liu Yang's heart warmed by her statement. "I'll check my schedule. Bye, Ma. I love you."

Liu Yang hangs up. Her mind is at ease at last, especially her heart. Feels like she's on air, she's as light a feather. She thought, Wan Li is right, it's been so long, they've already forgiven her.

Three years ago, Liu Yang ran away from home because of pressure. She felt suffocated.

She graduated Bachelor of Education, in line with her family's profession, and had taken the licensure examination for teachers. She did pass the test but it's not her passion to teach. She did not dislike the profession, but she does not love it either. She wanted to be someone else.

Not a shadow nor a legacy. Just…..Liu Yang.

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