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Guan Ning gave a challenging wide smile. "You don't need help to me about that matter, then. I already have someone in mind." He said without waiting for his father's response.

Niu Yizhang frowned. "What are you planning this time?"

Guan Ning chuckled. "Don't worry about it, Father. I'll make sure that the company is in good hands…" he paused and looked at his father squarely in the eyes with a smirk, "…just keep your nose out of my business."

After saying that, Guan Ning rose to his feet and is ready to go out when Niu Yizhang slammed the coffee table with his hands with a bang!

"Stop right there!" his father roared. Guan Ning did not even flinch and turned to face his father with a straight face. He can see his father's chest heave up and down due to anger.

"What should I do to make you erase all that hatred inside your heart?"

Guan Ning raised his brow. "Nothing."

The noise made went through the living room and startled everyone. Choi Minjun immediately dashed to the study and saw the father and son glaring at each other, her heart on her throat.

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"What's wrong? Guan, what are you doing?" she asked while making her towards his husband who is clutching his chest.

Guan Ning clenched his fist and gave his mother a condescending look. He turned and head towards the door, feeling guilty when he remembered about the heart operation his father just had.

As he passed by the living room, he saw his brother with Min Chu in his arms. His jaw tightened, he clenched his fist harder that it made his knuckles turn white of force.

"Guan," his brother called him as he passed by the couple.

Instead of answering, he just ignored his brother and called Su Bin. "Su Bin, let's go. It's time."

Su Bin looked at Guan Qing apologetically and followed him to the front door. Guan Qing loosened his grip on Min Chu, wanting to follow his little brother but his wife stopped him.

Min Chu looked at him, "Let him be," is the only thing she only said.

Guan Qing frowned and sighed, relaxing his tensed muscles. He hugged her and whispered to her ears, "Thank you."

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Min Chu hugged him back and laughed softly. "For what?"

Guan Qing inhaled her scent that calmed his mind. "For being here with me. For choosing me."

Min Chu got confused by his response but tend to ignore the meaning behind it. She broke from their embrace and yawned involuntarily. Guan Qing laughed at her.

She narrowed her eyes at him and punched his chest lightly. "Come on, it's late. Our baby needs to sleep."

She nodded sleepily, "Hmm. You have to talk to him tomorrow, okay?" she said on the way to their room.

Guan Qing just hastily shook his head in response, masking his grim expression from his wife.


Outside the mansion, Guan Ning took big strides towards his car with Su Bin behind him, almost running.

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"Guan!" he yelled. "Can you please slow down?!"

Guan Ning halted in front of his car and faced Su Bin with a grim expression. In English, he said, "We're going to be late!"

Su Bin was spooked by him, almost losing his cool. But he set his fear aside and approached his cousin. "Hey," he stood in front of him, "…you okay?" he asked with concern.

Guan Ning sighed, suppressing his anger. He really wanted to punch something or someone to vent his anger with. He felt guilty and annoyed at the same time. "I'm fine." He finally said.

He searched his pockets for a cigarette and put it on his mouth. He offered some to Su Bin who accepted it. As he flicked the lighter up, he heard his mother call his name from the front door. Both of them turned their heads and immediately put their cigarettes away.

Choi Minjun elegantly walks towards the two. "Guan," she called softly and meaningfully looked at Su Bin who immediately understood and left, giving the two of them some space to talk.

Guan Ning faced his mother with a complex expression. "I'm sorry, Mother. I shouldn't have angered Father and said those things…" he paused trying to find what words to say. His mother patiently waited what he's going to say next.

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Then he continued, "…but…fuck! I hate myself!" Guan Ning kicked the car's wheel out of frustration. His eyes started to sting, but he tried his best not to shed a single tear in front of his mother.

"It's alright. Let it all out. Tell it to Mom, I'll be listening," Choi Minjun consoled him. She raised her arms, intending to try to hug him but Guan Ning immediately jerked her hands away.

"No!" his son looked at her with his eyes red. "Su Bin, let's go!" he yelled while looking at her.

Su Bin who is smoking far away heard his name and immediately extinguish the cigarette and ran towards Guan Ning.

Choi Minjun felt helpless. She backed away as Guan Ning entered his car and turn the ignition on.

"Su Bin, look after him," she said as Su Bin heads towards his car.

Su Bin nodded. "I will, Auntie. Don't worry."

As the noise of the cars drifted away, Choi Minjun felt empty inside. She cried silently outside in the dark.

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