Sweeter than Fiction

Chapter 50: 50

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Mrs. Niu organized herself before entering the house. As she entered, she saw her husband walking out of the study while clutching his chest. She immediately ran to his side and supported him upstairs.

"Where is that brat?" Niu Yizhang flared up.

Choi Minjun sighed in response. She really didn't know what to do between the two. "Just let him be. He'll be back."

Her husband scoffed loudly in disgust. "That stubborn and ungrateful son of yours is a good-for-nothing. Why can't he be like his brother?"

"That's enough. Think about your health."

The two of them entered the room hand in hand.

On the other side of the room, Min Chu finished taking her bath and is drying her hair facing the mirror while Guan Qing is leaning against the headboard of the bed, reading some documents. The atmosphere is peacefully harmonious.

After drying her hair, Min Chu climbed up on the bed and laid by her husband's side. As she hugged his waist, Guan Qing put the documents down near the bedside table and hugged her back.

"Sleep," he whispered to her ears and kissed her forehead.

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Min Chu puts her head against his chest and breathed in his scent. "Darling," she called after a while.

"Hmm?" he responded while running his hand through her hair.

"Is there something you wanted to talk about?"

The hand caressing Min Chu's hair froze. She looked up to him and saw his startled expression that confirms her guess.

He frowned and smiled at the time. "How did you know?"

"I'm a woman. Remember that," she said seriously and tapped his nose lightly.

Guan Qing chuckled and was speechless. Ah, women! He looked at his wife and saw how eager she was to listen to him.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "Promise me you won't be upset."

With a frown, Min Chu said, "Why would I be?" she gave him a peck on the lips, giving him an assurance.

Her husband heaved a deep sigh. "Father he…he'll be stepping down as the chairman of the company."

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"Oh." Looking into his eyes, she frowned. Well, this is not something to be upset about. "Did he tell you any candidates?"

"Me," he answered directly.

"That's…great," she said bitterly.

Guan Qing hugged her tighter. "I'm sorry I broke my promise. I just can't say no to Father."

Promise. Yes, he promised that he'll give up the company to be with her. To cover up the years they've lost since he was busy handling the company. But this…

"Don't be. I'm not that selfish. In fact, Guan needs you, and me, I'll still be going to work and handle things properly before leaving."

He patted her head. "Good girl."

She was about to sleep when she jolted her head up, startling him. "Speaking of Guan, you have to talk to him. It'll affect his work if this goes on, okay?"

Guan Qing's lips twitched a bit. "Sure thing."

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Min Chu smiled and gave him a kiss. "I love you, you're the best."

She didn't know her actions ignited a fire inside his husband. After the kiss, Guan Qing felt empty. "Darling," he said in a raspy voice.


"Why don't we do something meaningful this time?" as he said this, his hands traveled down and inside her nightgown touching her soft skin.

She caught his hand and stopped it from going further inside. "Stop it. It'll harm our baby."

There, the trump card is out. His shoulders went limp as he removed his hands away. Then he heard her wife giggle. Damn! This is torture.

"Let's sleep, it's pretty late." She said as she hugged him tightly.


Su Bin has been following after Guan Ning for a while now. He doesn't know where he's going at this hour and at this speed. He noticed that the environment is getting harsher – the road is not that smooth anymore.

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He tried calling his cell but his stubborn cousin is not answering it. "Fuck, Guan! Where are you going?" he cursed.

After driving for God knows how long, they stopped at a hilltop where the entire city is visible. Guan Ning stepped out of his car with a slam. He lit a cigarette up and dragged hard.

Noticing Su Bin beside him, he started talking, "Why didn't she chose me, Su Bin? Why him? It's always him."

Su Bin almost rolled his eyes. This topic again! He's really getting sick and tired of this. He knew who the 'she' is. "Their love had been decided right before we were born. And besides, they really love each other."

The person beside him didn't respond. After a minute, a bubble of laughter can be heard.

"Pathetic! It's Father's fault. He let this happen." Guan Ning with a look of disgust written on his face.

Su Bin was about to speak when his phone started ringing. "Hello?"

"Tell Second Young Master it's time," the man on the other end said.

They are the only people on that hilltop therefore, Guan Ning heard the conversation. He dumped his cigarette to the ground and turned his back. "Let's go."

Su Bin only sighed and followed him.

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