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Wan Li and Li Jun kept on pacing back and forth, their faces still void of panic and Liu Yang got dizzy just watching them.

"Why don't we just wait for him inside the car," she suggested while leaning on the car with James beside him.

"What's happening? What's wrong with them? Who are we waiting for?" James whispered to her, still clueless about what's happening.

Liu yang looked at him blankly. "Long story, just wait and see," she said lazily.

"No, we can't! We have to explain!" they shouted in unison that their voices could probably be heard by the entire neighborhood.

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Liu Yang rolled her eyes and looked at Uncle Li for help. "Yang, what did they do this time?" the old man asked, totally confused.

For over fifteen minutes of waiting, a car arrived at the scene. A handsome, tall man stepped out of it with a stern face. The people around stood rooted to the ground watching him strode towards James and grabbed him by the collar.

"Where the fuck is she?!" the man yelled.

Panic-stricken, all of them tried to pull him but he's miraculously strong.

"Dude, I don't know what you're talking about," with his hands raised, James helplessly uttered.

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"Young Master, calm down. Young Miss is inside the car sleeping," this time Uncle Li spoke.

The man looked at him and started to loosen his grip on James' collar, making everyone to heave a sigh of relief. But his muscles were still tensed because of anger.

"Where is she," the man's voice is now softer and calmer.

Liu Yang and James stepped aside, revealing Yu Mei's sleeping figure inside. The man opened the door and crouched down, carrying Yu Mei into his arms.

"What are you doing? Where are you taking her?" Liu Yang asked worriedly.

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"None of your business," the man answered icily without looking at her and went straight to his car.

Li Jun ran after him and blocked the man's way with his figure. He took all of his courage. He bowed before saying, "You are Su Bin, right? I'm Li Jun, Mei's friend. Honestly, I was the one who sent you that photo. We, I mean, I just wanted to test if your feelings were really genuine towards our friend. James is innocent, he didn't know what's happening. So, can you please, return Yu Mei inside the car?"

Su Bin took a deep breath. "No. I'm taking her." He walked past Li Jun towards his car.

"Wait! You can't, it's too risky. What if someone saw you? And Yu Mei's parents knew she's with us," Liu Yang insisted and that made Su Bin stopped in his tracks.

He contemplated for a minute before deciding to take Yu Mei back to her car. As he walked past by James, he gave him a cold glare that made the latter shudder in fear.

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Su Bin gently puts her inside the car and faced her friends.

"Are you going to send her home in this state?" he asked while he swept his gaze at all of them.

"No, she's going to stay at my place. Just follow Uncle Lin's lead. Let's go," Liu Yang briefly said and entered the car and the others followed suit.

Su Bin frowned a little and thought to himself, 'Why is this woman so cold towards him?' He just shook his head a little and walked towards his car.

A while later, the group arrived at Liu Yang's apartment building. They let Su Bin carry Yu Mei this time to avoid another misunderstanding. James already said his farewell to them and flagged a taxi to his hotel.

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