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As they were in front of the door, Liu Yang punched the code and let Su Bin enter into her house and into her bedroom where he puts Yu Mei down.

The three of them all felt tired as they take a seat into the couch. Liu Yang leaned into Wan Li's arm and yawned.

"Do you want some coffee? I'll make some," she ask the two with her eyes closed.

Instead of hearing their reply, she heard the door closing in her bedroom. She saw Su Bin walking out and nodded at them. Li Jun raise to his feet and once again bowed in a ninety-degree angle.

"Mr. Su, I mean, Young Master, I haven't had the chance to say thank you." He smiled at Su Bin, then he added, "Thank you for accepting my apology and once again sorry for sending that picture to you. It's probably because of the alcohol."

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Su Bin chuckled and nodded his head. "It's fine. I understand, just don't pull a joke like that in the future."

The three of them were in trance as they saw his smile. No wonder their friend fell for him. They all nodded at him with a hint of smile on their faces.

Su Bin saw their fatigue so he bade his farewell. "I'll get going then," Su Bin was about to leave when he remembered something all of a sudden.

"Ah, may I know all of your names?" he said as he faced at them with their confused look.

Liu Yang was taken aback by his sudden question. She only regained her senses when Li Jun and Wan Li stretched their hands out and introduce themselves.

"Li Jun."

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"My name's Xu Wan Li."

Liu Yang rose to her feet. "Liu Yang."

Su Bin shook each of their hands and looked meaningfully at Liu Yang. The latter frowned slightly but because Su Bin turned his head away, so she dismissed it right away thinking she must have seen wrong.

"I know you already know my name, it's Su Bin. Nice to meet all of you. Thank you for taking care of Yu Mei." he said to each one of them.

"No need to thank us. We will always support her no matter what," Wan Li said.

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Su Bin caught the meaning behind his words and smiled while nodding. "Mind if I take a picture with all of you?" He said out of the blue.

The three of them looked at each other, confused but they still obliged. They all smiled in front of the camera.

"Thank you. You know we should have dinner sometime," Su Bin blurted as he puts his phone in his pocket.

"We'll check our schedules then," Liu Yang said as she ushered Su Bin to the door.

Outside, Su Bin caught a glance of the two men entered the bedroom. His mind went blank for a second. "Wait!" he halted the door from closing. "Are the two of them going to sleep here? Are you all sleeping in a single room?"

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Liu Yang was surprised when the door was forced open but wasn't surprise by his questions. She lazily answered, "Yup." She understood his worry and couldn't help but laugh, she immediately added, "Don't worry, they're much more interested in you than her."

"Oh, sorry. Just trying to make sure," Su Bin faked his laugh and waved his hand as farewell.

As Liu Yang closed the door, her smile faded and went straight to the bedroom wherein Li Jun and Wan Li were already lying on the floor with a mattress. She rummaged through her wardrobe, found two different pieces of pajamas and dressed Yu Mei with it.

It's already 3 o'clock in the morning. No wonder her body felt so heavy. She laid next to Yu Mei and immediately fell into a deep slumber.

Su Bin raised his head up the building and saw that the lights are off inside Liu Yang's apartment. He entered his car and fished his phone out with a smirk. He really could imagine the reaction of a certain someone.

After sending the picture, he left the place and went home.

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