Chapter 1 – What The Hell, I Crossed Over Into A Gaze

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Year X Month X Week X; Hour XX Minute XX, Second XX.

The world underneath was as it had always been. The observable region was sunny, without wind, and with thin and sparse layers of clouds.

Gawen quietly looked down upon the distant world with an absolute vantage point while pondering over the meaning of life. After all, there was nothing else for him to do.

He could no longer remember how many years he had been in this state, nor did he know what was his current appearance. Although he could keep track of time through the passage of day and night, after hundreds of thousands of instances, he no longer felt like counting.

This counts as crossing over, no?

In reality, Gawen actually didn’t mind ‘crossing over’. This was not because he’d come to disregard life and death through some great enlightenment. His previous self, who was going down with the plane, had come to an understanding of the phrase ‘life is full of vicissitudes, death is the end’. After all, under the circumstances of absolute death, he would rather cross over than being in a casket. However, what he absolutely did mind that he was floating in the sky after crossing over.

And floating for thousands upon thousands of years…

Gawen didn’t know what was his current state. He couldn’t shift his gaze, nor could he feel the existence of his body. In fact, apart from vision, he’d already lost all of his other senses. Therefore, he couldn’t tell if he was currently a remnant spirit or a corpse floating in outer space. There was one thing he was certain of- he was not floating in the form of a normal human body.

This was because he was sure that a normal human’s consciousness would not be able to think, retain its memories, and even ponder the meaning of life after floating for so many years in the sky.

A normal person would have long gone insane.

However, he’d not gone insane. Instead, his memory had become outstanding.

The passage of tens of thousands of years didn’t have any effect on Gawen’s memories. To this moment, he could clearly recall the final experience of his previous self; ear-piercing shrieks, alarm ringing, violently shaking cabin, the unceasingly shifting world outside the window, his neighbor, whose gas mask never made it on his face, and the huge explosion as the airplane collapsed.

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He could remember everything as if it happened yesterday. He could also remember the shock when he opened his eyes and found himself floating over a strange planet.

From the moment he opened his eyes, he knew that he was not watching the land and ocean of earth. Thereupon, after pondering for a while, he came to terms with the fact that he’d crossed over to a different world. Next, he studied ways to make himself come down again.

Unfortunately, he completely failed

He discovered that he was ‘fixed’. In other words, his current state had no ability to move. He had turned into a ‘fixed gaze’ watching the world. Even after that, he could only watch a portion of it. This portion was a strange looking continent, surrounded by an ocean. Apart from his point of view, he couldn’t go the slightest bit further in any direction.

Since he was incapable of adjusting his line of sight in the slightest, he couldn’t tell if there were other continents. To this day, he’d yet to see the starry sky of this world.

He wasn’t even sure if this world had any other celestial bodies. Who knew if he turned his head around and found a white-bearded celestial emperor holding a light lantern, illuminating the world.

Fuck, i really want to backstroke, ah…

Even if he could only see a white-bearded celestial emperor holding a light lantern, he would be more than willing.

However, it was nothing but a pipe dream. His line of sight simply couldn’t be changed.

However, after striving for a long time, Gawen finally found an aspect in which he could manipulate his line of sight slightly. Although it still couldn’t be moved, he could magnify and shrink the area within his vision. Or one could say that he was able to pull or push his field of view.

Upon making this discovery, he was excited for a long time, and he immediately began to adjust his field of view, trying all sorts of variations. Although he couldn’t see beyond the ocean even after pulling his field of view as much as he could, by zooming in, he could see what was going on in the continent.

The surface was lush and verdant, brimming with vitality and life.

‘Seeing the daily life of these otherworldly people is quite good too. I can still only float about, but watching the local customs of otherworldlings can surely make my life easier, no?’

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He then zoomed his field of vision to the limit, which was enough to let him see every grass and every tree on the continent.

That day, he discovered, to his despair, that the mammals here had yet to….

……learn to walk on two feet.

However, it didn’t matter. His patience might have been limited when was living, but after crossing over into an overseeing gaze, he discovered his patience to be immense.

He waited in a daze until these bunch of monkeys finally learned to walk on two feet.

Many more years passed by. He personally witnessed the moment when the first man-made fire appeared.

It sparked off from stones.

And it brought a transformation with it.

Gawain didn’t know what happened but he could feel as if everything was ‘rapidly’ changing since that moment. Or one could say that a problem had aroused in his perception of time. The entire world was rapidly changing, as if everything was being played in fast-forward video. He saw the human-like species creating their first tribe, which soon evolved into cities.

He saw that these humanoids commanding outrageous abilities. Using magic like techniques, they expanded their territories. However, before he could discern what occurred on the continent, these newborn kingdoms all turned into ruins one after another. However, from these ruins, new humanoid creatures arouse and quickly multiplied.

Humankind and other races began fighting over the land. They erected all sorts of kingdoms and all sorts of faiths, then waged war in the name of gods. However, they too disappeared at a lightning fast speed.

The pace of events was getting increasingly quicker. Gawen could no longer keep up with the huge amounts of information he was witnessing. He suddenly saw huge dragon creatures intrude his field of vision. He didn’t know if these ‘huge dragons’ were the result of natural evolution or came from outside the ocean.

He saw armies clashing, the battles of which almost destroyed the world. However, in a blink of an eye, another civilization arose.

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After a while, he realized that the events of the world were not quickening, rather he was skipping over a large amount of information.

His ‘field of view’ was becoming more and more intermittent. From watching in continuation in the beginning, it turned into a few scenes through years. These time spans seamlessly combined large scenes, making him feel as if everything was fast-forwarding.

The reason he could not recognize it was because when his gaze was cut off, his thoughts would also become still.

When his observation resumed, his thinking also resume in a flawless manner.

Therefore, he was unable to recognize that the problem actually lay within him.

This is bad.

These three words struck his mind like lightning. However, even this lightning-like thought took several hundred years to strike.

Because he could clearly see that the world had completely changed. By the time these three words appeared in his mind, another civilization in its peak had turned into ruins.

Gawen didn’t know what was happening. But he was sure that this was not normal. From the time span between scenes, he could infer that his consciousness was actually about to fade away.

Through a hundred years, his thoughts didn’t even make a second.

Moreover, his ‘lapses in consciousness’ were constantly increasing.

Because he’d realized that the degree of his skipping over the events happening underneath had already reached an unimaginable height. The scenes passing in a blur had already changed into a lightning fast ‘slideshow’. It had become so fast that he could no longer make sense of what he was seeing.

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If this continued, perhaps the consciousness of the being known as Gawen would completely dissipate in this unfathomable place. He would fall into an eternal slumber, no longer able to wake again.

After tens of thousands of years, Gawen felt a sense of urgency for the first time. He frantically began to frantically rack his brains. He felt that his brain(if he still had such an organ) was moving at a lightning fast speed, pouring out one idea after another. However, the slideshow going down clearly told him that it was actually slowed down to a ration of thousands of years.

Of course, it was a little exaggerated. But his true condition was not much better.

Break this situation, break this situation, break this situation…

This situation had to be broken, be it in any shape or form. Even if he were to return on that crashing plane, it would be better than dying this unfathomable death in this unfathomable place.

Gawen felt his thoughts becoming chaotic and consciousness gradually turning indistinct. His originally ‘seamless thoughts’ began to feel a bit problematic. He furiously thought with all his might. However, he, who had crossed over into a ‘gaze’, had no way of changing his current situation.

However, just as he felt that his thoughts were going to completely dissipate or turn still, a voice suddenly arrived from somewhere.

“Power Source Malfunction, Main Engine Reboot Failed.”

“Escape Protocol Initiated.”

The next moment, his gaze disappeared, and darkness appeared before him.

However, his thoughts didn’t stop.

For the first time in countless years, he had closed his ‘eyes’ and preserved his thoughts.

After spending an unknown time in this darkness, he felt as if he’d been rolled over and dropped down. He entered a cold, narrow space. All kinds of unfamiliar sensations came from his four limbs and hundreds of bones, turning his mind into a chaotic mess. From amidst this chaotic mess, he heard a girl’s voice. The voice seemed quite flustered.

“No……don’t kill me yet! Rather than me …look your ancestor’s grave is shaking!”

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