Chapter 2 – Again, What The Hell? I Completed Transmigration And I Have To Crawl Out Of A Coffin?

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The heavy stone gate, under the influence of the ancient spell, slowly closed. Magic power flowed through grooves on the ground and walls, creating a complete energy circuit. It completely cut off the world outside which was nothing short of a nightmare.

The bellows of captain, miserable screams of dying people, frightening howls of those frightening monsters- all sounds were blocked by the heavy rock and steel barrier. Although all of them knew that such a barrier was only temporary, Rebecca couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief in the momentary safety. How good it would be if the world outside was truly nothing but a nightmare….

However, the next moment, Rebecca threw her hair back and got rid of the feeble thoughts appearing in her mind. Thick rocks and steel couldn’t secure true, long-lasting safety. Instead, it ended up weakening her spirit by lulling her into a false sense of security. As her thoughts reached this point, this young successor of Cecil clan involuntarily clenched the already dimmed wand in her hand, hoping to gain courage from it.

Her family knight, Byron Kirk’s voice came from behind her,”Madam Viscount, passage has been sealed. Those monsters won’t be able to enter for the time being.”

Rebecca turned around and looked at the loyal knight. The latter’s steel armor had numerous scars and a considerable-sized dent on the breastplate. On his gray-colored short hair, there was an eye-catching burn scar. It was the result of her aunt Heidi using a huge fireball to save him from a monster’s mouth. That was a truly thrilling moment. The fireball had almost exploded on this mid-ranked knight’s skull. If not for the grace of god, this knight, who had devoted twenty years for the clan, would have turned into a corpse.

Of course, Rebecca didn’t dare claim that the true reason was not her aunt’s renowned and far-reputed constitution ‘Magic Never Hitting Anybody’ coming into play.

“You have worked hard, Knight Byron.” Rebecca dropped her eyelids, masking her exhaustion,”We should be able to catch a breath at least.”

She then turned her attention to the few remaining individuals by her side. Three soldiers were holding torches, keeping watch. Aunt Heidi, with a flaming fireball in her hand, was carefully observing the walls of the stone hall. And the silly little maid, Betty, holding onto the frying pan which she had kept in her hands through the entire journey, was peeking her head out from behind the soldiers, curiously observing the surroundings with her big shiny eyes.

Including her and Knight Byron, the seven of them were most likely the last survivors. Those left behind outside had no chance of survival.

After confirming the condition of everybody, Rebecca couldn’t help but turn her attention to the stone hall.

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This was a place from the ancient era. In the rectangular stone hall, cobwebs and thick layers of dust could be seen everywhere. Some rotten articles were piled together in a corner. Despite utterly old-fashioned, one could make out how delicate and luxurious they must have been. On the walls of the hall, there were still intact murals and sculptures. Although the murals were faded and sculptures somewhat eroded, they were still distinct.

Heidi Cecil earnestly observed the murals and sculptures for quite a while. Compared to the current style-without-substance style that originated from the northern countries, the decorations here all focused on simplicity and grit. Emitting the aura of ‘first dynasty’, the murals showed heroic figures and local customs, while the sculptures had engravings of divine talismans as well as legends of gods. As a well-versed Caster, Heidi was excellent at deciphering meaningful information from these pictures.

After seeing the information in the murals and sculptures, Heidi couldn’t help but put her left hand on her bosom and mutter,”Forgive us, Ancestor…”

“Aunt Heidi,” Rebecca arrived beside her holding her wand. This young girl’s face carried a hint of nervousness. She’d finally recognized what kind of place she’d entered. She uneasily spoke,”This is…”

“This is the resting grounds of Cecil family’s Ancestor.” Heidi solemnly spoke,”Be very careful not to do anything disrespectful.”

Rebecca gulped and looked around.”Seems like it’s been a long time since anyone came here….”

“Ever since Marquis Gruman snatched the sacred object from the tomb a hundred years ago and participated in the rebellion that almost brought the whole family to ruins, this place had been sealed off. Every single descendant of the clan knows how to open this place, but due to the clan’s orders, nobody would dare to enter this place without permission unless it’s a life-and-death situation.” Heidi gave Rebecca a deep look,”In the past hundred years, we are the first to step into this place.”

“This is a life-and-death situation, alright,”Rebecca sucked in a deep breath and said,”Ancestor will forgive us, no?”

Heidi stiffly smiled. She was incapable of answering this question. She could follow the instructions in the murals and look for the mechanism to open the door which led to the burial chamber.

She didn’t have to spend much effort in order to find the special stone pillar. She placed her hand on top of the pillar and slowly pushed down.

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The door leading to burial chamber slightly shook, and the flagstone slowly rose up amidst grinding noises.

However, the moment flagstone rose, Rebecca heard a strange sound coming from behind the door. It was the sound of something hitting the ground, immediately followed by a muffled shriek.

“There is someone inside?!” Heidi immediately reacted and growled,”Byron!”

The knight rushed inside holding his longsword without needing any further instruction. The three soldiers followed closely after him. After a momentary loss, Rebecca also rushed in while instructing the silly maid without turning her head back,”Betty! Find somewhere to hide!”

As soon as Rebecca arrived inside, she saw knight Byron slashing and chopping his sword at a petite, nimble figure.

The figure wriggled around knight Byron like a gust of wind. Moreover, every once in a few moments, she would turn into a black mist, merging inside the dark, shadowy regions ever-present inside the chamber. Her shadow-manipulation powers and footwork greatly widened Rebecca’s horizons. Usually, even several rogues wouldn’t last this long against knight Byron. However, under the encirclement of the three soldiers as well as Heidi blocking the entrance with a blazing flame in her hand, the petite figure had nowhere to escape. In the end, she fell on the ground in exhaustion.

Rebecca finally managed to get a clear look at this intruder’s appearance. She seemed like a girl of her age, albeit a bit shorter. She was wearing an old-fashioned leather armor that covered her entire body, except ears, hair, and face. Her appearance was exceptionally beautiful despite the mud stains on her face. However, her most attractive feature was her ears, which were sharp but not as long as that of elves. This was a clear indication of her bloodline; she was a half-elf.

However, there was no way to determine what lineage was her other half. After all, the elven bloodline was exceptionally powerful. Be it humankind or beastmen, both produced almost the same descendants after mixing with elven bloodline.

The moment she touched the ground, knight Byron rushed forth and placed his longsword on her neck. The other soldiers also surrounded her at once, pointing one sword each at her three escape routes.

“Who are you?! You dare intrude in the burial chamber of Cecil Clan’s Ancestor?” Heidi arrived in large strides. Her voice contained a fury that couldn’t be suppressed. As a noble descendant, her ancestor’s grave being robbed was enough to make all her hair stand up in rage. If this matter spread out, the already rock-bottom reputation of Cecil Clan would most likely be completely lost.

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Rebecca also glared at the half-elf with eyes wide opened. Although this matter still had her a bit confused, for an outsider to intrude the forbidden burial chamber of their ancestor was indeed enough to make her furious.

With the longsword pressing on her neck and being glared by Rebecca and Heidi, the half-elf spoke in a trembling voice,”Hold on …hold on for a moment! I haven’t even stolen anything yet!!”

The longsword in Byron’s hand pressed harder against her neck,”You sure have guts!”

As soon as Byron finished speaking, a strange clutter sounded from the black steel coffin lying at the center of the chamber. Everybody, including Rebecca, instantly turned silent.

A moment later, Rebecca was the first one to respond. Creating a fist-sized fireball at the tip of her wand, she pointed it at the half-elf,”What did you to our ancestor?”

The half-blood immediately cried out,”Don’t kill me, yet! Instead of me…. look your ancestor’s grave is shaking!”

Following the little half-elf’s sob, the cluttering coming the coffin increased greatly, even its lid seemed to be moving.

“Ancestor!” Heidi’s face paled. For this woman, who was considered a graceful lady in the noble circles, to lose cool in such a manner was definitely a first.”Please continue your rest! The person who disturbed you shall be punished…”

The half-elf vehemently retorted,”What are you doing talking nonsense at this moment?! Hurry and suppress your ancestor’s lid!”

The three soldiers glanced at each other, and even Knight Byron was rendered utterly speechless. Rebecca finally reacted and sped towards the coffin. The moment she stepped on the coffin’s platform, the coffin’s lid completely opened, and a hand stretched out from within.

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Seeing this scene, Rebecca raised her wand and waved it in a circle,”Ancestor! Continue your rest!”

The hand coming out from the coffin was smashed back, and a painful scream came from within,”Fuck! Who smashed my hand!”

Rebecca blankly raised her head and saw her knight, aunt, as well as the three soldiers all staring at her dumbfounded.

Rebecca then lowered her head and looked her wand. This was her time to cry,”Aunt, have I disrespected the ancestor?”

However, Heidi loudly shouted,”Rebecca! Get off right now!”

Rebecca blankly stared,”Aunt?”

“This might be resurrection!” Heidi’s face turned deathly pale,”Those monsters outside …they’ve corrupted ancestor’s bones!”

This possibility immediately made Rebecca break into a cold sweat. Just as she was about to make a break and hide behind the soldiers, the lid of the coffin was again moved. This time, the person seemed to have used his full power, sending the lid flying!

Following which, a light-brown haired man with a heroic and dignified face wearing clothes of the ancient nobility sat up.

The half-elf, who was half-kneeling on the ground, couldn’t help but sigh at this scene,”See that…..Your ancestor has been completely possessed.”

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