Chapter 3 – Finally…I Can Move

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Upon sitting inside the strange black metallic coffin, Gawen sank into a grave stupefied state. In fact, even his act of sitting up was done unconsciously.

An unprecedented confusion and dizziness assaulted his mind. Buzzing filled his ears, while every part of his body gave all sorts of intense yet indistinguishable sensations. He could see at least four overlapping shadows of everything before his eyes, two of which were black and white. However, even under all this confusion, his ability to think still didn’t completely fail.

Perhaps he should thank the one who smashed the rod on his hand. It gave him a precious clarity of thoughts, since he was almost on the verge of sinking into complete chaos.

But that rod really hurt…

As his thoughts returned on the right track, Gawen finally recalled the events from before. His gaze was abruptly cut off, then there was something about escape protocol, followed by a misconception of an eternal fall, and now, this reality, ability to feel, and being able to move his body.


He’d obtained a body!

After spending thousands upon thousands of years, when he’d almost come to believe that he’d indeed turned into a third-person-perspective gaze, Gawen had finally obtained a body!

The chaos in his mind could be attributed to the various sensations coming from all over his body. After all, he’d spent far too many years with no senses except sight. Even though his consciousness had managed to preserve for some unknown reasons, it was difficult for him to instantly adapt to such stimulating sensations.

However, Gawen could feel himself adapting to his body at a lightning fast speed, once again familiarizing himself with all sorts of sensations that the material world had to offer. As the dizziness in his mind somewhat lessened, the contradicting shadows before his eyes normalized, and he finally greeted his surroundings.

The first thing he saw were four armed burly fellows standing not far away from him. One among them was a grizzly-haired middle-aged man in steel armor which looked quite sturdy. He was holding a gray longsword; the muscles on his shoulders almost leveling with his forehead. As for the rest three, their armor and weapons seemed much more simpler, they seemed like the standard ones.

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A petite girl was half-kneeling under the swords of these four burly fellows. He could not see her face. It was being blocked by her hair from his point of view. However, he could still see her sharp ears peeking out of her hair.

A little farther stood a woman in red-skirt. Her elegant and mature appearance coupled with her curvaceous body made Gawen take an extra glance at her. But he soon took notice of the unconcealable anxiety and fright in her eyes.

However, his attention was soon attracted by the commotion by his side. He turned his head and caught the sight of a flustered sixteen-seventeen year old girl jumping from the platform under his body. The girl was holding a metallic rod which seemed it would hurt a lot if hit…

Associating her position just now, Gawen’s face turned a little strange,”Was it you who just hit me now?”

As soon his voice came out, he was immediately dazed. He realized that the words coming out of his mouth were not Chinese but of a language he’d never heard before. However, for some reason, he felt as if these words were too familiar.

Rebecca had no idea what kind of chaos was erupting in the mind of her ‘ancestor’. This young noble lady, who had just inherited the title of Viscount and immediately ran into such misfortune, was already crying,”Ancestor….I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…”

“I….” Gawen still hadn’t completely realized what was happening. Although he’d been watching the world below for many many years, it was his first time operating in first-person mode in this world. The degree of his shock was a lot worse than any other person present on the scene,”You people are….”

That beauty in the red-skirt seemed the most calm and collected one. When Gawen took the initiative to converse, her face evidently relaxed a lot. At this moment, she walked forth. Although her face still seemed at guard, she calmly spoke,”May I ask if you know who you are?”

“Me?” Gawen was stunned for a moment. He immediately stopped himself before he could blurt out his name, realizing that he ought to have a different identity.

He looked at the trunk he was inside. Although it looked a bit strange, it was a coffin without a doubt. Then he looked at his surroundings. Despite being fairly bigger than his ancestor’s, it was a burial chamber no matter how you looked at it.

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Finally, taking into account the expressions of everybody around him, Gawen finally recognized that he’d crawled out of a grave.

At this moment, if he spoke any name that was inconsistent with the identity of this corpse, he would be instantly purified in the name of an evil spirit. What did the girl next to him just said? Right! Ancestor. In that case, he made a bold guess. He’d entered the body of their ancestor. What this ancestor ate back in the day that allowed his body to not rot after so many years was secondary, first came the problem of him, being a foreign spirit, not only occupying the body of their ancestor’s sleeping body, but even kicking the lid of the coffin open. If it was exposed, the word ‘embarrassed’ wouldn’t be able to cover it.

Thinking to this point, Gawen lowered his head as if deep in thought. However, in reality, he was actually searching for an excuse such as his memory being a bit hazy due to long sleep. However, just as he was racking his brains for ideas, a strong wave of dizziness assaulted him.

He’d just recovered the dizziness of adapting to his new body, and he was immediately assaulted by a second one. It almost made his body tumble back into the coffin. The beauty in the red long skirt immediately tensed upon seeing strange behaviour of Gawen and raised her hand. As she was just about to calmly smash a huge fireball in the face of her ancestor, the deep and low voice coming from Gawen’s mouth interrupted her actions.

“Gawen Cecil, I’m Gawen Cecil, pioneer of Anzu Kingdom…. What era is this?”

Gawen spoke while raising his head. His eyes were calm and deep.

However, inside his mind, huge waves were rising.

The memories of Gawen Cecil frantically poured into his mind. However, they were rapidly being stored away like files in a hard disk. He’d just now gone through them superficially amidst his dizziness, allowing him to know his current identity.

The most surprising thing was that this body’s name was also Gawen.

However, their surnames were distinct. He was now a Cecil.

Was this a coincidence?

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However, at this moment, Gawen had no time to ponder over how beautiful of a coincidence it was. The memory of Gawen Cecil was still pouring into his brain unceasingly. He had to try his hardest to not faint or not to reveal a fierce expression. in this bewildered condition, he indistinctly heard the girl who had struck his hand with her wand replying to him,”This is the seven-thirty-fifth year of Anzu Calendar. Ancestor has slept for over seven hundred years….”

Upon hearing Gawen’s answer, Heidi also let out a huge sigh of relief. As a learned and experienced caster, she had some understanding of the departed spirits coming back to life. These blasphemous creatures had a fatal defect in their souls. At the moment of their awakening, they were almost incapable of speaking and thinking. Even if the stronger ones could rapidly gain the ability to think, they would be completely forgetful of their previous lives.

Finally, they were absolutely incapable of speaking their own name. It didn’t matter if they had regained memory or have been told by others. Once the dead spoke their own name from when they were alive, they would be devoured by soul fire. Even if they didn’t die, the suffering alone was unbearable.

The phenomenon of being devoured by the soul fire could never be concealed.

Thus, although she was greatly relieved, she became even more confused. If it was not resurrection, then what the hell was going on?

The ancestor you were shouting to be dead suddenly rose?

However, regardless of the reason, the first priority was to keep one’s manners. She stepped forward and bowed with nervousness,”Cecil Clan Ancestor, I’m your descendant- Heidi Cecil, and she is also your descendant, Rebecca Cecil. She is young and impulsive, please ignore her previous reckless actions…and forgive our intrusion into your resting ground.”

Eh …This is my great great great…..granddaughter, and the one over there too.

The crazily pouring memories finally stopped. At this moment, Gawen had no time to seriously look through this neatly arranged information in his mind. He’d to first understand his current situation and surroundings as soon as possible. He placed his hand on the coffin, wishing to stand up and spoke,”Don’t worry about it, I myself have no idea how I woke up. Which of you will come give me a hand?”

He suddenly discovered that he seemed to have overestimated his control over his own body. Even after exerting himself fully, he was not able to pull himself up and immediately felt a little awkward.

Rebecca blankly stared at him for a while with her wand raised before retracting her stupefied expression and gladly jumping on the platform. She took Gawen’s arm and said,”I’ll help Ancestor out of the coffin …I’ll help Ancestor out of the coffin….”

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The more Gawen heard, the more awkward it felt.

“Seven hundred years….” He stiffly walked out of the coffin with the girl’s help. Lowering his head, he looked at his clothes. His moved expression made Rebecca puzzled.

“What are these clothes made of?”

“Seem like Moongrain Cloth knitted by elves….”Rebecca replied without confidence.

“Dark science, indeed…”

Ancestor’s words seem so profound….

With Rebecca’s support, Gawen finally walked down the platform and stabilized himself on the ground. He could feel his control over his new body rapidly improving, as if his soul being was being rapidly installed. His consciousness and body seemed to be conforming with each other at an absurd speed.

He released her hand and tried to take a small step forward.

The next moment, he almost had tears streaming down his face. If there was any microphone before him, he felt he could individually thank every person he and every T.V. station he knew.

After so many years, other transmigrators dumped in novels would have already slaughtered gods and destroyed Buddhas, unifying the whole cosmos, while he’d only completed the first challenge of humanity- walking straight…

After accomplishing the feat of walking straight, he finally recalled something he’d overlooked- the four burly fellows were still holding down the little girl.

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