Chapter 4 – Waking Up In A Terrible Mess

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Gawen felt his condition rapidly improving and mind slowly clearing. His control over his new body had improved to the extent that he could perform basic movements without any trouble, allowing him to eventually turn his attention to the still detained girl,”Speak…what’s going on with her?”

The little half-elf had been trying her hardest to fade her existence, hoping that these members of Cecil Clan would be shocked enough to overlook the fact that somebody had been robbing their ancestor’s grave. However, before she could find a chance to escape, Gawen’s gaze landed on her. Thereupon, the little girl had no choice but to shrink her neck and reveal a pitiful face,”I only came to hide….”

“You didn’t have to go into the deepest part of the tomb to hide!” Heidi immediately glared at her, then turned to Gawen,”Ancestor, it was this despicable grave robber who blasphemed your burial chamber and disturbed your rest!”

Gawen stared blankly for a moment, then looked at the half-elf girl with a strange gaze,”In other words, you were the one to wake me?”

If not for the limitations of human body, the little girl’s head would have shrunk into her birth canal. She spoke in a trembling voice,”I really didn’t do anything! From the start, I was only looking for a safe place to hide. But due to old habits, I couldn’t help myself. However, I really didn’t do anything here!”

Gawen thought for a moment, then seriously said,”In short, thank you.”

The little thief,”….Ai?”

Including Rebecca and Heidi, everybody,”…Ha?”

“Ahem …let her go. You four big fellows holding down a small lass doesn’t look good.” After expressing his thanks, Gawen also realized he’d slipped up a bit. Since he couldn’t change his tone now, he could only continue,”It doesn’t fit a knight’s spirit. Yep, knight’s spirit.”

Heidi’s face turned hesitant,”But Ancestor, she is….”

“I’ve thanked her for awakening me from my slumber,”Gawen waved his hand and said,”Let it be. I don’t have anything to say, why are you making a fuss?”

Knight Byron threw a strange glance at this Cecil Clan’s ‘Ancestor’. In the end, it was Heidi who instructed her with her eyes to retract his sword. The three soldiers followed the suit after him.

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The little half-elf looked at all four of them for a moment, confirming that they were not trying to trick her, then slowly and carefully stood up. She seriously looked at Gawen,”Um…You’re an elder; don’t go back on your word!”

Heidi’s eyes jumped. It took all of her self-restraint, which she had been festering throughout her life as a noble, to not just go ahead and beat the crap out of this little thief.

Gawen curiously looked at the little girl. From his recently obtained memories, he could judge that she was a mixed breed elf,”What is your name?”

The little half-elf blinked her eyes,”Amber.”

Gawen stroked his chin,”Amber? You seem like a forest elf…”

At this point, Heidi suddenly spoke, interrupting the conversation between Gawen and the half-elf,”Ancestor, forgive my interruption…But this is not the time to talk. We are not completely safe here!”

Gawen tried hard to fit into his new identity. He gravely looked at Heidi and asked,”What happened outside?”

“It’s the monsters!” Rebecca, who had been standing quietly beside him for a while, shouted,”Monsters poured in from Celine Pass and mines! The troops and guards were no match for those monsters. I’m afraid that the entire clan will be occupied by the monsters by now …”

“We tried to put up a resistance with everything we had; we carried out rescue operations for the public under the lead of Knight Philip and a small group of soldiers. However, before we could lead the second group out, those monsters destroyed the bridge.” Heidi picked on Rebeccas words,”I and Rebecca didn’t disgrace the name of Heidi Clan; these brave soldiers are the same. We battled inside the castle for final fifteen minutes, then the entrance was also breached, and we had to retreat here.”

Thereupon, Gawen asked a few more questions, finally getting the complete picture of the situation.

This was the ancestral land of Cecil Clan, passed down by their first ancestor. Moreover, this high-schooler look alike with the wand in her hand, Rebecca, was actually the current lord of this land. When the monsters attacked, this young lass had indeed tried her hardest to put up a resistance. However, it clearly failed; the monsters broke all defenses and slaughtered all humanity they come across.. After leading the first batch of survivors to safety, she took her last stand in the castle with the last remaining soldiers in accordance with her duty as a lord. Although they managed to hold on for a while, in the end, the castle was also breached, and they had no choice but to take shelter in the tomb of their Ancestor underground.

Then they witnessed resurrection… possession of their ancestor right before their eyes..

And this beautiful woman, Heidi, was actually Rebecca’s aunt.

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However, this hierarchy of seniority in the family had no meaning to Gawen; both were his great great great…granddaughters. Taking off one great didn’t make much of a difference.

As for the half-elf named Amber, she was a grave robber. However, this time, she was truly only looking for a shelter. This little girl’s grave robbing skills were indeed top-notch. She actually managed to penetrate into the deepest layer of Cecil Clan Ancestor’s grave.

“To wake up in such a mess….”Gawen massaged his temples while thinking of how to break out of this trouble, scanning his memories for anything relevant,”In other words, those monsters have completely occupied the land above. Going out will be suicide. You’ve been calling them monsters all this while, but what exactly are they?”

“My guess is that they are some kind of subspecies of demons.” Heidi said,”But it has been a long time since demons appeared in the primary material world, much less to speak of appearing in such immense numbers. I don’t dare to be certain.”

Rebecca clenched her want and looked at Gawen with an expectant gaze,”Ancestor, can’t you settle the problem outside with your strength?”

Gawen blankly stared for a moment,”Me?”

“Right! Weren’t you the strongest knight of not only Anzu Kingdom, but the whole northern continent?” Rebecca’s eyes shone like gems,”It’s said that you killed the great commander of Barbarians, Coorg, with a single swing of your sword.”

Gawen hurriedly flipped through his memories and was greatly shocked. Gawen Cecil was actually a legendary hero!

In the founding era of Anzu Kingdom, he was the most heroic character. He was also known as one of the earliest pioneers of the Second Foundation Era.

In the ancient era, Gondor Empire collapsed, and the remnants of the empire regressed back into uncivilized barbarians. In that dark age, when the light of the human civilization was being gradually snuffed out by the primal demon tide erupting from the heart of the continent, this Gawen Cecil and his fellow brave men led the remnants of humanity and escaped the crumbling empire. They marched in all four directions. The group who marched in the north was precisely the forefathers of Anzu Kingdom, and Gawen Cecil was one of them.

His life was extremely short, but extremely glorious. He started off as a fifteen-year-old youngster- becoming the youngest knight amongst the founders. In those days, he and his fellow knights as well as the first generation Anzu King cut their way through thorns and thistles, establishing a new country in the north of the kingdom and bringing the age of order and civilization back to humanity. Upon the establishment of the kingdom, he became one of the kingdom’s seven generals. He guarded the southern border and resisted more than ten big and small scale dark demon tides, never losing once.

However, the life of such a glorious character was akin to a candle that burned excessively luminous and fast. At the age of merely thirty, this legendary character died of exhaustion in his final battle against the demon tide.

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The memories he’d inherited stopped at this point.

This was the life of a hero.

Gawen felt his forehead pulsating.

He’d obtained a terrible body!

He was not overjoyed, nor did he tremble in fear. After being stunned for a moment, the most he felt was …uncertainty.

Rebecca was looking at him expectantly; Amber was the same. Even Heidi, who seemed the most mature, was looking at him with a gaze filled with hope and trust.

However, their gazes were for Gawen Cecil, not Gawen.

Gawen looked at his own hands. These were the hands of a warrior; thick, sturdy, and calloused. He didn’t know how much power this body would show under his control.

However, he didn’t waver long. This was because his own memory supported him; memories of tens of thousands of years or even a hundred thousand years. Although the information in these memories might not amount to much, it still filled him with confidence.

He admitted that he was a little fazed by the legendary life of Gawen Cecil. However, he didn’t need to waver or be stunned, but firmly believe in himself.

The source was his confidence was very simple…

When the intelligent creatures on this continent were learning to walk, he’d been watching them from above.

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He knew these memories had no practical significance, but they were enough to become the source of his motivation.

Relying on this motivation, he began to think how to survive.

And once he calmed down, means of survival naturally presented themselves.

He soon found out some useful things from the memories of Gawen Cecil.

“Fighting our way out is not feasible,” Gawen stroked his chin and gravely said,”I’ve been sleeping for a long time. I am not sure how much strength I have. Moreover, we can’t determine how powerful are the monsters outside. Therefore, the best option is to go around them and seek shelter.”

Rebecca said,”But the bridge is already down, and the other few roads are also dead ends.”

Gawen waved his hands and stopped this descendant of him, behind whose name he didn’t even know how many great-s to put,”Underground. Cecil Clan once led the Kingdom’s southern defense line. There is a secret tunnel system underground, and its main body has been blessed by earth elemental. Even if a thousand years had passed, it won’t collapse. And its entrance is precisely underneath the castle.”

“There is such a secret?” Rebecca revealed a pleasantly surprised expression,”Then what are we waiting for, let’s go look for the tunnel! Lead us, Ancestor!”

“But there is a problem.” Gawen spread his hands out,”I only know how to proceed from the castle. I have no idea how to leave this tomb.”

Rebecca was stunned,”How can you not the way around here after so much time?”

Gawen: “……”

Bryon Knight and the soldiers: “……”

Heidi’s face paled, feeling that her Ancestor might die from excessive anger in the face of such disappointing descendants.

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