「Chapter 1」

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In the midnight at twelve o’clock, the city is full of lights, people are looking for way to relax on their way after a busy day. 

Different from other types of nightclubs’ atmosphere, the bar here is filled with soothing and sweet music; the atmosphere here is quiet and warm. The handsome and young bartender stands in front of the bar and prepares cocktails in different colors and types according to the requests of the guests.

In the dark corner, there is a little petite figure, she is leaning on the sofa gracefully. She is playing with the glass on her grip. The red liquid inside her glass is shinning, yet she hasn’t even tasted it.

She glances at the man who was laying his head down on the bar and she knows that she has succeeded. 

After all, she is Zhao Dong Han. People around her know her as “schemer” girl.

As long as she wants to do, she will definitely use whatever means and never give up . 

So, this time is not an exception.

Zhao Dong Han sneered at the corner of her mouth, she put her glass down, stood up and walked toward Mu Yi Chen. 

“Excuse me Sir, what happened to you? Are you drunk?”

She spends three days to let people follow Mu Yi Chen, and finally notices that every night he likes to go to this bar alone. As a result, she makes a careful arrangement. 

Just before, she just sat in a place not far from him. She wanted to personally watch him drink the cocktail that she drugged. For precautious, she needs to call him twice.

No one replies. It seems that this man indeed is drunk.

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She examines Mu Yi Chen carefully. She notices his body to be tall, he supposes to be around one hundred eighty five centimeter. He wears a neat and tidy shirt without a trace of wrinkles. His tailored white suit is perfect for him. His white snowy hand is placed on the top of the bar table, on his wrist is a striking golden limited edition watch. 

His face is strikingly perfect, he has a straight nose bridge. His lips are touching each other. He likes a sleeping prince. His whole person is excellent and extraordinary quality. It is difficult to imagine how fascinating it would be when he wakes up. 

This man is really handsome, it’s a pity….

Zhang Dong Han retreated her gaze. Then raised her hand to call two waiters. She instructed them: “Send him to the room.”

“Yes, Miss.”

One on the left and one on the right, they bring Mu Yi Chen inside the room. Both of the waiters place him on the black leather sofa.

Zhao Dong Han followed behind them, then said: “Call the most famous man here.”

Both of them say yes and left the room. After a while, a young man appears on doorway.

This young man looks very handsome, he is wearing a white shirt and jeans. He doesn’t button two top button of his shirt so it shows clearly his white skin and collar bone. He seems to be a high school student.

Zhang Dong Han looks at him and nods. She is satisfied.

When the young man sees Zhao Dong Han, his heart immediately understands. In front of him, it is just what manager said as “Important client”.

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He usually entertains client with forty years old, they are all middle-aged woman.

He immediately shows his charming yet gentleman smile. Then asks politely: “Hi, Miss. My name is A Jie. I hope my service can make you satisfy, and you will enjoy every moment.”

“The one that you need to service is not me, it’s him.”

Zhao Dong Han pointed at the man on the sofa, Mu Yi Chen.

“Take off his clothes and lay down beside him. Do some pose then I will take some pictures of you guys in intimate pose. These are half of your reward, there are still 50,000 more after this is done.”

She says it then takes a pile of money and a silver camera. She places it both on the table.

A Jie casts a glance on the unmoving man, then looks at the innocent girl. He laughs lightly: “Miss, don’t worry. I will do this perfectly.”

He knows. This matter is not hart thing to do.

A Jie has experienced this a lot, if not he couldn’t be here in this place. 

Even if he doesn’t really understand what has happened that makes this woman to do this, he can guess that probably this man has made some mistakes toward this beautiful woman so this woman want to take photos to get revenge.

As long he can get money, why should he refuse?

Zhang Dong Han wants to say something more, but suddenly her phone rings. She takes out her phone and looks at the screen. She says to A Jie: “I give you ten minutes.”

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Then she goes outside to answer the call.

A Jie comes over toward the laying man, he notices his eyebrows are frowned.

It’s really a handsome face!

Even as the same man, A Jie feels that he is bewitched by his handsomeness.

Because he only has ten minutes, A Jie immediately extends his hand to undo the button of the suit.

Outside his expectation, suddenly when he is about to touch the button, his wrist is clutched. Mu Yi Chen, who should be fainted, suddenly opens his eyes.

A Jie feels his wrist to be hurt when he hasn’t responded. He is kicked until he falls down to the ground. Then that man presses him down using his knee and places a small dagger on his neck.

This moment, Mu Yi Chen is not really conscious of what has happened, it is just a reflex movement that he learned from boxing for so manyu years.

He looks around and asked: “Who are you?”

“I, I am the man waiter here. Mister, let’s talk nicely.”

A Jie’s forehead is sweating heavily now, he knows this man is not easily defeated.

“Tell me, why are you here?”

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Mu Yi Chen’s face looks calm. His tone is full of urge.

He remembers that he feels very tired after a full day of work so he drives alone to this bar.

He ordered a cocktail and felt dizzy after two gulps. Immediately he felt there was something fishy, but it was too late to stand up and he just lost his consciousness.

When he awakes, he notices that he is on the sofa. And this man wants to attack him so he uses trick that he learned from boxing.

“I see that you are drunk and laying down here alone. So with pure kindness, I want to come here and see you.”

A Jie blinks his eyes and says the lies out.

“I want to hear the truth!”

Mu Yi Chen doesn’t want to waste any more time, he presses the dagger on his neck and makes it bleeds a little. 

“Don’t kill me! I will tell you! Someone calls me. She said to let me take off your clothes, lays down  beside you, then…. then she will take photos of us to let people misunderstands.”

He tried to use words with hopes that it will be less annoying and offending to this scary man in front of him. 

Hearing this, Mu Yi Chen’s eyes turned cold and the atmosphere surrounded turns cold

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